Thursday, February 07, 2013

The Return of Yogi ....

I frequently wonder if some School Committee members are hearing a different meeting in their heads than I am watching on TV.  Last night,  the Superintendent acknowledged that the Town and School District have been subsidizing Community School operations and announced some proposed policy changes necessary to salvage at least some of the Community School:

  • District will be responsible for all facilities costs
  • District will collect rent for all non-school use of facilities
  • ALL programs must cover ALL their own costs
  • EVERY group must pay a fair share
  • All Groups will pay rent -- not make voluntary contributions
  • Space will be rented out to an independent driving school by the District
  • Students will have use of the Pool during the day
  • Community School MUST pay all of it administrative costs -- including employee benefits
These ideas sounded familiar, because they were exactly the same ones proposed several years ago -- but were subsequently gutted by committee members supported by those who would had been enjoying the fee-free ride and would be impacted by the new policies.  Not only did they manage to reverse most of the policies, but they drove off or fired those that supported the reforms.

Not surprisingly, several years later, the Community School is now teetering on the brink of extinction, the School Committee is being forced to fund unpaid outstanding Community School expenses,  and the Town is likely on the verge of paying a substantial financial settlement to someone whose biggest crime was following instructions from a School Committee majority who wanted to see some fiscal responsibility at the Community School.

And, the policies are back.

The Superintendent also pointed out that the School Department was legally liable for the debts of the Community School and that in addition to the subsidies already paid to date (no amount stated publicly) , there was an additional $34,000 still owed for Community School expenses -- which he recommended funding from School Choice revenue.

So .... how did the Committee respond to the discussion?  MOST seemed to comprehend and rationally discuss the issue.

Not surprisingly, Kangas & Crossman, the two members elected to torpedo the original effort at Community School reform, took a left hand turn off Logic Lane and showed they had absolutely no grasp of the financial concepts under discussion.  Crossman thought that re-appointing the old Executive Council could be a good idea.  That's a great idea EXCEPT that the old Council (which she chaired) routinely:
  • Approved running programs that cost more than they generated (according to an outside audit, they lost $180,000 the year before the School Committee disbanded them.)
  • Charged customers in the Early Childhood and Drivers Ed higher fees to subsidize Pool program
  • Did not pay for the cost of pool utilities, or make the pool available to students during the day
  • Allowed strangers to wander the halls & share locker rooms with kids during the day
  • Approved vendor payments without legal authorization or School Committee review
  • Approved multi-year leases without legal authorization or School Committee review
  • Approved vendor purchases without following State procurement regulations
  • Had three highly paid administrators and support staff in the Community School Office
  • Allowed internal accounting that did not follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
  • Did NOT provide financials to the School Committee on a regular basis.
  • Never had audited financial statements
  • Click here for more details & the "post-takeover" audit ordered by the School Committee
(BUT, in their defense, the Council was ALLOWED to do these things because many elected School Committees  chose not to - despite being legally obligated to do so.)

So, now what?

I think the Community School has a lot of great programs, and that the Pool is certainly an asset to the Community.  But, if these are to continue to benefit the public, it is absolutely essential that they be managed in an honest, professional, financially prudent manner.  These programs all need to be either self-supporting, or funded through a publicly-discussed, Town Meeting-approved budget, in the same manner as any other Town recreation program.

I think Lance Kennedy is a good man for this job.  I also think its imperative that Dr. Canfield be allowed to shed his duties as head lifeguard and return to running the School system.  Both he and the District are facing far too many educational/financial challenges to be wasting his time and talents on this nonsense.

Hopefully, he will receive the public support he needs.  And, hopefully, the public will also support two new candidates for School Committee this year with the right blend of financial ability, educational experience, backbone, and common sense  necessary to guide the District through the next few years.


The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker, very interesting diolog indeed.

The zoo keepers over the pool still do not understand the damage they have caused and they will never admit they made the error in
in getting us in the state of further financial woes by what they did to the past Superindendent.

I wish that process gets to some final resolve before we have our nect elections.
We as a town, cannot afford another three years of this nonsense.

Jack Nicas said...

The Community School pool crisis is a lot like the Post Office mess.
Both groups have a government granted monopoly on their primary business and neither has figured out that you have to price your product high enough to cover your costs!
Both are going out of business at about the same speed.
Both would be dead (and better off) already except that political pressures have weak willed leaders using tax dollars to prop up these failing behemoths.
If the Community School had a buggy whip business I am sure somebody somewhere would be arguing to save that too and arguing that it’s a valuable community asset employing somebody’s cousin, wife, brother, etc..