Friday, January 13, 2012

Some things never change ....

Just like monkeys at the zoo, the Emptyprize hates to miss an opportunity to throw some shit at their favorite targets!

This week's issue is a classic --- you would assume the lead story would be the fact that the State Appellate court is considering reinstating the former superintendent's previously dismissed case against the District -- a nasty little piece of business that could cost the Town more than $300,000.

You would be half right -- Dr. Johnson was back on the cover this week -- but because (get ready ...) The School Committee voted to comply with the law and the terms of her prior contract and negotiated a pay-out accrued vacation & incentive pay --- SIX MONTHS AGO !

Somebody apparently also had their knickers in a twist over the fact that she tried to negotiate a better exit deal.  Keep in mind, this is a professional with 35+ years of experience who received a positive evaluation, and then was essentially fired 10 days later for no stated reason.  If you're about to be unemployed and negotiating an exit deal, why would you ask for anything less than you think your contract allows?  The relevant number is what was actually paid out -- not where negotiations began.

It's also ironic that somebody who has been terminated is also eligible to receive performance bonuses -- but we've learned to expect the unexpected.

What's even more ironic is that, despite the knowledge of pending litigation, school counsel apparently approved the settlement without requesting any liability releases -- a basic agreement to pay out the incentives only in exchange for the settlement of all pending legal claims.  I can't imagine that little faux pas being overlooked by a corporate client in the "real world"!

Since the Emptyprize  has taken to reviewing payroll records, maybe they will soon be doing stories on how much was paid out (or may soon be paid out) to other Department Heads.  Nothing specific to Sandwich -- historically, the retirement of a Senior Department Head in any Town, will trigger a substantial pay-out of accrued sick and vacation pay.

Or, if they're really in a mathematical mood, maybe they could look at the operating costs of the Community Pool and compare them against the related revenue.  (Hint -- the net of those two numbers will have a negative sign in front of it!)


K. Bass said...

Among of the best attributes of the best people are these: Fairness, Open Mindedness, Honesty and Empathy.
The staff at the Enterprise, and especially the Editorial staff at that paper is sadly lacking in all of these important personal qualities. Their work evidences this on almost a weekly basis. They themselves actually create a written record of their personal shortcomings.
I know these people. And, because I do know them and can recognize them on the street and at our town fields and local grocery stores, I choose to no longer speak to them. I do not associate myself with them. They are, quite simply, not nice people.
I try not to bring people into my life, or keep folks there, who purposely choose to do things that are: unfair, closed minded, dishonest and just plain mean. Why would I? Why would you?

Anonymous said...

This is bad -- even for those flacks. That "story" is 6 months old -- it just happened to surface the same week the old supt manages to give her antagonists a kick in the shins?

Not bloody likely!

Talk about small town, small-minded, nonsense!

I think the better story would have been to follow up on the school lawyer's omission of a liability release before paying out the bonuses.

Disguisted said...

I have no problem with them checking payroll & accounting records --- but they seem to just be cherry picking the data to support their own grudges.

There's plenty of stories hiding in those files --- the Community School fiasco and contract & grievance related costs to name a few. Let's see an analysis of legal expenses over the past few years.

It's not just the schools - What about that new fireboat -- how are we going to pay for it? Is the FD really spending donation money to restore an old truck? Does the DPW have more trucks than drivers? How many cruisers does the PD operate -- there seems to be a lot of them.

They could use the "power of the press" to do some good --- rather than just fueling their own individual grudges.

What a waste.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would like to set the record straight on the new FIRE BOAT. That will be a gift from the Federal government and home land security. It is free to the town and that is a fact.

Anonymous said...

You are correct -- the boat will be free. BUT a million dollar boat will require extensive funding for maintenance, training, staffing, and security.

Are we going to leave it unattended at the marina -- taking a slip that would otherwise be rented?

What can SFD do that the USCG couldn't do better? How many calls did the current SFD boat go on last year?

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would respond to 8.24

First of this boat has a far different mission then any of the Coast Guard boats.

Instead of guns they will have high pressure hoses, to combat different types of fire on land , but from the water.
The present power plant comes to mind along with the plant in Plymouth. Who knows they might also be fitted with some type of cannons for drug smugglers????

As I understand the present arrangements the training will be covered under this grant as well

Perhaps it also may be used as a rescue boat, That would mean that the rescue boats under the fire department, may no longer be needed and could be sold.

As far as manning it once it is turned over to the town, that is another process, which may take tax dollars, but that would need to be addressed, as it becomes fully known what the full impact with receiving this one million dollar boat will be.

Under most grant situations some money will be set aside for salaries, if that is the case? One would need to find out for how long a period that may be?

Receiving this boat is a great plum for the town of Sandwich and once it is in place, will also provide and aid the town in attracting vistors , just to see this boat in action. That in self is an unknown benefit to our town
from an economic standpoint as well.

I would also agree that it is time for the town of Sandwich, both from the town's and school side provide the citizens, the complete bill we helped to pay in regards to lawyers and law suits in the past severel years of litigation.

It also should be noted how much was paid by insurance and how much was paid by our taxes?
That would be a good job for the leadership of the board of Selectmen to undertake, given they are charged to protect the citizens of Sandwich.

Anonymous said...

The least expensive component of boat ownership is the purchase price. Any boat owner can attest to this commonly known fact. It's a plum alright.

Bob Guerin said...

Hard to believe that the Truth Maker is trying to defend the new fire boat; he’s usually a bit more fiscally aware. Perhaps the Truth maker has been invited to take it fishing for blues? Or, maybe our beloved Truth Maker is on to the boat’s real mission. Here are a few - why waste the boat, low cost/no costs options:
Maybe the Town can run it as a deep sea fishing charter boat in season?
Maybe the Chamber of Commerce could use it as a giant planter outside their headquarters?
Maybe the SEIC could sell it and keep a percentage of the profits for themselves (and their friends)?
Maybe Mr. Wilson could park in on Main Street and convert it into a tax-paying B&B?
Maybe the Community School could run it as a business (but only if the Town was willing to pay for gas, maintenance, storage, operational costs etc. etc?)
Maybe Bud Dunham could somehow attach it to Town Hall and get even more CPA funds expended on Town Hall related projects?
Maybe we could park it in the 8th grade? That way by next year it will have graduated and gone somewhere outside of Sandwich.

Anonymous said...

I suspect the economic benefit from folks coming to see the new Sandwich Fireboat would be about the same as the benefit from last year's multi-million Boardwalk to Nowhere.

Although, if you really think the the boat "might also be fitted with some type of cannons for drug smugglers" -- it might be worth the price of admission to see the Sandwich FD opening fire on "drug smugglers" !!

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would say to Mr. Bob Until we know all of the facts in the town getting this free fire boat, No one can estimate the cost of operations or for that matter maintaining it.

The cannons, I was speaking about in jest was water cannons.

Why look a gift horse in the mouth if the gift of this boat will allow us to sell the two we now have in storage? That is if they do get sold?

The present fire department does not have the ability to fight any fires from the shore, such as in, a onboard fire, or a burning pier, or a oil Tank fire, or a possiable meltdown in Plymouth.

I am not saying that all of the above are what the intendent uses are , but it does provide a more comprehensive fire prevention system then what we have in place.

I do like the idea of doing a little trolling , but I get sea sick on small boats. so that would not work out to good.

Anonymous said...

Bob, I am quite sure it is knickers that get in a twist, not knockers, though that would be quite a site!

Bob Simmons said...

Excellent point. Correction made!

Greg said...

I am a little slow on the uptake. Just finished watching this past SC meeting on SACAT. Is it me, or did Pollyanna (J.Linehands) attempt to identify a failure on the part of MEJ to have Matt Bridges appointment approved by a vote of the school committee? She was turning inside out trying to get the chair to say that. Must be looking to build an evidence folder of all the things MEJ did to her that caused her stress. I mean...she is always wringing her hands isn't she? Could be the pending answer from the court...could be!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not sure about "perfect" but he seems to spell pretty well, and he knows how to undo the "caps lock" button!!

I think he raises a good point. It looked like Hands was trying to pile some more garbage on Johnson's grave.

Honey, she's gone ... let it go!

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would state to Greg, when ever some one does not like what is stated they bring out the wHY DO YOU NOT RUN FOR OFFICE. Very typical responces and only superficial in nature.

Now if any one has been following the present budget out line being presented at the last school committee meeting you will notice the savings, he is attempting to build into his budget comes from the elimination of two FTE"s from each school. Basically that would compromise the model program we spent a great deal of time last year putting in place to enhance the skill levels of those children with special needs. All of the dollars that were saved by DR Johnson in the area of consoladating programs and improving accountability will all be lost in the areas of special needs if the new super needs to find some money source to balance his budget. What has happened to defining where the budget cuts will come from and why is it, at this time in the area of LITERACY?? The model program has shown it works and is still needed here in Sandwich.

I hope we are not going back to the old ways of getting more special needs money for our school district, by placing marginal children in special needs programs that do not need to be placed, just so we can obtain more funding from the State