Or, raising a puppy ...

Usually I write my entry before the comments start. This time I put the picture up first and am adding my $.02 AFTER the comments have started.
If Dr. J walked across the top of the Community School Pool, Brennan's headline would be "Johnson Can't Swim ... and she doesn't have a pool membership!"
A commenter below was concerned that the above graphic was "degrading" to the Cape Cod Times!
I would offer that today's editorial was degrading to the CCT, its readers, Sandwich taxpayers, Dr. Johnson, and members of the past School Committee. My concern for the "feelings" of the Cape Cod Times ? Not so much. I am sure the anonymous poster's concern was related to the name is on the top of his paycheck.
Today's editorial was a piece of garbage -- as was the one on Election Day. The Supt's contract wasn't rushed through. One of the terms of the original contract was that it had to be renewed by June 30 of THIS year to be in effect at June 30 of NEXT year.
Do you really think somebody whose only School Committee experience is MAYBE watching local cable or MAYBE reading the local paper would have a better perspective than the members of the sitting committee who had been working with the Superintendent for two years?
So, have you been impressed with the new members abilities and experience so far?
I don't know what the CCT's problem is with Dr. Johnson, or even the town of Sandwich (July 5 news coverage -- "Non-Endangered Bird Leaves Nest for Evening due to activity on a private beach on other side of canal after Sandwich BOS refuse to close beach and make everybody sit quietly." What pea-brained reporter watched the bird all night? Did it have a curfew? What editor thought a bird out past curfew was newsworthy? Were any Barnstable birds out late that night?). It's become so blatant, I don't even care why anymore.
The SEA leadership has gone to much effort to brag about their ability to generate negative press on demand. Has the legacy of Woodward and Bernstein evolved into "Woodward and Patsy"?
You obviously disagree with the times which is fine but why the degrading way that you put it. Thats the trouble with these blogs disagreements are welcomed but posting comments with so much animosity is counter productive to solving the prolbems
Hilarious picture of the fish wrapped up in Cape Cod times newspaper! LOL Gotta keep some humor going watching our school board imploding and that sadly trickles down to our school children.....The board of four are the worse we have seen in 25 years. Power and micromanaging along with their blatant personal agendas i.e SEA Union and protecting the scared cow C.S.
Town's financial health will only deteriorate further if this board is not recalled.
George Brennan, reporter Cape Cod Times and Dave Fonseca, Mary Stanley, Enterprise have degraded and helped destroy our schools and Dr. Johnson's career. Town of Sandwich, Chairman Shari Marshall and Board members, Cape Cod Times and Enterprise, Witch hunt as it's best. Think our shortfall of 2 plus million is high, wait for the damages on this lawsuit. How much is the town's insurance coverage anyways? Is anyone leading the recall for Marshall and Linehan?
Anon 4:30 - 5:00,
I got your series of posts but didn't publish because they were repetitious and tough to understand.
Here's a response that covers most of your comments (I have no idea why you can't print!) -- I have no problem criticizing people who I don't think are doing a good job. ESPECIALLY if I used to do that job.
I also agree with the earlier poster who said this was the worst Board he/she had seen in years -- regardless of who has been there how long, they are unable to work together. The newest members have absolutely no relevant experience (that they have ever mentioned publically).
But, I also acknowledge that they were elected fair and square (no hanging chads). The union campaigned heavily to elect people who would support their contract and get rid of the person trying to hold them accountable -- and they won.
But .... the idea that this was any sort of "mandate" from the public is laughable.
The vast majority of voters apparently didn't have enough major concerns to bother to show up and vote for change. I hope they don't make the same mistake next year.
Couldn't agree with you more about the ridiculous notion that the May election of two new members to the SC was mandate (as quoted in today's outlandish editorial)"a mandate that people in town want a change in the schools." Jess Linehan. With 7% of the registered voters in on that vote, you are right to point to the absurdity of that remark. Thought your comments about the Cape Cod Times editorial were right on. As I said in a post elsewhere on this blog about that editorial earlier today, it must be nice to play God. The editorial was an amazing display of the connect the dots political agenda of the Times though surpirzing in its hypocracy, when you think how often we hear the Times declare their principals.
I like to think that I am an informed voter. I watched the Candidates forum and I knew several of the candidates that ran for School Committee in May. I did vote for one of the successful candidates and one who was not successful. My votes were not a mandate to keep or remove Dr. Johnson, they were based on who I thought would do the best job on the board. I was never contacted by the union or had anyone sugggest that I vote for both Kangas and Crossman. I am frustrated by everything that is going on right now. None of this is helping to ensure that my kids continue to get a quality education in Sandwich. I am very worried about the future of the schools and nothing that happened at Wednesday's school committee meeting has given me any confidence in our School Committee.
The Truth Maker would like to know if Editor Mills who resides in our fair town actually believes what he wrote?
How could he place any responsability on Dr Johnsen and state that she does not care about the children of our district?
Where is the fair and balanced reporting that one would expect from a Editor of a local paper, let alone a taxpayer in Sandwich.
The news is what you make it, but where is the truth?
Citing the reasons such as he did, does not bode well for unbiased reporting, especially inlight of the fact that he did not have his facts correct when he wrote the editorial.
How did Dr Johnson become the bandit when it comes to the matter of caring for the children ?
Bobby help me find the answers
Anon. 11:09 puts it so well. Nothing that the SC has done in three months makes me, a parent with children in the district feel like my children's education isn't at risk. I voted for the people I thought would do the best job on the board as well not for who I thought would get rid of our hard working, inovative Superintendant.
I am also sickened by the Cape Cod Times editorial. It is truly moronic in my humble opinion, tabloid journalism and sadly the only paper we've got on a daily basis.
Judging from the other pro-union, tar and feather Johnson stories in the Cape Cod Times in the past year, I would say a Johnson enemy has their ear. I wish the times editorial board would sit down with a cross section of parents, taxpayers, and teachers who try to stay on higher ground for many reasons where this issue is concerned.
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