Saturday, November 03, 2012

Not that my Opinion matters ...

I am under no illusion that my endorsement is worth more than a "warm pitcher of spit". In fact, because of my very strong (and unapologetic) views on certain issues, some (including members of my immediate family!) may occasionally prefer I sit quietly.  But, hey, I'm not sensitive!

There was an amusing Letter to the Editor in the CCT recently endorsing the Town's former Tree Warden to be our next State Representative.  The writer said we needed an "energetic" representative who wasn't "out of touch" with his constituents.

Right criteria  -- but he tried to apply them to the wrong candidate!  

"Out of touch" certainly describes most of the denizens of Beacon Hill -- including the Governor, his friend in Washington, and the law professor/Indian princess from Cambridge/Oklahoma!

But it doesn't apply to  Randy Hunt.

Even if I haven't agreed with Randy on every issue over the years, I have never questioned that his actions were sincere and well-researched.  Even overlooking his record of constituent service -- every email or phone call responded to quickly and personally -- dealing with a wide variety of individuals and small business owners is the lifeblood of his public accounting practice.  You can't be more "in touch" with people than when you sit down with them at the end of the year to review what they worked hard to earn, and what  the government will be taking away from them -- in many cases to give to those who didn't work very hard.

Randy is certainly accessible and he definitely communicates regularly with his constituents.  I heard he even writes a blog to share his opinions and observations --- actually, I heard he writes "the nice blog".  (Who writes the other one?)

And, as far as "energetic", obviously that letter writer never saw the campaign-o-cycle!

Please vote Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

The former tree warden has a long long history of advocacy. He advocates spending your and my tax dollars to save old town hall, he bought sandwich hollows (we’re still paying for that one!),he advocated to save Dewey Ave (that eyesore is his mess) and on and on. In fact, I don’t think anyone in town has a longer record of finding ways to spend your and my tax money than the former tree warden. There isn’t a tax he isn’t for and there isn’t a government spending project he opposes. Not only would I not send the tree warden to Beacon Hill, I make it a point to vote against any thing he supports at Town Meeting just because. Howie Carr calls his type “Moon Bat.”

Joe Domingue said...

As Geroge Will wrote this week: Democrats believe compassion should temper the severities of meritocracy. How else could this even be a race?