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"Sorry about the rug. I missed the Emptyprize..." |
Given the option of purchasing the Emptyprize for use in housebreaking the puppy, my personal preference would be to replace the family room carpet. But, sometimes more reasonable personalities prevail at our house ....
Last week's Emptyprize editorial was definitely a pile of puppy, ah ...., stuff.
I'm not going to belabor the obvious -- yes, I voted for the Supt. Yes, I renewed the Supt. Yes, I think the Editor has his head up his ...
I just haven't had the time to respond to last week's inane editorial. But, I did receive the following comment from someone that I think would make a fine post all by its self:
This week’s editorial was SO confused and convoluted, I wonder if they let a certain co-chair write it. Flip-Flop? No sitting member flipped on anything; there was essentially a coup d’etat. (Look it up, Marie). Hardly qualifies as a Flip Flop unless the person who wrote it is unclear on the concept (see what I mean?)
The half hearted call to “share the blame” quickly devolved into the usual half truths, and the obligatory piling on Dr.J. If, as stated, the board has no confidence in this woman, why are they letting her craft their $30million budget while they sit there like a bunch of bobble-heads? Then, essentially capitulating on the need for judicial review, comes the Emptyprise’s ridiculously incoherent call to rehire, and then build a case to re-fire Dr. J.
Really? REALLY? For a newspaper, this shows stunning ignorance of the nature of litigation. First, they concede they fired her for no cause in the first place. Then, they suggest they try again.
This isn’t middle school, they don’t get a “do-over” so they can fabricate some “cause” the next time they want to be petty. There are laws against that much stupid. These women are in deep trouble already, whether they know it or not, and they shouldn’t let the Emptyprise give them any more bad ideas.
They can’t handle the ones they already have
Here’s the thing with critics of the hiring process.
The criticism is always about the hiring process and NOT Dr. Johnson’s resume, work history or qualifications. She was and is eminently qualified for the job.
And, her work and work attitudes were better known by the Committee and the public than the skills and professionalism of any other candidate. She was clearly and demonstrably superior to all other applicants.
The sole objection to the hiring of Dr. Johnson is and was focused on how it happened not that it happened. So, revisiting this moment of history is silly, a distraction from the salient issues facing the Board today and just dumb. Which, of course, means it’s typical of both the Enterprises’ and the current School Boards’ woefully inadequate thought processes.
Don't get too worked up about the emptyprize, Bob. People in town buy it for 2 reasons. One: the Police Log (it's always amusing to see whose been hauled in this week) and Two: hopefully, there's a photo of one of your kids or grandkids in sports or a school event. Anyone who reads it for the "news" or "crack reporting" probably also reads playboy for the articles. Lightweight local rag that's staffed with even lighterweight "reporters" and I use the term loosely!
The Truth Maker was also astounded by the commonantary made by the Editor in regards to the present situation with the school district.
Having had many conversatoins over a number of years with him I was taken aback with his comments. His past's editorial goes beyond common sense and equal represenative of the facts that he knows to be otherwise.
Perhaps he may want to respond here, as to his thought process, when he penned, what I would also clarify as irrational and confusing to the general reader of his paper. I do know that he looks in here.
To suggest that the school committee rehire the super and then place a negitive review to fire her, is by far the most egregious comment of a journalistic and fair minded paper to print.
It is very hard to evaluate any problem in a community , especially when the reporters that report the news do not report the news , but rather make it up, as they go.
The title given by the papers is called a reporter. The reporters job is to be unbiased and neutral. Unfortunitly in many cases on the cape we no longer have those ideals being expounded upon by the papers that hire them to gather the news. Now we have the editors doing the same thing, under guise of freedom of the press.
Put your self in place of Dr Johnson a person who was put into a position not of her own doing. Clarification of the laws in place not questioned by the school committee to the proper authority. Make a desision to fire her even though she has a valid contract. Do you think if the shoe was on the other foot that you would not engage legal council to protect your rights. Yes it did not need to come to this , but that choice was made by the majority of the school committee and now they must bear the fruits of there choice. We all will feel the pain of this needless and thoughtless choice.
Reporters and editors need to evaluate the meanings of there printed words and what affect it will bear on the whole community of Sandwich.
It all needs to start with the Truth.
John Paradise should be embarrassed and ashamed.
He has his paper have worked tirelessly to discredit the superintendent and to impugn her qualifications and performance.
Mr. Paradise and his staff knowingly publish false and misleading stories and editorials.
Mr. Paradise and his staff knowingly omit facts and information in order to bias information presented.
Mr. Paradise and his staff have inflicted untold damage on our community and continue to do so.
Mr. Paradise is repugnant.
Maybe Dr. J. will add the Emptyprise and John Paradise to her suit for defamation of her professional reputation. She should so they can be used to set an example like she is doing with the 4 witch hunt women. I think people need to go after these negative newspaper articles and the only way to do that is thru money awards.
I just got around to reading the Enterprise last night. Suffice it to say, that I was shocked by the editorial and was left, once again, shaking my head over this whole drama. It's obvious that the staff at the Enterprise has not investigated what Dr. Johnson has done for the school system or that the conflicts of interest that some SC members have.
Friends don't let friends read the Emptyprise.
Steve Susko
A small paper like that is not held as accountable as a large paper. The levels of libel weekly in the Enterprise also with other local papers is subtle but never-the-less damaging. John is the editor. The reporters tell the story. It is probably hopeless in that sense. John gets his ideas from the reporters and their stories and their slant.
I do think people are still trying to figure out how we could be in this situation with town resources being drained daily through the dysfunction of the School Committee and no one really able to do anything about it.
Nancy Crossman's report from her training about being a SC memember last night was interesting. I wondered if Sherry has ever been to a training or a recent one. This is all still a leadership issue. Everyone is frustrated by it, saddened and afraid it is hopeless.
Since there was so much discussion about John Paradise rambling editorial we broke down and stopped at Christies to pick up the paper.
The editorial was so biased against Dr. Johnson it made us wonder what relatives does Paradise have in the teachers union or employed by the Comm. School?
You will all be happy to note that late on Wed. night there were still approx 25 copies of the emptyprise on the shelf. I think the townspeople
have had enough of the propaganda from the crazy school committee and the Emptyprise. Don't buy the rag even if you have a puppy!
Crossman's training was nothing new -- every SC member attends an initial training seminar given by the MASC. It's too bad she waited 6 months.
We don't even let our turtle, Tusk, use it. He will only defecate on the Cape Cod Times. Our turtle has standards, not high ones, but standards just the same!
OMG It can't get any crazier can it? Kangas and Crossman now think they are experts because they went to a few hrs of training for school MASC SCHOOL COMMITTEES. They obviously missed the big chapter on not micromanaging the Administration. The last 6 months has just been a nightmare for our schools and were not gonna wake up anytime soon!
The Truth Maker would like to comment in regards to the two newly elected school committee members who just recently attended a training session that all newly elected school committee members are reguired to attend.
With out question they exhibited once again there lack of common sense and direction. It is nice to see how well planned they made there presentation to the public at large and who ever prepared it for them most likely were attempting to make some statement by the way the commonatary was coordinated.
It is to bad for our school district that they were not reguired to take this course prior to engaging with the actual process that they still, to this day, do not comprehend.
It was obvious that they both lack any insite to what there job entails and after all there assisted written diolog, fail once again to be open and truthful as to the reasons they voted the way they did.
Well at least for one meeting the harrasing review of Dr. Johnson was not addressed.
I wonder if the Union led four are beginning to understand the implications of there folly.
The most insufferable aspect of the latest travesty called School Committee meetings was the giggling and arrogant attitudes of the two newest members. As they reported out and made jokes like "too bad I didn't go to this in May" yuk yuk, I almost started to cry watching it at home.
The turmoil, wasted energy, money, and complete break down in public trust for the schools resulting from the immature and reckless actions of the SC under the current leadership and other town leaders is almost unbearable for our town.
With the continued lack of leadership and resolve at the SC table, it seems almost hopeless that we can rebound in time to save our school system and the integrity of our town. Keep giggling ladies. It is a disgrace that the SC can not raise the bar on their performance as government officials.
ANON 8:19
I suppose you feel its ok for the other 3 members to act the way they do. They really contribute to the school committee
What would you propose they do? The Chair puts together a monotonous agenda where nothing is ever decided. How about those copy machines?
The 4 Stooges vote as a block -- like they're members of the Share A Brain Club. They are determined to drive the District over the cliff -- they are an embarrassment to the Town.
There hasn't been a rational discusion on the Committee in months -- we were lucky this week only because Linnehan wasn't there to wave her arms and babble whatever lines the union fed her.
First of all the chair is not the only one putting the agenda together.2nd of all the copy machine issue was a direct result of the super. How to you like the way the co that was picked was handled that wasn't to underhanded.I rather see wave of hands than the rudenees that the minority demostrates.
looks like someone really is trying to type with her head up her arse!
Rudeness that the minority demonstrates? I don't find them rude! They are to the point, trying to get business done and get through the BS. I think that the former writer is interpreting the rudeness as frustration over this whole charade of a SC (run by the Gang of Four). I would comment on the other points that the writer tried to make, but am unable to because I cannot interpret what he/she is trying to state -- it makes no sense. I am afraid that our kids' grammar will be similar to this writer's once the SC and union are done with the Sandwich Public Schools.
It's quite clear to all, including the 3 minority members, that the 4 are driving their own union & Comm School conflicted little brain train. They closed their minds 6 months ago to listening to anyone elses views regardless of how much sense it might make to change their minds.
We can only hope the damage they do til May is to a minimal. 85% of voters better be awake this time and brush up on any new candidates and get Sherry voted off the board finally.
Anon 12:16pm, 11/19. No I do not think it is O.K. for any elected official to act like a child when the welfare of our citizens is in their hands. The lack of professional behavior at the SC table and other committee tables in town is the down fall of our town.
The power trips and immature behavior people seem to think they can get away with as small town officials is unbelievable. I would never have believed it, had I not seen it with my own eyes. It is also inconsistent with most of the people in town. Sandwich is a very educated community.
Sadly people who run for office or get appointed get taught how to do their jobs here in the culture of small town politics. It is very sad to see how much money, time, and good will our egocentric small town politicians cost us, not to mention frustrating.
I guess no one on the SC remembers the old saying "two wrongs don't make a right." I wish someone would put some time and energy into solving a problem rather than just perpetuating it. I'm mad at the whole SC and all who have contributed to this travesty by their perpetual I'm right you are wrong (and that's all that I need to focus on) attitude. Clearly if they used the same methods in the professional lives they would get very far at all.
Anon 11/19 1:30pm Members other than the chair can ask for new business, revisit old business, make a motion, approve a motion for discussion, suggest agenda items. There are many things in parlimentary procedure that allows members a way to talk about the issues they want to.
This SC has been at a total stand still for the most part since sides were chosen after the revote of the contract, which of course was contrived and ignorant so how could any good come of that. That they are stuck might be why they only discuss mundane things.
There seems to be a leadership crisis. The chair and the vice chair are simply the parlimentary leaders. Each member is a leader in their own right, elected to take care of our schools, not to always be right or never be right or be friends of the super. or not but to take care of our schools. It is a grave responsibility. I have no sympahty for anyone who doesn't put that above their personal issues.
There is no political will to find away to do anything about this because everyone is so stuck. While I completely understand it, it is so tragic for the kids, families and all the town.
Essentially a lame duck committee.
quack ... quack ...
They are so far over their little heads ...
It would be funny ... if our kids weren't depending on hem.
Somebody mentioned "do over" earlier --- I'd like a do-over!
I voted for someone who promised that she would look out for the interests of the whole town -- not just her own pet project. I even defended her being paid by the Commnity School while she was supposed to be supervising it. What a wasted vote. It's a small solace that at least I didn't vote for that other nasty little creature. And ... I was one of the few who votd so i am allowed to complain!
Too bad recall is just too hard. The one who essentially lied by ommition about why she was running and then is so inexperienced and corrupt as to honestly think voting down a successful Superintendant is in the best interest of the School District probably would be a good one to get rid of.
Can't see that she has anything to offer based on her comments at the meetings. Clearly she is biased, just there to protect the Community School. I didn't vote for her. I voted for the two with experience Bob G. and Aleta. The new member that fooled so many of the voters seems now like the kingpin to the dysfunction. Her comments at the table are unbelievable considering how smart she thinks she is.
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