Saturday, May 17, 2014

The School Department announced that buses will be delayed along the Service Road this morning  ...


Greg the original said...

Gee. I wonder if a For Sale sign will show up in front of the Crossman house now that Armageddon is truly upon them? This reminds me of an infamous town selectman who claimed that Pave Paws was life threatening yet lived within its reach for years. They both give NIMBY a new meaning. Lets see how long it takes for them to live up to their convictions.

Anonymous said...

Their only "convictions" were to prevent the removal of trees that blocked the view and sounds of Route 6!! I don't blame them for that --- but its silly to try to claim safety issues and then recommend relocating the line to somebody else's neighborhood.

That's hypocritical at best. But it seems pretty typical of some other actions we have witnessed with this gang: "Give my mine and screw you!"

The Truth Maker said...

Greg with out a doubt the whole drama surrounding this gas line is nothing more then they did not want to be inconvenient by its installation.

The cry about only one way in and out was with out question a simple solution and that was to place a one way exit behind the area, that they did not want to even explore and that goes even for the selectmen who did nothing but placate this whole group from the onset.

It was not about safety, just put it in some where else , like under the high tension lines. Talk about being concerned about safety, lets place it right under the main source of electricity for the whole of Cape Cod and along a route where more people would be in danger then what is presently being proposed for the service road.

it was and always will be about them and screw the rest of you.

I can not wait for this process to start and then we will see how many move of make attempts to make sure a back exit can be put place just in case such an event does occur.

The ball is in there court, lets see where thay bounce it now.

Anonymous said...

Finally settled – the risk of gas lines running near existing gas lines!
Statistically, far more dangerous to ride the escalator at Logan airport (or any escalator) than to fly.
Why do so many choose to worry about all the wrong risks?
Research. Facts. Data. Statistics. Darryl might do well to try some.

Dorothy from Oz said...

I think its even more amusing to read what the State Rep thinks that residents "won".

They won nothing!

They are getting exactly what they would have gotten if they had stayed home and talked to their cats!

Remote shut-offs, pipe inspections, disaster drills? Please -- that would have happened anyway. But that's OK -- I can play pretend too!