At the Jan 11th SC meeting, Chair Sherry Marshall read a statement from Nancy Crossman expressing concern that Dr. Johnson’s budget proposal eliminated 1 of 10 High School, Social Studies positions and added 2 Literacy Teachers.
Marie Kangas then claimed by proposing the foregoing, Dr. Johnson’s actions were illegal because State regulations require Principals make hiring decisions, and because her budget created a new position without School Committee approval.
This lack of logic is incomprehensible!
1) This was a budget presentation, not a hiring dictum
2) The position is NOT new! We currently employ 9 Literacy Teachers. A new position requires creation of a new position description. Obviously, we already have one in use.
You, Madam Chair, agreed with Ms. Kangas, making you appear even more irrational, given Dr. Johnson and SC members Killion & Susko pointed out the foregoing to you!
Ms. Kangas then referenced a future mandate that will require increased student, Social Studies proficiency at some unknown date. She advocated retaining the Social Studies position and adding 1 Literacy Teacher, claiming this would satisfy high school student needs. Simply put, students reading below grade level cannot enhance subject knowledge if they cannot fully comprehend the material.
Can you imagine how ineffective assignment of 1 Literacy Teacher, working with 1,000 high school students, would be? We currently have 1 Literacy Teacher for each 250 grammar school students.
Dr. Johnson stated a fair percentage of high school students read below grade level. She explained a Literacy Teacher’s role is not remedial in nature, but rather to instruct some classes and mentor fellow teachers (about 40 in the HS) to meet regulations requiring all teachers be competent in literacy intervention as well as their academic disciplines.
During the explanation I heard Ms. Kangas mutter to herself, “Not with my vote”. So much for her open mindedness and legal requirement that she consider public comment before budget approval!
Not surprisingly, Ms. Kangas didn’t mention that our Vice Chair’s husband, is a Social Studies teacher.
Dr. Johnson indicated 1 Social Studies teacher is pregnant and won’t be returning. What if she does return? Is Mr. Linehan’s job at risk? Is the union leadership fretting that a 10% Social Studies class size increase (now about 17) will negatively impact teacher workload?
To date, many grammar school students have been the recipient of the most effective Literacy Program in the Commonwealth. I say to parents here and those watching on TV, if we fail to effectively expand the Literacy Program into our High School, your children will be short-changed. They need effective reading and comprehension skills to better succeed, both in college and in life.
On Wednesday, Jan 26th, at 7:00 p.m., the SC will host a legally required, ‘Public Hearing’ on the budget. If you don’t attend and demand your children be afforded the same in-depth opportunity given to grammar school students, no one else will – and your kids will suffer the consequences!
We need to do something to get High School parents to attend the ‘Public Budget Hearing’, scheduled for Jan 26th, at 7 p.m., at the high school.
To my knowledge, this is the first time a School Committee has ever meddled with or tried to direct the School Administration with respect to strictly academic matters.
There is no question in my mind that the Teachers Union leadership is behind this ill-advised move!
After reading the above, please consider the following:
- The three SC members in question, Marshall, Kangas & Crossman (Linehan has recused herself) have absolutely no, direct academic experience. They are not teachers and were never school administrators. Hence, in this respect, they bring NOTHING to the table)
- The Superintendent, School Principals and related curriculum staff have 100 + years of such experience. For heavens sake, this is why we hired / promoted them.
- Kangas & Marshall’s reasoning and justification for trying to keep a Social Studies teacher and reduce assignment of a Literacy Teacher to the High School is illogical, irrational, inefficient, ridiculous, detrimental to and a disservice to high school students and their parents (I can’t find enough words to express how ludicrous and brazen this is).
If any of you have ready contact with high school parents, the high school PTA, or other educationally directed groups, can you please do one or any number of the following:
1. Ask them to watch tomorrow night’s SC meeting
2. Forward my comments to them
3. Ask them to attend the Jan 26th Education Budget Public Hearing
4. Ask them to support the reduction of one (1) Social Studies teacher and assignment of two (2) Literacy Teachers to the high school.
If this ‘Runaway School Committee’ gets away with this, God only knows what will be next! If they succeed, it will truly be a disservice to high school students!