Far be it from me to question the high quality reporting of the Cape Cod Times, but ...
The town Clerk did not file a complaint with anybody regarding the issue of Open Meeting laws and the vote on the Superintendent's contract -- he made an inquiry with the DA. It's a world of difference.
A complaint means that a lawsuit was filed and a judge's ruling was sought. AND, as has been stated ad nauseum, there has been no court filing and the 21 day deadline for filing one passed long ago.
I would have assumed that the asstute (not a misspelling!) professionals at the CCT would have known the difference.
This issue has been discussed several times previously (Click here).
The Attorney's letter will be posted shortly.
Do you suppose the mis reporting is purposeful? Why choose to use the word “complaint”?
What is the agenda of the reporter and the CCT? Why does the Enterprise seem to follow the same course? There seems to be a purposeful and conscious attempt to mis lead and mis inform. Mr Brennan should be embarrassed and ashamed. Both the CCT and the Enterprise should re brand their “news articles” and call it all opinion pieces.
The cape cod times and the sandwich enterprise never let a little thing like the TRUTH get in the way of a good story!!! FISHWRAP!!!!
Since it finally hit the press, note the letter was dated Sept. 10th and now it's the 24th? It's clear the Chair Marshal wanted to keep everyone in the dark again? why?
Now it will be interesting if the whole board comes up with a compromise or dig their heels in for an expensive lawsuit. The board doesn't seem concerned over the 3 million deficit, bet they don't have a clue how a lawsuit could damage our town either. Let's see how they handle this and then recall them if they screw it all up.
ANON 9:05
I agree with the last post. Didn’t Linnehan, Kangas and Crossman run claiming prior Boards were not open enough and did not communicate? Didn’t Sherry express like concerns? In the past months Sherry drafts and sends letters to counsel and the Attorney General without informing the Committee or holding public discussions. How many private, so called executive meetings have been held to discuss these contract issues? Why wont these folks hold public meetings and discuss these matters in front of the cameras? These 4 make a great show out of a single vote not to extend a contract but then wont explain themselves and refuse public comment or dialogue. So much for honesty, open communication and public participation.
Just to be clear, 2 or 3 weeks ago Sherry and the school’s attorney and apparently Crossman, Linnehan and Kangas too told the public and the Cape Cod Times that meeting and talking with Ms. Johnsons’ attorney was not worthwhile and would not add anything new to the issue. Now, a demand notice is sent and suddenly Sherry and the attorney think meeting and talking would be helpful? Now?
The Truth Maker is amazed that information is being held back from the citizens of Sandwich at the expence of our tax dollars. The lack of honest dialog in regards to the contract issue show a complete disregard of open meeting laws and an arrogance of the majority of the present School committee.
Who is providing the community with timely information and why is it being stalled?
It is my hope and wish that if and when the dialog begins between Dr> Johnson and the School committee that this meeting takes place in an open and public building. Not behind closed doors.
Can I get an Amen on having this meeting made public? It is time to see all the hidden adgenda from these Union motivative school committee members.
One can be assured that they have been working behind the scenes to clean up what and how they present there side of why they made the desicion they made.
Seems the S.C. has boxed themselves into quite a corner.
1. Option is to just buy out the Super for the remainder of her contract.
2. Just resign yourselves to let go of your hatred for the super and work with her for the remainder of her contract. There was never any "just causes" given for not renewing her contract.
3. Keep your head in the sand and wait for that lawsuit to happen and count on the town side making the school side pay off the lawsuit for their negligence. Sherry also says oh that town monies, 20 yrs later hasn't grasp the concept that it all the town's money and it affects all of us.
And the Congregation says, "Amen! " ...
Send out the Clowns .... let's see them explain THIS one!
6:58 ---
Do YOU actually know anything? When did Momma get the letter? IS YOUR CAPS KEY STUCK?
I have been a Supt supporter -- but I hope she sues these morons, takes a big settlement, and then moves on.
Even if she wins, The Gang of Four will continue to harass her and put up more roadblocks to guarantee that nothing gets accomplished. As usual, our kids will be the victims.
If we're going to ever clean up this mess -- we need qualified people to start running for seats.
Qualities in new school board member. Honest advocate for the schoolchildren and taxpayers, everyone else after that. Oh yeah have a little brain and some common sense.
ALL CAPS 6:58 The letter was dated 9/10/10, so why did the chair Sherry fail in calling an executive session immediately to inform the whole board?
Marshall/Chair failed to say a word to anyone even though she held a regular school board meeting on the 15th. This was deliberate witholding of dire information regarding our schools.
The devious Chair Marshall still held that info from the board and public until she got caught in it and then used the b.s. excuse that it wasn't for the boards or public's knowledge?
Who does she thinks believes that b.s?
The papers failed to report any of this until Sept. 23? (2 Weeks later)
The demand letter was for thirty days, the whole board should have had the information asap so that they could think process and make a rational decision on how to proceed.
Sherry is notorious for this type of sneaky behavior, she wants total control, power and arrogance.
Truth Maker you need to run for Marshall's seat this May!
Sherry's been conflicted for years and still has no clue about decisions in the budget, it's always protect the SEA Union Payroll and Comm School people!
ANON 12:35
I assume you have spoken with the atty envolved and they had no input on the release time frame or did they
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