Thursday, June 30, 2011

OMG did I say anything could be normal (From "Greg")

The below comment was submitted by "Greg" in response to the post about the last ugly school committee meeting.  I don't know who Greg is, but I think his comments are worth their own post.

I painfully took the time to watch the Witches of Eastwick stir their brew during the second half of the School Committee meeting. Normally, OMG did I say anything could be normal with these three? Normally when a professional leaves an organization, its an opportunity to thank them for their service, their achievements and most importantly to wish them well in their future endeavors. Not one of the Witches of Eastwick could offer anything except more cherries to feed Dr Johnson.

Is it possible that the actions of Crossman, Linehan and Kangas will be forgotten over the next 316 days? Come election time, the bill is due on these three. Is it possible that we can pass anti-pit bull legislation to keep Kangas from wanting to kick a good person when she was down? Can anyone, before the next election of the three New Jersey Housewives (Grossman,Linehan,Kangas) find a way to make this video of the June 22nd SC meeting mandatory viewing?

Who can possibly want these vindictive and self centered puppets to make decisions concerning the future of any child? I did happen to notice that each time Crossman spoke during the oration of her motion, Linehan's hand was moving. Puppetry at its finest. Probably the worst hour of history for the town of Sandwich. Ihave only words of hope and praise for Dr Johnson, she did an outstanding job considering her battlefield.

By Greg on A Bad Flashback .... on 6/29/11