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A Task Force is being formed to determine the feasibility of wrapping all Town residents & guests in Bubble Wrap |
Just to re-count our most recent local accomplishments:
On the Town side:
1) Banned Water Guns from July 4th Parade - Water guns don't soak people, People soak people!
2) Banned non-employees, including firefighters' families, from riding fire trucks in July 4 Parade
3) Effectively eliminated fire trucks from July 4 Parade (see #2)
4) Discussed banning Bridge-Jumping (Scorton -- not Sagamore!)
5) Appointed 28 people to a substance abuse task force. Given the amount of pointless self-serving pontification which occurs on the most benign topic during a meeting of the 5 member BOS; I can not imagine what will happen if 28 people try to discuss an important topic. Maybe we should alert Cape Wind and try to tap the hot air? (I hope they don't cause MORE substance abuse by those attending the meetings!)
On the School side:
1) Eliminated Cupcakes in School -- this would be easier to swallow (nyuk, nyuk!) if it was "spun" as a way to decrease the amount of school time wasted on non-educational activities -- like Disney Movies, irrelevant field trips, etc. The idea that the School District feels a need to save kids from their parents is disturbing. On the other hand, there are some legitimate food allergy issues .... (ie. Blame the wasted time ---- don't blame the allergic kids!)
2) Admitted that the School District will be unable to continue supporting The Community School Pool. This is a "two-fer" -- (A) they are admitting they HAVE been supporting it and (B) they are admitting they are unable to continue to support it. (Where have I been hearing that for the past several years?)
3) Admitted that there is a security risk having unknown Community School patrons off the street roaming around the building during the day -- not to mention roaming naked in the locker rooms with the kids. The funny thing is that NOW there is discussion of the last NEASC accreditation that complained about this problem 10 years ago. Yet, long-time School Committee / Community School Council members not only ignored the recommendations 10 years ago -- they have continued to vehemently deny there even WAS an issue for the past 4 years! Where's that angry lynch mob that pursued those that spoke out in favor of improved pool security a few years ago?
4) Filed for the legal equivalent of a "Hail Mary Pass" by asking for an SJC review of a very definitive ruling by three very experienced Justices of the State Appeals Court that overturned a flawed ruling by a single Barnstable County Judge with almost 30 days experience on the bench. If nothing else, its a good attempt to run the clock down and probably push an unpopular settlement discussion into next year -- when the two remaining members that caused the problem will have probably disappeared back into anonymity.
5) Settled the Teachers' contract after almost 3 years of very contentious discussion. The amusing thing is that the union could have had a better deal if they had settled three years ago. But, then they would have lost the opportunity to really piss off a lot of people - and generally maximize ill will towards the School Department and all of its employees. On the Bright Side, the new contract now allows the union to collect an Agency fee from EVERY teacher -- even those unwilling to join the union. Maybe some of these new "non-union" union members will now be willing to step up and take control of this train wreck.
6) The District has announced that ALL SHS freshmen & sophomores will be issued free iPad computers. This is a GREAT development! It would be even greater if the School Committee understood (A) how they were being paid for or (B) how they would be used. Assuming 500 units at a discounted price of $300 each, that's $150,000 that was "invested" with absolutely no public discussion or explanation. There was never a vote to either transfer funds between budget lines -- or approve any leases. Were there even any bids? If they have to vote to accept bids for cafeteria supplies, why weren't there any bids for $150,000 worth of computers? Why has there been no publicity? If we have to keep hearing that adding a Girl's Volleyball Team will help student retention -- why aren't we hearing that we're giving away 500 Apple iPads? THAT should help student retention!
7) After months of hand-wringing and moaning during the last budget season (just 4 months ago), The District has managed to eliminate Bus Fees, buy maybe $150,000 worth of new computers (just a guesstimate), and make an unbudgeted purchase of new portable bleachers. There's also discussion of a "give back" of unused Budget funds to the Town. The law allows excess funds to be used to prepay SPED tuitions for the coming year -- something that was always done (until last year). If the FY '13 budget is going to be tight, wouldn't it make sense to roll forward as much money as possible from FY '12?
Don't get me wrong. I think Dr. Canfield is doing a good job -- his political talent and skills have wrapped him in Kevlar, Teflon & Bubble Wrap. I hope he will now utilize his magical powers to start re-focusing his troops and remind them that The District is being run by the Superintendent -- not the SEA. (It's distressing seeing certain Committee members almost swoon at his feet when those same members almost lynched his predecessor for saying the same thing!)
Of course, it would be nice if the School Committee tuned in to the process -- maybe ask some questions occasionally?
On the town issues - BOS is BS, as for the school issues,
cupcakes - Dr. canfield and the head nurse did mention loss of teaching time in their presentations. ? , how are the kids being "saved" from their parents? Don't they go home after school?
Pool - Bud said the pool is the districts and the district does utilize it for students on our fabulous champion swim/dive teams, which I personally don't want to see go away.
Security - why wasn't action taken 10 yrs. ago? Nothing was ever mentioned that I can recall. when people were recently banned it was because of a complaint, not because of NEASC and a knee jerk reaction is was got the fireworks started.
Hail Mary - if MEJ can appeal a judges decision, why can't the town?
Ipads - there was discussion, granted not a lot, yet it was mentioned that the funds would be transferred from text book adoption - a budgeted item. As for the bids, policy states (which a SC member read to me) they are only needed on items over $25,000 such as the VANS, but no one ever saw a bid for those UN-budgeted items!!
pre-pay sped - agree
The Truth Maker has left a new comment on your post "Anybody out there?":
The Truth Maker would respond to Brother Bob that you have covered most of the towns difficulties, except those from our great Sandwich Economic Incorporated Develpment Committee.
The complete lack of being transparent and putting in place, some rules on how they govern themselves.
More talk about spinning the wheels , rather then acommplishing any thing of merit.
You also did not cover the great divide on the present board of selectmen in regards to our new safety building. It would appear that the same selectmen whom found the time to approve more money for another study has now found he does not, once again, support allowing the people to vote on what to do with our tax money.Who's money is it, I ask??
Apparently this selectman feels he is a dictator in a world of democracy. The people should be given the right to determine there own fate and the future of Sandwich,
This should be the year for this desision to come before the people and some one to get of his soap box, so that every citizen of Sandwich can spout there feelings in the matter of a new safety building for the town.
You can bet if this was the town hall project, he would be all over it like bee's and honey
I am sure that a few others looking in here may also have a few items that need to be addressed as well.
My Friend,I think you will soon be seeing more from the SEIC. These things take time. I also think their rules are pretty clear in their enabling legislation -- which is linked on their nifty new website -- www.SandwichSEIC.com (Disclosure -- I helped with it).
I do support the SEIC -- as we have seen all too often, being elected does not make anybody qualified for anything. The SEIC members are people with relevant professional experience, I am far more comfortable with them managing their $50,000 budget than I am with the School Committee managing $30 MILLION! --- or the BOS managing their $30+ million!
I agree, the PSB should be put to a vote -- either the people want it or they don't.
11:15, I would expect my elected representatives to at least sign their comments. But, I would also expect them to be accurate ....you lose on both counts.
I'm just going to hit the highlights -- there was much discussion about pool security and the folks who WERE around 10 years ago never acknowledged there was a previous accreditation issue --- they pretended it was a non-issue. It was also not based on one complaint. Coincidentally, the solution now, is the same as what you called a "knee jerk" reaction then -- lock out the non-students.
The School is already paying for the swim team's use -- the $60K they are only asking for from the Town is for non-school use.
iPads - I think they are a great idea. BUT I have discussed with School Committee members (obviously not YOU!) and there was little (if any) discussion of funding, training, curriculum use -- or cost! The textbook adoption budget for the High School is only $30,000 -- the iPads probably cost $150,000 -- assume 500 units at $300 each. That is certainly more than $25,000 required for bidding !! (There may be a State bid program to secure the units -- but nobody has said that yet!)
The purchase could probably be justified and explained -- but this gives the appearance of a year-end budget burner. A little transparency would go a long way on this one.
Not that it matters, but the vans that were purchased were funded directly from the transportation account which WAS budgeted -- not the capital budget. I believe they were also purchased through the State/County bid program which didn't require a separate bid process. It was actually cheaper to buy the vans and hire part-time drivers than to pay the exorbitant rates that Cape Cod Collaborative was charging. Rather than work to reduce the rate, our rep on the CCC decided to spend the year fighting the Administration on basic math.
I heard a great quote this week -- "I like the new Superintendent, but its amusing to see the self declared "Budget Watch Dogs" now humping his leg!
The Truth Maker would repond in regards to the wording in the enabling legislation . It clearly states that this corporation can put together a document called BY_Laws. This becomes the rules upon which they govern themselves as a non profit organization.
The lack of such a document with in a non profit organization does not bode well for long time trust or show the taxpayers that they are serious about the undertaking they proposed to have taken on.
By the way what has happened to the $50,000 of taxpayers money, does any one know who was the benifactor of this funding???
11:15, I'd care about the pool issue also -- if I was a pool employee.
Good question on the MEJ lawsuit -- if she can appeal, why can't the Town?
---- I guess the Court answered that this morning when they rejected the SC's appeal without even giving it a hearing! I guess that's what they thought about the SC's counsel!
I think it is awful the amount of time, energy and money that has been wasted over the past two years. The end result is exactly where many people predicted -- Johnson has a contract, the Community School is losing money, the pool is costing the Schools money, and having non-students roaming the halls of the high school (and locker rooms!) while school is in session is an obvious security risk.
Now what?
not anymore!
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