KMG 365 ... |
I've been a big supporter of a new Public Safety Building. But I'm sensing a disturbing trend.
We can't afford to fix buildings, but then get excited because we can "fix" the Wing by spending "only" $19 million on the high school and shifting some kids around -- we're excited because its better than spending $30-40 million (make up your own number!) for a new building. (If Sturgis Charter can build a second school for $10-$15 million, why would it cost $40 million to replace the Wing? But, that's another story.)
We couldn't afford to keep the Library open on Sundays -- so it was proposed we spend millions (again, make up your own number) to build a SECOND library -- with "video conferencing" and "rooms for pizza parties". For that price, I would propose buying every taxpayer a Kindle, and a $25 Amazon gift certificate, they can support the local economy and have their own pizza parties at Two Brothers!
The School Budget is in continual crisis, yet almost nobody is asking why Sandwich taxpayers are using school budget dollars to subsidize the entertainment of folks from other towns. (Before the clucking starts ... if the Community School is not paying its share of operating costs -- including pool utilities, it IS being subsidized by taxpayers.) And, why haven't Community School financial results been released?
How about that proposed Boardwalk to nowhere? Fortunately that seems to have been referred to the "Committee on Things That Should be Ignored" -- before more money was wasted on a vast array of feasibility studies and pointless public meetings.
Town Hall? We spend millions to reduce the number of employees the building could hold. We also built a (very attractive) auditorium that duplicated the assembly halls we already had in 4 school buildings -- except with no parking and little septic tank capacity. We also now have a local cable feed that makes the Selectmen look like the hamsters at Cape Maid Farms (or maybe that's just the picture on MY own TV?)
The Clark-Haddad Building? We couldn't maintain it, it fell into disrepair, we evacuated employees with the intent of selling the property to somebody who (a) needed it and (b) could afford to maintain it. Several years later, it still sits -- only in worse shape -- while we spend time arguing over historical significance and whether or not public dollars can be used to relocate a "historical" building to a less than historical site (ie. next to the Dump) -- assuming that the laws of gravity and physics would allow such a move.
Now, the $26 million Public Safety Building discussed in January seems to have been joined by a second new fire station. Presuming that two of the existing stations would actually be sold -- really sold to people with real money -- not given away to a non-profit, or turned over to the Recreation Department, or the Tree Warden; the concept might be reasonable. BUT -- BUT -- do we need to recreate the wheel? Can we utilize somebody else's existing station plans? We certainly aren't the first Town to build a fire/police station (we're probably one of the last ones!) We need a building that not only meets our needs for the foreseeable future, but we also need one that we can afford to build -- AND afford to operate.
We don't have a good track record. Unfortunately, our discussions of sustainable spending, prioritizing expenditures, investment in the future and the maintenance of public assets, seem to take place on a giant hamster wheel -- around and around, but never going anywhere.