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You wanted a picture of Snooki ? |
If the operators of our local cable access channel really wanted to make some money they could sell the rights to our televised Town Meeting to the reality channel. Last night's meeting would be slightly more refined than an episode of Jersey Shore but a little more dysfunctional than Jerry Springer.
Let's begin with highlights of our soon to be former Moderators performance: Typical of Madam Moderator, virtually everyone who rose to speak about the town's payroll, salary and benefits, and union contracts was told by the Moderator that they were "out of order." In a town where 75% of every tax dollar collected pays for salaries and benefits, why discussion of compensation is out of order remains a mystery to me. Perhaps the Moderator attended Jersey Shore's Snooki's School of Town Meeting Rules?
In another moment of "Moderator knows best," the outgoing Moderator grew indignant and threatened to physically remove a resident and taxpayer who wished to speak to an issue and had clearly and obviously raised her hand and waived her meeting handbook prior to a vote being called. True, the speaker was slightly more crazed and slightly less articulate than Jersey Shore's "The Situation" but is that any reason to deny a taxpayer their right to speak?
The Moderator's best one liner of the evening? "I deserve respect." For what exactly? I wondered to myself. And, I really could imagine Snooki saying the same thing, albeit with a pronounced Jersey accent.
In other action, Selectwomen Grundman, whose political radar is beyond broken, chastised voters and taxpayers who decided to leave Town Meeting early, but only after hours of active participation, as "not really caring" about our Town. The jeers and whistles and boos that Mrs. Grundman earned with her less than appropriate words were well deserved. Madam Selectwoman sometimes makes TV's Mob Wives seem reflective and empathetic.
As usual, most of the rest of the night was a series of mindless, wrong reasoned, ill informed speeches about the meaningless, the mundane and the minutia.
Town Meeting spent tens of millions of dollars in seconds, without a flicker of serious thought or comment, and then went on to endlessly debate and remark on tennis court maintenance or lack thereof, new taxes representing $0.75 per $100, and other equally meaningless items. I am unsure whether Town Meeting televised or TV's The View represents the most silly, senseless and sophomoric talk on the airwaves.
The one, bright, shining moment of the evening?
A tie between: the single taxpayer who rose to point out the financial folly and risk of the unresolved Teacher's Contract; and, the taxpayer who rose to note that the Town's payroll actually grows faster than the Town's tax collections.
Neither remark was addressed or followed up on and, of course, Madam Moderator told both taxpayers ... you guessed it ... that they were "out of order."
Not great reality TV and not a very good way to run a town either.
Glad we voter for those tasers....
The Truth Maker would add that once again the political driven folks who represent the Chamber of Commerce voted in a block to defeat the added meal tax to the bill. Then they decided that it was time to go home. No wonder town meeting takes on such negetivity. Then you add on the person who assisted in making the new guidlines for changes to our bylaws in regards to solar farms and his personal ties to the developers and never discloses his association, makes you sort of wonder where we are heading here in Sandwich.
Many questions still remain as to how the town will allow clear cutting for these projects and where they will be placed.
Then you add on the second phase of town hall in regards to the bubbler, that according to one candidate running for representative that it is not part of the town hall restoration project. Well that is how it was sold to the CPA, the Finance committee and the board of Selectmen. Phase three will be comming at a later date, but that will be another whole ball of wax.
The town is being run and managed by groups other then the Board of Selectmen and the town Moderator.
and that also became a little clearer last night
Once again we get to vote for an overide to improve the library, but we did not support giving any more money to the schools. Why would any taxpayers in Sandwich Vote to increase there taxes? This should hAve been dealt with under the capitol; budget, with out aN OVERRIDE..
THANKS TO THE CHAmbER of commerce we left $300,000 on the table, because of a political adgenda driven membership. I wonder how many now will not support them by going elsewhere to spend dollars on food and drink?
I agree with your article. I was at the Town Meeting and thought it was action-packed in the first hour. You could feel the tension in the room when they started talking about passing the budget, and then a big "In Your Face" from Keith F. He has a point. People are mostly mad about the school system, and you could feel it and hear it in many of the public comments.
When you think about it, the school system has some of the same qualities as Mike "The Situation" on Jersey Shore. They are both needy, sneaky, untrustworthy, and never gets enough attention -- Just like our public schools!!
Although, I disagree about Logan. I thought for sure I was looking at her right after the vote was taken, THEN she raised her hand. I thought right away that she was too late. Honestly though, I wasn't looking at her before the vote.. just right after. She would not have changed anyone's vote by speaking at that time anyway, we all knew that. But, the Moderator was bitchy at her, as if they've had fueds in the past. I wonder if those two have ever tore at each others hair or had a pushing fight (a la Jersey Shore). Now that would bring more people to Town Meeting.
Also, I could not belive my ears when Grundman said that about those remaining are the only ones who care about the town. It was a bad thing say out loud. She's got to be feeling it today. In fact, she probably woke up with a regret that could be compared to the size of a Snooki hangover.
The meeting was exciting at times, but compared to Jersey Shore? C'mon! We should give some thought to getting more in their face and learn a thing or two from Jersey Shore and bring that to Town Meeting. Nice writing Guest Commentator.. thanks for the humor.
I would hardly call the writer of this piece nice.
Point of order... the literacy teachers teach. They are in no way "non-teaching positions"
In fact, at our school they teach all day. They teach kids and they have taught teachers who are willing to learn Best Practices how to teach more effectively.
It makes you wonder how we can ever garner more support for our system if the message to the town and to fellow teachers is distorted from the top-down.
When the literacy teachers (notice the word teachers in the title) are back in the classrooms next year, who is going to be teaching our most at risk children?
Anyone? Bueller...??? Anyone???
As far as being out of order - some of the speakers did go off track. Talking about home owners insurance had nothing to do with the article at hand. I do think that some of the people who speak at meetings need to speak with someone prior to the meeting to get an idea of what is going on with both sides of the article. If these people brought their concerns to the proper people WAY before town meeting, say at a SC or BOS meeting, maybe their arguments would have merit. Last minute isn't going to change a thing unfortunatly. I'm glad people participate, but stick with the script and get your voice out there before hand. That being said, Madame Moderator pretty much had little choice in ruling people out of order. Trying to put myself in her position... I don't know how I would have handled it , but she does have a job to do. Like all elected positions, you can't please them all, no guts no glory.. dare I go on.
At the risk of sounding like a Dictatorial Bastard, I have no problem with the Moderator ruling people out of order for making irrelevant comments, or asking irrelevant questions.
People need to do some research BEFORE they get to Town Meeting and waste everyone's time asking questions that could be answered with a simple phone call or email, or making statements that are completely out in left field with no basis in fact.
Yes, it is democracy --- but it is also why maybe 300 voters -- out of a possible 15,000 actually show up at the meeting!
Some of the items (Articles) I've never heard were being discussed before going to Town Meeting. For example, lowering the tax rate for the people over a certain age. I questioned this in my head and wish I'd have more information. I think we should all pay the same rate, no matter who or how old you are. But anyway, I wish our local newspaper, or something was written out so I could do a little research before the meeting. I am moderately informed about issues and wish it was made easier for me to follow what's going to be on the agenda. If it was posted on the website, that's my fault for not looking and you can disregard this message. I am a busy person who cannot devote hours of my day researching the issues or watching Board meetings on the TV at night.
To Anonymous 5/8/12 8:11 PM
Go back and read the Warrant Article you referred to. It does not talk about reducing the "Tax Rate", it was referring to reducing the interest rate Seniors would have to pay, if they were late paying their taxes. This was recommend to the BOS by the Tax Assessors. The rate is the same for everyone in town, residential and commercial. It sounds to me like you should be following more committee meetings which discuss these items. As a Senior citizen I do and yes I am retired and probably have more time than you do. But try harder to keep yourself informed.
A Reply to 5/9 8:14 - It should be noted that busy working people are actually starting to pay attention a bit more and keeping ourselves informed; and for that, all those who insist this remains a "horse & buggy" town should begin to become more concerned. It gets harder and harder to pay our own taxes, nevermind subsidizing the senior citizens. Just because the Tax Assessors recommended this does not make it fair and even for all people living here. It's hard enough to find at least one hour in our days where we can sit around and decipher the mumbo jumbo coming out of the mouths of the BOS. It would be nice if the newspaper in town here could put aside a small review of what is being discussed in simple terms during the meetings and what's coming up. Maybe since you have all this time on your hands you could be in charge of submitting that to the paper as a service to the rest of us. It's a small group of people who've been making up the rules in this town because everyone else is out there hustling, working, commuting, cooking dinner, doing the wash, etc. etc. etc. Many more are trying harder to pay attention and keep informed.....so be careful what you wish for.
Anonymous 5/9/12 11;24. So where are all these "concerned" citizens. I wish they would "come out." They aren't the only ones who work, wash clothes, etc. Stop make excuses, blaming other and whinning. Do something, much more than just blogging. The only way you are going to change things is to get involved, thats the challenge.
11:24 -- you still missing it. You're not subsidizing anybody's taxes. The discussion is only on the rate of interest charged on deferred taxes --- nothing to do with tax rates or how much gets paid.
I agree the local paper is useless. They have somebody at every meeting -- I agree they could a better effort to offer better explanations --- but if nobody reads them, what's the point?
The Town Meeting Warrant is out weeks before the meeting, and that does explain the articles -- but, again, its useless if nobody reads it.
The Truth Maker would add that in fact we have three, not two papers covering our town. Aside from that,since you have the ability to get on a computor, you should have no problem pulling up the town warrant for town meeting as well.
Then again if you have cable you have a chance to watch the town warrant being discussed over many weeks of selectmens meetings.
You are correct if you are unable to comprehend what each article is, then you need to do a little homework yourself, All the information is availble and transparent unlike many items that get done behind closed doors.
You all get a chance to vote tomorrow, let us see how many get of there dead butts and vote.
Complaining about what is or is not here, does even less then when you address the present board of Selectmen/ All you can do is try to avail yourself of every thing you can in order to make as good a desicion as possible.
That is once you get through all of the mystery pies.
You know how many people came to the School Committee's budget hearing?
The Moderator was absolutely right to call those things out of order.
I am so bloody tired of anonymous, anonymous, anonymous, I could puke. If anonymous 5/9, 11:24 would take 10 bloody minutes to read the Selectmen's Long Range Plan as printed on pages 30-36 of the Town Meeting Warrant, then he or she would know what the mumbo jumbo was all about. It is just too damned easy to sit in the cheap seats and throw an occasional octupus on the ice while some of us try to get something done. You cowardly anonymous bozos will get exactly the government you deserve based on your votes tomorrow.
What he said!!!!
Nice job, Jim --- Good Luck tomorrow!!!
Well said Jim and long over due!
Holy Cow!! I am writing under Anonymous to irritate Jim Piece. I couldn't decide whether to vote for him today or not. Easy decision now that I know how he really feels. This BOZO thanks you for making my decision so much easier this morning.
Mr. Pierce I just voted for you, but I truly believe that the form of gov't. we have now has become antiquated, for the majority of residents.
I know many people that don't go to town meeting, vote or volunteer. Some reasons are as follows: Kids = school (making sure homework is done) and going/getting to sporting events (practice or a game). Parents attending work related events or going to night school. One parent coming home from work while the other goes out to work. Sitting down to dinner, hopefully as a family. Getting kids to part-time jobs or the child has the family vehicle. Working full-time doesn't give one the availability to attend daytime meetings or conferences associated and necessary with being on the BOS; SEIC etc. Small business owners "afraid" of repercussions from folks running the town if they voice their displeasure. Yes, some of our town departments can be extremely difficult when they think you rocked the boat on them. If you say anything your job just got more difficult. Town departments that close during the work day, don't make things any easier for businesses that are trying to get their work done, Monday thru Friday. Applications, Inspections etc.
Some may see these as excuses, but they are the reality for so many in town. Town management has been in place for so long that it does absolutely no good to say hold the phone, wait a minute, how about doing it this way. Let's face it those individuals "running" things already know they're going to get their way, regardless of what others suggest or oppose. Residents don't know or like candidates running for office and truly don't believe their vote will make any kind of difference in this town.
So being anonymous helps you to survive another day in Sandwich, and can give you a voice even if only heard by a small group.
Mr. Pierce, if you are elected and I really hope so, maybe you can spend some time to make our government more transparent. I don't think it's right that BOS members can also be on the board of the SEIC. This may be legally ok, but it really doesn't pass the smell test. Any work needing done to town property, have the bid process put on the town website, not just in town buildings, newspaper and hard to find contractor bid websites. Why items are selected for the BOS agenda? Suggestion, when the agenda is posted, next to the item put why and by whom, so folks will no why something is being discussed.
For the record I do watch the BOS, SC, Finance etc. Can be some real entertainment when folding the laundry. I do vote but I'm truly disgusted with the pompous, self-rightousness of many of our town officials.
We often see how unprofessional opposing views are handled between individuals on various boards, especially the BOS. Let's face it if you're not part of a specific political party in Sandwich don't bother saying anything or getting involved, because you don't have a chance at changing anything.
I don't think I stand alone with these observations. If I do so be it!
I understand Jim's frustration with "anonymous" postings -- particularly when its obvious to many who the "anonymous" person actually is!
Yes, there are certain times when anonymous may be necessary -- but it shouldn't be used by elected officials trying to give the appearance of a supportive & like-minded following.
I want to move!!!!!!!
Anyone at all can call themselves "James Pierce" and post whatever they want. I just did. Don't decide your vote based on a blog comment he probably didn't even make!
can somebody confirm this....
are we getting tasers for the police department for $50,000?
Anonymous 5/10/12, 2:22 PM
Please tell me your kidding!
The CICP, Fin Com, BOS and Town Meeting (this past Monday evening) did approve the capital purchase of Tasers for the Sandwich Police Dept.
The Truth Maker 5/8/12, 12:57 PM
You say that thanks to The Chamber of Commerce we left $300,000 on the table. I say we left $300,000 in the pockets of the hard working struggling Sandwich Taxpayers.
You must we in better financial shape than most of us.
The Truth Maker would give a resounding yes to the purchase and training of tasers for the police officers of our town.
Now if you had attended town meeting you would be able to answer your own question.
Now smile
I applaud the vote for tasers! It's too bad they didn't have one to zap that lunatic who makes a mockery of town meeting and is often disruptive at BO'S meetings! And, in that case, I say let's be proactive and zap her BEFORE she gets to the microphone!!!!!
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