Friday, January 14, 2011

A Voice of Reason ?

The highlight of last night's BOS meeting was a special guest appearance by former Selectmen Frank Pannorfi who urged the Board to establish realistic priorities for Capital spending so people don't waste time on projects that have no hope of gaining public support.

I agree.  How can we possibly talk about a new Library Building with both the Police and Fire Headquarters buildings on the verge of being washed out to sea?  (OK, maybe I exaggerate slightly!).

The message that seemed to resonate across Town in October was that many people recognized the need for improved Public Safety buildings -- and maybe more efficient consolidated space for Town Offices.  But, at the risk of offending yet one more group (I have nightmares about bibliophiles, in bathing suits that get off work at 3 PM each day!), I did not hear any great uproar of support to build a $13 million book warehouse.  Maybe it was drowned out by the folks rushing to buy Kindles, Nooks, IPads, Netbooks, and personal computers?

Frank has always been a class act.  Always prepared, responsive and open to discussion, always willing to disagree without being disagreeable and always willing to acknowledge differing opinions.  We occasionally disagreed on issues, but we have agreed on many more over the years.   (Sorry, Pal, I still think you were misguided about the Town Hall reno!!)  

I hope we will be seeing more of Mr. Pannorfi in the coming months!  I wonder what he does on Wednesday nights?


Bob Guerin said...

I can think of somwhere for Mr. Pannorfi to be on Wednesday nights and I know his skills and know-how would make a positive impact. (Hint: 2nd floor, library)

Anonymous said...


Frank would bring some credibility to the School Committee. He does his homework BEFORE he starts interrogating people!

I haven't always agreed with him either -- but I have always been comfortable that he was honest and wasn't playing games for anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Frank Pannorfi has always been a gentleman, first and foremost. He always listened to all sides of an issue and in the face of adversity, would stand up and speak his mind. The civility that Mr. Pannorfi brought to every discussion is certainly lacking in today's political environment. He has been soarly missed and would be welcome back with open arms! Mr. Pannorfi is a wonderful man.

Anonymous said...

Frank Pannorfi and another Financial wizard could put this school board on the right track again. We didn't agree with town hall renov expense we have thought for 15 yrs our public safety complex should have been a priority. It's time to get that complex built for our public safety heros!

Anonymous said...

Frank is great. I don't think we have to have a "financial wizard" for the second seat --- just another member with common sense, no conflicts, and no axe to grind.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the work that Frank did to try to bring more state funding to Sandwich schools, but be careful what you wish for. During the last override discussion, Frank suggested that parents who wanted things like sports and music and foreign language for their kids should send them to private school. Sandwich need only provide the basics. If you believe that a public education should provide opportunities for a well-rounded education for all students, he may not be your candidate.

Anonymous said...

Public Schools have been sinking for years now due to the greed of the teachers union. Frank is right sports, music, art, Languages will be luxery items for our public schools because 80% of our budgets go to teachers greedy contracts.
Frank is speaking in realistic terms, not our unrealistic wishes. Math, English, Science will be the core systems that towns will be able to continue to pay for. If you don't like that idea then enroll your child in private schools.

Anonymous said...

Not in Sandwich. Most parents have no idea what goes on in terms of laying off teachers. God help you if you try to charge field fees to sports teams who "pay" their volunteers. They will thump their chests and tell you that families can't afford to pay for the fields they use -- REALLY, these would be the same parents driving enormous SUV's and standing next to their kids wearing northface jackets, ugg boots and usually holding an iphone. Most parents in this town are more concerned with sports than academics. It's disgraceful -- to heck with math and english, lower sports fees and whatever you do, don't cut french. Most of their kids like to go on the french exchange program to Paris in their junior or senior year. It's all about priorities, folks. Sandwich really is "sillyville" -- no wonder the CCT loves to tear us apart!

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:23AM
I don't have an SUV, northface jacket, ugg boots or an iphone and I do care about the academic offerings in Sandwich. However, colleges look at academics and expect to see lots of other activities on our student's resumes too. It is very competitive to get into college these days. I think ALL students deserve to have the opportunities available to them so that they can compete, not just those that can afford private school.

I will agree with you that we should charge field fees to non-school sports leagues. The SC got close and then backed off. I'd like to see that revisited. When our high school kids are paying $150 per sport per season (and maybe more next year), I don't think it is unreasonable to expect these other leagues to cover the cost of maintaining the fields that they use.

With regard to foreign language: many colleges require that you complete up to level four of a language. When the district offers latin, french and spanish beginning in the middle school grades, there should be a commitment to provide instruction in those languages so that students can get through at least level four during high school. This has nothing to do with any field trips that are provided, just what you need for college.

I agree with Frank that the teacher's union needs to make some sacrifices and that they have been unrealistic. However, just like with the municipal unions, you will only get so far with this one. My next School Committee candidate will need to recognize this and understand the importance of a well-rounded quality education so that our students can be successful when they leave Sandwich High.

I also hope that our new rep, Randy Hunt, works hard to allow municipalities to change health care offerings with out going through collective bargaining. That would really help the whole town.

Anonymous said...

11:33, I agree with you on all points.

But ... did you vote? Did your friends vote?

Unless people start speaking out publicly ... not this anonymous sillyness ... nothing is going to happen.

I talked to SC members about field fees -- they got sick of no public support. they figured people weren't going to pay attention until they were personally affected.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:26pm

I always vote and attend town meetings.

What was stopping the SC from instituting field fees? They probably had the votes at the table. They felt it was the right thing to do. So do it.

I feel the same way about the BOS and pay as you throw. SEMASS fees are going to go up dramatically. Something has to be done. If they believe that PAYT is the answer, do the research and then implement it.

Politicians waste so much time worrying about their re-election and not enough getting things done!! These are both examples of things that do not require a town meeting or ballot vote. Don't we elect our officials to make these decisions?

Anon 11:33pm

Bob Simmons said...

I agree with you that charging outside groups field usage fees WAS the right thing to do. Why should I have to pay for somebody else's entertainment?

Myself and others fought for it -- but we did not have the votes to pass the proposal. Reelection wasn't an issue -- in fact, one member was not reelected in large part because of his unpopular support of field fees.