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Are the Selectmen playing "Angry Bird" on their phones and laptops? |
When a resident got up at the Selectmen's meeting two weeks ago to request a ban on phones, computers and other electronic devices it appeared to be just one of those flaky things that occaisionally happens when you make a microphone available to people with too much time on their hands!
But now both the CCT and the Empyprize have decided to sacrifice the life of a few defenseless trees to print this litle slice of silliness.
The headline in the CCT was particularly amusing: "Sandwich criticized for technology at meetings," I just assumed the Historical Commission had stepped in to claim that only quill pens could be used in the newly-renovated Town Hall. (Who would want to tell Doug Lapp his job description now included sharpening everyone's quills before the meeting?)
Let's be clear == we aren't talking about RINGING phones -- we're just talking about the possibility that Committee Members would receive messages during a meeting . The messages don't fall into Open Meeting/Deliberation issues because presumably the messages would not be from their colleagues on he Board (who would be sitting beside them). These message would be from constituents!
The speaker, Darryl Crossman, husband of School Committee Member Nancy Crossman, is quoted in the CCT as saying,
"In today's environment for text and instant messages, the ability for someone not to be identified and have input into the discussion goes against what open meetings are all about."
Excellent point, Darryl! So let's chat about all of that anonymous input Mrs. Crossman spoke of when explaining why she wouldn't explain her decision to "unrenew" the Superintendent of Schools.
Click for Part I and related comments
Click for CCT Story
The Enterprise story and the Cape Cod Times story are based on the personal. They are stirring the pot, though CCTimes does have some interesting information. It is however, quite interesting that there is no mention of the long history of cell phones at the Board of Selectmen table. And no mention of the history of lap tops at the table before the one a couple of weeks ago. No mention of the reason the lap top was there, which was to have an email to refer to because the Selectmen's printer wasn't working.
I was at last Thursday's meeting and saw the Cape Cod Times photographer going behind the BOS to get a picture. He disrupted the meeting, never asked for permission to invade the space of the Board, snapped a picture and dashed away. Great, here we go, more dumping on Sandwich and more sexism if you ask me. Guess since Dr. Johnson is done, they have to find another women to pick on.
As usual,someone gets a wild hair and wraps a concern under the guise transparency. What decision that you didn't like are you referencing exactly? Now that would be transparent wouldn't it......
The Truth Maker would add that both Crossmans seem to have a problem with speaking about transparency. I guess what is good for the Goose is not good for the Gander.
5:38, Sexism has nothing to do with this.
I agree with the stupidity of the issue -- but you can't trot that argument out every time somebody does anything disagreeable. That just cheapens the argument for legitimate cases.
After the past year of small minded nasty politics from the 4 school board members who totally disregarded the town's residents teachers teaxpayers requests to compromise with Dr. Johnson. The long range pattern of 20 years of BOS's not fixing the commercial base in our town and buying properties that the town can not maintain or generate income.
Our Family has decided to join the rest of the majority of people in town that don't really care. We will vote in all elections and town meetings. We have reached the it's too pathetic to watch anymore stage.
Vote for all new candidates, the incumbants or past elected officials need to go. You had your chance now give it to the new candidates.
11:42, I agree with the sentiment and have also given up.
On the other hand, the reason we are in this mess is because nobody cared enough to run or even vote in the last town election -- thats how we ended up with two more dopes on the School Committee last year.
Tellin it like it is, Can't blame you. But things HAVE TO change now. The boy's club, town fathers didn't get the job done. A political philosophy hasn't fixed it or done the right thing by the people of Sandwich. Now there is no place to go but up. We are really broke with much too much to do to keep things afloat and move forward. Decisions along the way are what they are, the past. We have to focus on the future now. We need to learn from our mistakes. Some decisions were good, some bad, but from now on, we can't afford to make as many mistakes. Planning for the town's future now will take a a much more professional approach. Good luck to whoever gets elected. It is the end of the line. We have to fix it now.
The Town Mothers didn't do much better!
People need to spend more time worrying about getting things accomplished and less time on the reproductive organs of those doing the work.
Town fathers, town mothers, one in the same = behind the times. Nothing to do with reproductive organs.
No more mistakes? You mean the recent installation of two, yes two, employees Rec Dept into a 4,000 sq ft building complete with fireplaces and beautiful views of Peters Pond? A building/property that was bought to generate revenue not to be used as a municipal office. For the 100th time............I have no idea who made this decision but this a bad one. Maybe the oath newly elected officials have to take should be modeled after the Hypocratic Oath. "First do no harm....."
There may be two employees, but the department runs recreation programs that need space including a very successful summer camp. That building has never made any money and in fact the large room of what was a lodge proved too small for major event planning. The tiny space recreation was at is now open for use by the overflowing Council on Aging. The recreation department has made excellent use of the space and the the town can use the main room for meetings. Soon cottage rental will be up and running. In the summer there will be a great camp and other programs. The camp gives a break to Sandwich taxpayers where the fees are concerned which I think is a good policy. I think it is a good use of space. I hope it leads to more programing and better coordination of the much needed recreation programs, which are affordable.
I always wondered why the COA didn't move to Oak Crest and make it the Senior Center.
Anybody know?
Two employees need 4,000 square feet? Oh....ok
It is my understanding they were offered the space when the last business venture there tanked, but thought it was too small.
Anon 2:17
Their programs need 4,000 square feet. Have you ever tried to schedule something through the schools? Having a space dedicated to rec. without getting bumped if a school event comes up is a good thing. Look at the Father Daughter Dance held there in Feb. It was a huge success and took every inch.
I've scheduled programs and events through the community school and now the school facility whatever. A teacher or parent group can come in and bump something you've had on the calendar for months. Same for Rec. The school and teacher stuff always takes precedence There has never been a good system since the schools became our community buildings. The Rec. department does a great job of providing affordable rec. opportunities for kids and adults. The space will help them do even more and give the town someplace besides the schools to have rec. opportunities in.
Ah. OK. I had never heard what the reason was that the COA didn't go in there. Thanks for the quick answer. Well, it sounds like this will be a good home for the Rec. Department. Hope it works out for them.
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