Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year ?

With hungover sugar plum fairies still dancing in many heads, this is usually prime time to wax philosophical and optimistic about the outlook for the coming year.

From a personal perspective, that's easy.  I have a healthy,  happy (relatively!), family that I love very much -- and who tolerates me.  I still have a job, and we still have a comfortable roof over our heads.  Three of my kids have very good teachers and are doing well in the Sandwich Schools.  The fourth is doing well in college as a direct result of the knowledge and experiences she gained from her teachers in the Sandwich Schools.  (She's studying to be a teacher herself.)

From a municipal perspective, I'm not geting the same warm feeling.  There seem to  be a few major recurring issues bogging us down:

We are facing major municipal financial issues with far too many leaders with minimal or non-exisistent financial/managerial experience.  Running a multi-million dollar municipal budget with hundreds of employees and thousands of "customers" depending on your decisions is NOT like running a Boosters Club Bake Sale!   We need new faces with professional experience to get involved with local government.  It's unfortunate that these are the foks who are usually too busy with "real" jobs.  These folks also probably do a quick mental cost-benefit analysis in their heads and see little advantage in giving up time with family or profession in order to fight with the peanut gallery. 

In addition, far too few people have also been unwilling/unable to speak out against the special interests that have taken over our lives.  The Teachers Union (SEA) is a great example.  The Town employs a tremendous number of experienced, engaging, and highly motivated teachers, but until they take control of their own Union, they will, unfortunately, continue to be tarred with the same brush.  The SEA has done tremendous damage to the District and its own members by not giving its members an opportunity to vote on a wage freeze -- as town unions and many OTHER school department unions did.  As a result,  the School Budget (and school jobs) will be cut next year in order to fund the preservation of municipal jobs.  (How would you like to be one of the school employee who did give up a raise but may be laid off because the SEA didn't?)

The ongoing Community School debacle will also continue to bog us down.   I've said many times  -- and while others may disagree, I have never thought anybody benefitted personally from the practices of the past.  I have never disputed that the Community School operated as allowed by the School Committee.  My argument has always been that the laws have changed since the Community School was formed and it was essential that the School Commitee take responsibility and restructure the program to meet current legal and budgetary standards.  I also do not believe that the Community School is covering all of its own costs.  And, if the Comunity School is not covering its costs -- that means the School District is.   This "quest" has certainly opened up a hornets nest!  I'm amazed at the huge resistance to acknowledge a changing regulatory environment.  Just fix the problem and move on!!

And, of course, there's the Superintendent issue. 

It should be an interesting year ...


Anonymous said...

It won't be an interesting year, it will be the same as last years.........just more expensive.

Anonymous said...

I just read today's paper and watched the SC clip. I invite and encourage all those "people" who have been "calling" to show up tomorrow night and give the SC one reason not to extend the contract of Dr. Johnson. I would also encourage taxpayers to come out and show their support for a Superintendent that is about to put Sandwich on the map. What a crying shame to allow apathy to derail the train.