Columnist Sean Gonsalves of the CCT did a follow-up column on the Mirant issue this morning and quoted extensively from an earlier NotThePTA post on that topic.
Gonsalves had a much better sense of humor (and/or thicker skin) than some of the other ink-stained wretches down there in Hyannis !! He overlooked my comments about borrowing my copy of the CCT from the bottom of Tusk the Turtle's cage -- we also both had a good laugh as to how NotThePTA should be described in his column --- I was thinking "Paradigm of Virtue", his Editor was probably thinking "scum-sucking maggot" Gonsalves worked out an acceptable compromise.
That was in marked contrast to the prior day's email exchange with the Letter to the Editor Editor (a future employee of the Redundancy Department of Redundancy ?) where I was told that my blog posting was "infantile" and that she was not sure if they could find room for my letter in the near future. Apparently she was having no trouble meeting the daily quota of "I Love Jeff /I Hate Jeff" letters !
Somebody needs to lighten up!
If this town has a "comprehensive plan" as the Plan B that a selectman pointed to, what in the world are they waiting for? We have to wait for the plant to go away before a plan is put into action? Then Bud says Sandwich won't loose a penny because we will just spread the tax revenue around to the rest of the taxpayers. That is really the "Plan" isn't it? To do nothing.
The Town won't lose any money because the property will be re-assessed and the homeowners will be forced to absorb the lost revenue -- no votes or overrides required.
If the Town is pushing for two overrides -- one in the FAll and another in the Spring -- it's no secret why they don't want to talk about the financial beatin' Mirant is about to deliver to homeowners.
For the purpose of recycling and being green, I am going to collect all the Perry signs after election day and turn them into FOR SALE BY OWNER signs and sell them on the side of the road. I will make a fortune in Sandwich.
"PLAN B OR SPREAD THE TAX REVENUE AROUND TO THE REST OF THE TAXPAYERS"??? That's what the town managers can come up with?? Help us all.
The "ho hum" attitude that I took away from the article by town fathers made me quite nervous. Good point about no votes or overrides required.....ho hum
I think you should collect all the Perry signs immediately -- we don't need any more municipal embarrassments down here on this sandbar!
Bob you are no fun at all! Do Research? Get Facts? Collect data? Boring! So much better to make it all up and guess. No wonder you're no longer on the school committee; you just don't know how its suppose to be done.
Ed Childs helped clarify/confirm the impact of a drop in value of a particualr parcel (the taxes lost from that parcel automatically get reallocated to the remaining properties).
for details
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