There's an interesting perspective on advertising for students on Cape Cod Today this afternoon. (Click here)
While you're in that neighborhood there's also an interesting column on the Sandwich Teachers Union managing to "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory". (Click here)
and about advertising ...
If the School Committee had money to waste on advertising, I think they should start two countdown clocks of their own -- the first counting the actual number of days the contract has been in negotiation (since Fall of 2009) and a second for the number of days since the Committee filed a request for mediation assistance from the State in order to settle the contract (Spring of 2010 -- two school committees ago!)
I think a more effective (or at least more interesting) approach would be to skip the silly drama and rhetoric and publish an ad that specifies exactly what the disputed items are. If one side is asking for something ridiculous and/or unaffordable and the other side is unable to provide said ridiculous or unaffordable item -- that is reality, NOT disrespect. The ultimate disrespect TO TAXPAYERS would be to commit to demands that can not be funded under current revenue projections.
Is it fair to employees? Maybe not. Does it happen in the private sector -- where most people don't have the benefit of tenure, pensions, health benefits, and work 60+ hours per week for 50 weeks a year? Yup, every day.
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R-E-S-P-E-C-T ....... |
I dont understand how carlisle stays union prez ---- she is an absolute embarrassment to that union, as well as teachers unions in general.
She is also an absolute detriment to public supportfor thr schoolsq
Let's see the list of disputed items and then we will decide whether "semantics" is the real issue. How does Laura Carlysle spell semantics "MONEY"! School committee members need to do a little research on the names on the letters they are receiving lately -- check for teachers names, their spouses names and their parents names! Laura hauls out the "R" word every time the teachers want more money. What about our police and firefighters? They took zero -- how about the other unions in the schools who took a zero? Respect has nothing at all to do with this BS!
In the Cape Cod Times article today about the Sandwich teachers union Ms. Carlysle says it is language holding up the contract. What does that mean? The behavior of the union or at least those who are in Ms. Carlysle's camp, which I'm told is not a majority of teachers, is disturbing and clearly disruptive to the education of our kids. The union does not seem to be negotiating in good faith. The union leadership does such an injustice to this community. The greatest amount of disrespect here is towards the taxpayer, citizen, family, and child. The union leadership seems very hypocritical. Clearly that is the message coming across to the majority of people. Guess we can count on the school budget getting cut even more this year with no improved behavior from the union. Oh and while we are at it, how do you brand a district positive with press like the union generates. Do they care? And how can you brand a district positive that will continue to face cuts due to the politics of it's union.
What a joke. Carlisle says the problem is "language". Of course it is -- she says "Gimme!" and the Committee says "No".
There is nothing she will not destroy. She drove out the last 2 Superintendents with her bullshit, now she's trying to trash any chance of bringing in more School Choice students to replace the ones she already drove from the District.
Parents are flocking to Charter schools because teachers are employed based solely on ability & talent -- NOT because they have a union contract!!
How can you respect anyone who is employed based on anything other than their abilities?
What's worse-- is I am frequently hearing (from teachers) that she does not have widespread support, but they are very uncomfortable going up against her small band of militant supporters.
A few days ago I wrote about my dander being in a fluff. Well here we go again. Received a 2nd letter from SHS to the 8th grade parents. The exact same one, with the same typo, as we received just days ago! Although it would appear someone is reading this blog because the stamp label is "Nonprofit Organization PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE Paid Sandwich MA 02563 Permit #7" so that would lead me to believe it was less expensive to send this mailing. But why the same letter twice within a week? Since the letter is the same it says "enclosed are copies of our brochure" which were not enclosed with the letter. Thankful they didn't enclose the brouchure again (since we'll see it in February), but they didn't change the letter. What is going on at that school? They can't even get a mailing right! Besides now anyone can reproduce the "Stamp" since it was made as any ordinary laser label.
There are 4 labels on the envelope, all of which were laser printed and stuck to the envelope. So who spent all the time, again within a week, of folding; stapling; inserting; sealing and manually putting on 4 stickers (encluding stamp) to send these letters out?
Also English and Social Studies should be two seperate classes!
Nice Marketing contrast -- CC Slimes is reporting today that Nauset HS kids are helping Cancer victims and that a Sandwich high football player (from Plymouth!) is being charged with allegedly assaulting a younger player with a broomstick.
IF he is found guilty, I would hope the attacker is sent back to his side of the canal. I also hope the coach who should have been supervising these kids is punished.
Supervising? What do you mean supervising? Shades of Penn State!
Once again, as if by magic, an assault occurs on school grounds, during football related activities and once again no coach was around to see it happen.
This is at least the second time an assault has happened during practice. How many more before someone is actually held accountable on the football staff?
Bullying is alive and well at SHS.
I'm sure there will be a small riot of support for the local jocks & coaches -- although I don't see any news vans being flipped. I thought coaches were supposed to be in the locker room supervising? That's what everyone kept saying during the pool access fiasco!
Two sets of rules ...
And after that poor kid lost his spleen because of freshman hazing a few years ago...supervision was suppose to be mandatory. But when you have the free reign coache at SHS have, what does supervising mean? How many of your kids have been bullied at SHS?
this wouldnt have happened if there was a trainer...
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