Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Random Thoughts ...

Number One with a Bullet ... Bullet Voting 101

In a situation with three people running for two seats, casting only a single ballot for the best candidate increases the possibility of blocking at least one of the other two candidates.   I believe we can all think of a really good use for that practice in this week's election!

Has anybody else noticed that:

Outgoing Selectmen get glass bowls, while outgoing School Committee  members  get subpoenas?

The people who talk most at Town Meeting usually understand the least.

The proper answer to the question, "Do the Police and Fire Chiefs have private baths?" is not, "The Building has the minimum number of required bathroom facilities."

And ...

The School Committee is scheduled to vote on the Superintendent's contract tonight -- the night before the elections.  That's not a bad thing .....  It makes sense that the folks who worked with him do his evaluation and contract before one of them (hopefully) goes away.  But I do vaguely recall an uproar last time that happened.  Anybody want to read the transcript of my 8 hour deposition?


Anonymous said...

Why did Ms Carlyle speak for the lunch ladies? They have their own Union and Rep. She has never represented them before so why now. I had to mute the TV. I couldn't take her ranting anymore. Also Mr Cosgrove and his constant sour grapes that started long before a change in job description should knock it off. If he was my employee he would not have a job next year. You cant be an effective educator/employee with a constant attitude problem.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would give a thumbs up on the bullet vote, given the many reasons that have provided me with a better understanding of doing so. Vote for Sean only if that is your wish to put in place a fresh , open minded , no strings attached person that is not beholding to any of the long time sticky wicker, union associations.

Anonymous said...

OMG, are you kidding me? The SC including those who who sent the town into a tail spin 3 years ago are sanctioning voting for the superintendents contract tonight, the night of the election. That is almost too much to bear but completely consistent with Sandwich. The taxpayers have been nothing but jerked around for so so many years. Wish the Johnson lawsuit that could be resolved so we can see the price tag to the town. Good observations Bob!

Anonymous said...

Ms. Carlyle IS the Union Rep for the cafeteria ladies. Mr. Cosgrove has every right to question a change in his job description. Wouldn't you? And last you are correct in you cannot be an effective educator/employee with a attitude problem. The issue is not with Mr. Cosgrove,nor the lunch ladies but with administrators with hidden agendas that lie to their employees and the taxpayers of Sandwich. No wonder students and families are opting out of our schools. Please join the next meeting so you can learn all the facts!

Anonymous said...

To those that know the high school better, is Marty Cosgrove as big of a bully as he portrays himself?

real world said...

I'm sure that the fact that Marty is Laura's union bag man has nothing to do with this. Why is an "Administrator" even in the Teacher's Union?

Last night was disgraceful. Why would anybody hire that nasty little man? Why do teachers keep electing that shrew to represent their interests? I wouldn't let her near my kids.

These people need to see the real world where you remain employed by accomplishing something -- not by just paying union dues.

tired of paying for others said...

and, to be clear -- the lunch lady is wrong. The lunch program DOES cost the Town money, The Town pays the insurance and benefits for cafeteria employees. The medical insurance some of them get is worth more than their salaries!

Nice people -- but why should I work two jobs to pay taxes that are used to over-pay for work that could be done cheaper.

If the schools can do it cheaper they are obligated to do it --- why should we run a second welfare system to subsidize overpaid employees ?

Anonymous said...

I agree that all of it, school and town has to be more efficient. We have to look at everything. It is not easy, but the tax payer deserves it. In a town where taxes go up and up, tax base is shrinking and services are under par, we have to look at efficiencies. It can't just be about balancing the budget. The status quo is killing us financially as tax-payers and the town is not improving!

Anonymous said...

The TOWN OF SANDWICH sets the requirements for insurance not the school or the cafeteria. If this is your gripe than why not take that benefit away from EVERY TOWN employee who works the minimum required hours for insurance. Perhaps this is our answer! We need new TOWN management to really see effect.
The school has yet to prove they can hire a company and have it be cheaper. They are paying the company $55,000 just to be in the schools.

Anonymous said...

You're missing the point. The lunch lady says the program hasn't cost the town anything. She's wrong.the town has been paying insurance and benefits it won't have to pay with a private contractor. That will be a real savings to taxpayers of around$140k. Yeah it sucks if you're getting cut === but that's what happens in real life.

Anonymous said...

No YOUR wrong, missing the point and misinformed. It will cost the town still. They will have to still pay health insurance for those that are going to retire, they will have to pay unemployment costs for those that are not getting/taking a position and if the company can't produce it will cost the school/taxpayer because the district is responsible. No savings there, sorry you didn't get your facts again.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would say that any time you have a change in how you do business that a cost goes along with it. This would not be any different, but when the process is all completed to a new model of feeding the students the cost to the town will be significantly lower. At what point does that balance out the ledger, all depends upon how good the new program is and if it brings back students buying a lunch that is more in tune to what should be offered to the students.

Should the new lunch program be a success, then the district should see an improvment in cash flow that does not take away from educational dollars to operate.

Sideline Guy said...

It doesn’t seem to matter whether it’s a School Committee meeting or a Board of Selectmen or Town meeting, each and every meeting, board member behaviors brings just a single word to mind: Hubris
Defined as excessive pride or arrogance; excessive ambition: the excessive pride and ambition that usually leads to the downfall of a hero in classical tragedy
Synonyms: strutting, self-important, self-satisfied, smug, arrogant, conceited, hubristic