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In an effort to maintain complete hysterical accuracy, The Sandwich Historic District Committee has demanded that a local property owner design the new mixed-use commercial building proposed for the Marina area to look exactly like the derelict, falling down freezer plant that was formerly on that site. There is no word yet if that will also require the return of the rats, asbestos, and leaking ammonia.
The Committee also voted to approve the demolition of an old barn which had already been demolished at the direction of the Building Inspector -- on the condition that the replacement structure look similar to the original -- presumably before it was declared unsafe and destroyed. After reading this, my inner 10 year-old said, "Or, what -- Are you going to make me put it back together?"
In a related story, The Committee also announced the formation of a Task Force to study why people do not want to do business in Sandwich. They also formed a second Task Force to study potential uses for the land surrounding the Marina. It is expected that residents will actually be able to purchase a cup of coffee in the Marina area sometime in late 2016, assuming all environmental impact studies have been completed, and all stakeholders (both real and imagined) have had an opportunity to hear themselves talk.
Hmmmm. I can hear the design engineers trampling over each other as they develop a great plan for the new "old" freezer building! OMG if these are the same guys who evaluated the Wing School or the geniuses who came up the Public Safety disaster..hell, we should end up with a brand new, old looking, Post and Beam special with 100 percent wood materials, windows all hand made with glass inserts from the Sandwich Glass Museum! My lord it will be a beautiful sight for our sore eyes....or is it our sore wallets? This is truly a great way to bring business to Sandwich. That is, if you are in the business of relieving taxpayers of their dollars. Just sayin...
The selectman also are questioning too many signs for Flea Mkts, etc on public land. How about town, state, federal elections when they are there for weeks, one falling on the other like dominoes, and some candidates running unopposed, but putting their egos out there anyway? Oh, that's different, I get it..he who has the most signs wins!yi
The only flee markets are the ones they approved to have use of the taxpayers property. Once again the bleight of the Flee market signs are allowed to stand around town all week now.
That is ok if the town was actually being paid for the value of the land that is being used by a private person at the expense of the town, but in this persons eyes that is not the case.
We also will get to pay for another study to once again determine if the sick old building that once housed the School Superintendant is worth saving.
How many studies does it take to determine the fate of a building that is falling down and not contributing to the tax base of our town,?
How is it that when some find a need to do a study that has allready been done[more then once]money is found, yet saving a beach that is protecting our town is only a secondary vision?
How about paying someone for another study to get some economic resources here in town , that was just approved. What has happened to the sandwich economic inititive corporation?
One member was touting a new business plan when he was running for selectmen that would be arriving shortly[over a year and half ago]Resigns from the SEIC and now he is working for the company?
Bob – once again you have highlighted just some of the nonsense that makes Sandwich so “special.”
The Town’s boards and committees are so unfriendly to business and development it’s a wonder anyone still tries to build or develop here.
Does anyone really wonder why Mashpee, Bourne, Plymouth, Barnstable and anywhere else is always building, growing and changing while we stagnate?
Somebody tries to build something new next door to a hazardous waste clean-up site (the power plant) and they get more direction, objection and grief than any reasonable person could possibly imagine.
The new permitting slogan in Town: Sandwich Working Hard to Make Sure Nothing Works
Brother Bob for many years as the old freezer plant was falling apart at the seams , nothing was ever heard from the Historical Society, about the decaying structure.
Nothing was heard from by the building inspector at the time, nor the health department, nor the board of Selectmen.
It took severel storms to decide the final outcome of what happened to this old land mark of a building. Unlike the old broken down biulding that the historical folks have asked money be given too determine how to save it, no such support was ever considered to save this building, which, where I am looking, had more historical signifigance to the water front of Sandwich.
That is to say it was the only building where fish was procesed and was allowed to be used long after it should have been condemmed for environmental reasons along with serious health and building code violations.
Let the owners place a building of value upon its land and just make sure it is not another rat trap and every one will be happy.
Flea market signs are this week's priority? Oy. Buildings in disrepair, roads are a mess, lawsuits unsettled. Last week a child fell into a storm drain at camp at Oak Crest Cove. But let's make sure the flea market issue is squared right up. God help us.
Do you think the work on the new side walks will be completed by the time school starts?
Do you think that those in power will ever decide to actually do a work plan on how to resolve the beach sand restoration, before we have another small fortune being spent on another study.
How does one restore the publics trust in replacing the police and fire stations on route 6a when now it is being touted that they could rebuild the Police station to house the additional fire fighters they plan to hire under a two year grant?
How can one state on one hand that both buildings need to be replaced and then propose fixing one up for another department? Where is the trust in this issue?
I was told that the Main Fire departemnt has been refurbished since the building of the new station was shot down
We as a town will continue to face the challenges of some selectmen who say one thing by one action and then claim it cost to much money in another action. One would think that by now that there actions would be for unity of the town, rather then divide and rule. Then again this is not the rebuilding of the town hall retoric, where it was stated to cost only one amount, when it was known to cost actually more, but the spin got the job acomplished.
Dirty politics as its best and worst.
OK so I think I finally figured the behind the scenes deals that go on in town. Hell, it only took me thirty years. I noticed today that us poor folk who live in what some call south sandwich...we get a sidewalk. Yup. Where grass was green and trees were a plenty..we have a small 5 foot wide swath of sidewalk. The two runners I see each morning at 5AM surely will appreciate no more dodge car. A game runners in this town have to play if they want to stay alive. I digress. Back to my theory of 'the deal'. Today, I drive through the money part of town, Great Hill Road and cut across Farmersville and take the cross street to Mashpee via Boardley to Harlow and wham...it was so obvious. How do you get what you want built in Sandwich? Go where the money is. The cheapest form of flattery from the town to the 'Upper Class' sections of town that these roads serve..hell...lets pave those roads. Great Hill? Harlow? Boardley? Hmmm. I wonder if Mr Orr has cut through Canterbury or Lakewood Hills lately. Methinks not because his BMW or is it a Lexus? just might bottom out in the potholes. Canterbury's streets have not seen pavement applied since the great tar lathering of the 1970's. Let me see, those homes in Canterbury are only evaluated by the Appraiser in the .8 category. Nope, not much tiddly-e-winks in tax money comes from the poor folk. So lets give the services to those folks who live around the golf courses and come in around a 2.0 on the tax appraisal scale. At some point, someone has to drag Mr Pierce into those areas that just don't get a basic service like road paving. I have been here long enough now to see the pattern and I won't buy the argument that these streets see horrendous amounts of traffic. Nope, I only see what amounts to bribery. Give them the better roads and they just might be the swing votes needed to pull off the Taj Mahal of Public Safety. Hey, maybe I am just cynical. Forgive me, afterall, I live in the 'po' part of town that hasn't seen much pavement beyond a five foot strip along QMH Road that will not save my shock absorbers or front end. Just thinkin....
It’s always the same. Close Dewey Ave to save money and then the town decides to use it for something else; close Wing to save money and somebody says lets use it for something else; close the police or fire station and then somebody says use it for something else. Nothing every changes! Spend, spend, spend. Pierce is the absolute worst of the crazy spenders – build buildings; add staff - whatever - there isn’t a spending proposal Pierce wont support. Thank God us taxpayers just keep saying NO.
Brother Greg one needs to understand that the only Sandwich is where the town hall is located.
Look around the whole town and tell me how many times does the grass get cut outside of the down town area? Some weeks this area gets cut more then twice a week. Undo influence as to how the public works department is used, me thinks.
On any given day you can see public works personel concentrated on sprucing up the same places, why I ask?
Sandwich has been a divided town for many years , between the have s and have nots.
Look at the beach issues at present for example. Some folks who have a home near the beaches are telling other citizens that they have no right to walk on the public beach infront of there property, since they just restored it after the storm with sand. This is similar to the folks from the canvas back homeowners association telling the public they do not have the right to use a public resource, The selectmen at the time let them get away with it as did the director of the natural resource department. Lets hope that they do the right thing for the have nots this time and set the record straight on who has the legal right to use the beaches, it is every one.
Sorry for the rant, but as I continue down memory lane , nothing ever seems to change among the present disfunctional leader ship on how we as a town are not one unit and it is time we are.
Amen Carl, I see exactly what you have described downtown. Each day I push the bus through the center and I wonder why I pay so much to a landscaper when perhaps I could get the DPW to spruce my poor little acre up a little. I think the common folk lost access to the ocean and the ponds without many of us realizing it. How do you 'walk to the ocean' anymore with your grandson in tow, bucket of sea worms and of course the fishing rods? Those same folks who deny us our walking access love to enforce their private domains. Like you Carl, I cannot stand the arrogance of some old townies, some of who ran the damn DPW! I am done listening to their words at town meeting chastising the rest of us for not doing the right thing, supporting the 'feel good' projects that restore that down town area of old. I say this with tongue in cheek as my wife's family carried an old town name that just saw the family homestead sold on Route 130! Perhaps her family was smart way back when they moved to Poughkeepsie NY. It doesn't help us a bit to have a cemetery and a house with the family name...it still doesn't get a road paved around here! You have earned the right to rant Carl. As we age, we become less flexible with those who are always telling us what is best...for us!
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