This E-Mail was sent to all School Employees, Administrators & The School Committee by the District's Athletic Director:
From: martin
cosgrove <>
Mon, 10 Dec
2012 17:46:02 -0800 (PST)
Subject: chicken nuggets
When I stopped down to the cafeteria Monday morning for my morning coffee, there was a noticeable pall over what is usually a cheerful place. When I asked why, I was told a meeting took place the previous Friday, at which the ladies of the cafeteria were told of the district's plans to explore outsourcing the food service program.
Perfect timing for the holidays.
These workers' kids sit
in front of us in our classrooms, play alongside our kids in Little League, sit
next next to us in church. They are co-workers, neighbors and
friends. They follow state and federal guidelines to ensure our students
receive a well-balanced nutritious meal. They feed kids when they forget their
money or when they say they forgot their money, when they can't afford to eat. They
root for our kids on the athletic fields and make sure classroom food projects
are perfect when served. Most are working to provide their families with
health insurance. They don't earn much, but they work real hard. Most have to
work a second job, but they are proud of the job they do for the Sandwich
Public School System. They ask how we are feeling after being out. They
ask how our children are doing when they graduate from our school system.
They aren't costs
savings. They are people. And people matter.
The school committee has
explored the option of outsourcing both our cafeterias and custodians. The
research concluded that outsourcing would actually cost the district more. One
could ask our neighbors in Bourne how much the group that has taken over their
district's food service has saved their town. The Bourne Courier reported that
a $5,000 audit revealed that the district has lost $300,000 by outsourcing
their cafeterias.
As the budget season
wrangling begins, maybe a better use of time would be take an honest look
at where the school system has prioritized its spending or to have an
honest discussion of why our system is hemorrhaging students to other
I doubt its the chicken nuggets.
Marty Cosgrove
Sandwich High School
To Which The Superintendent responded:
Subject: Message from Dr. Canfield
received an email this morning that contained many inaccuracies and
representations. I trust it was sent out of compassion and concern for
fellow staff members that we all care about. When there are issues
impacting any of my staff, I believe that courtesy should be observed to the
best of my ability. It is appropriate that I remind all staff of
the importance of following the acceptable use policy of the Sandwich Public
Schools, for both Internet access and use of our email system, especially the
All Staff feature. It is clearly a time for all of us to do our best and
work together to insure the brightest future for the students, families, and
staff that are the Sandwich Public Schools.
A Few of my own Random Thoughts and Observations (Not to be confused with the Superintendent's -- he's far too polite!)
Several years ago the question of outsourcing Food Service was raised. The Prior Business Administrator's response was half-assed at best (or you might say "inconclusive" if you wanted to be polite). There has not been a "real" analysis done in recent history. I'm not saying it a good idea, or a bad idea, but I don't want to leave anybody with the impression that this issue has been looked at with any degree of objective analysis.
Why is the Athletic Director, who is actually an Administrator -- despite still being a member of the Teachers Union -- publicly attacking a possible decision of the School Administration and the School Committee to explore possible cost savings? So much for working together for common goals. In the private sector we refer to administrators who can't work towards the common good as "former employees". In the public sector, many of them seem to just be referred to as "union members".
I have no idea if outsourcing food service is good, or bad -- but I would be interested in seeing an analysis of the issue.
It's interesting that somebody who has seen several previously self-funded athletic teams added to the school budget over the past few years would be so quick to jump on a possible effort by the administration to review potential cost savings.
Maybe they should reduce Math and English to cover the cost of that extra athletic funding?
Of course the food service issue involves "people"! Every issue involves people -- either employees who may lose a job or taxpayers who may be forced to get a second job or further cut their own budget to pay higher taxes and fees. In addition to Athletic & Activity fees, the District also expect parents to shell out almost $100 per student for such exotic "supplies" as paper towels and pencils.
Parents are being asked to send paper towels & pencils to school -- and he doesn't think there is any good reason to look for potential cost savings?
There is only one group in town that is so completely tone-deaf to public opinion, as well as political and financial realities -- It looks like the Teacher's Union Leadership is starting up their own warped "public relations" effort. It's too bad they aren't willing to sign their work. (Besides, has anybody ever seen the Athletic Director use proper capitalization -- or ANY upper case letters -- in his own writings?)
I can hear that union lady's shrill, whiny voice reading this out loud! Marty is a Good Soldier -- but he doesn't talk like that.
Barnstable outsourced their food services.....remember the famous "finger sandwich" caper?
Good info on Cafeteria privatization issue:
Here's a better article:
Personally, I think we should fire a few teachers and leave the lunch ladies alone.
Let’s see where we begin to disagree - Marty and me.
Schools are not restaurants. Their core competency (we hope) is educating not baking. Agree?
In many instances when local service jobs are outsourced employees do not lose jobs they just get a new employer. Agree?
Unlikely that these jobs will be moved offshore to Korea. Agree?
It’s highly likely that if cafeteria services were outsourced a new management company would need experienced employees. Agree?
Our cafeteria employees are experienced. Agree?
Likely that a food services company has more food related buying power and related managerial experience running cafeterias and restaurants than our school system. Agree?
Scale and buying power creates cost efficiencies and lowers costs. Agree?
Moving a non core service to an experienced, deep pocketed, professional service provider seems sensible if it improves service, stabilizes finances and reduces taxpayers cost. Agree?
In the face of annual operating deficits, examining costs and budgets, staffing and revenue is prudent. Agree?
Bob: Would it be at all possible for you to ask Mr. Cosgrove to begin the honest discussion of why our system is hemorrhaging students to other districts that he suggests in his email we all should be having?
About 5 years ago they did take bids to out source the cafeteria. Nothing came of it. My husbands company ran the numbers and cost's out. To make it break even they figured it would cost students about $5 s meal. A drastic increase for families. Then they realised updated equipment that worked and a minimum of 6 staff members ( they have 4-5 working now) was needed. No way for them to make a profit and not out price the parents.
Each new Superintent tries this and nothing changes other than stressing out the staff.
I suspect the 5:59 post is bogus. There is no way a private company would need MORE people than a public entity. And, how could it cost less to use union employees with pension liabilities and full medical benefits? (Not to be confused with most taxpayers who have neither union protection, nor pensions!)
Ha! I got that email last week and immediately noted the "changed" writing style. Somebody definitely has a ghostwriter!
I entirely understand that we need to take a look at the budget and our spending. The Cafeteria workers are not a problem or a solution in this case. They provide meals for students like myself even when we don't have the money to reimburse them for it. When I see them I'm greeted by name with a warm smile and a hot meal. Why is it that we are looking at eliminating these wonderful, hardworking, and caring women but giving more ipads away to students, which I can tell you as a student who has seen them being "used for education" first hand they have proven themselves to be nothing but a distraction to students and teachers and nothing but a fancy selling point that makes Sandwich look nice. Why not take another look at the thousands of dollars being thrown at ipads instead of looking at eliminating these wonderful and hardworking members of the Sandwich High School community. I would be far more interested in a conversation about that!
Sincerely, A concerned student
Looks like another bogus post !
7:54,are you saying we need to keep the current employees because they smile while they give away food -- without collecting any payment? (You're not just "not reimbursing them" -- you're taking food that others will have to pay for.)
Regardless, I don't disagree with you on the iPads and I also agree tis wont solve the School's financial problems --- but I think its ridiculous to criticize the Administration for just LOOKING at a possible solution.
I hope Mr. Cosgrove didn't write that letter during one of his assigned class sessions?
Guess I wont leave anymore post's since it seams my correct info is now considered bogus.
All comments aside let's look at facts. First the cafeteria is a self operating program. there is no cost at all to the school department. One may find it reasonable to look into at least if there would be a savings yes? I say No. it costs the town anywhere between $8000 to $10000 to put out a Request For Proposals RFP. Does the town really have that money to spend to find out what? That a company can give a nice presentation with promises and then cost the district money in the end. Look into Barnstable, Bourne, Wellesley etc. It cost those districts between $5000 and $75000 per year. The cafeteria program now in place is and has always been operating on their own and has even helped subsidize the school department($80,000) in the past when the school themselves were not in good financial shape. Do you all think aramark or Sodexo will do this? There is no cost savings as Dr. canfield would like you to believe nor is it necessary for the town to spend more to find out what we know. If it's not broke don't fix it!
I appreciate the fact Canfield is willing to look at the issue. We will never have a "real" answer unless somebody actually asks the question.
It's easy for cafeteria employees to anonymously claim its not cost-effective to outsource -- but let's see some facts.
Here's some questions -- the School Budget doesn't show an expense for food service. It also shows no expense to replace or repair food service equipment -- stoves refrigeration, etc. Does the Cafeteria budget a reserve for such costs? I do not believe so.
Does the food service program cover ALL employee-related costs -- healthcare, retirement, etc -- or are they paid by the Town (as other school employees are)?
How do average employee labor costs (including healthcare & pension) compare with comparable positions in the private sector?
Will the Food Service program continue to be able to hold the line on price increases as their aging equipment needs to be replaced or upgraded to meet new standards?
Nobody wants to fire the lunch ladies -- and nobody seems to be talking about doing so, yet -- but the Superintendent has an obligation to provide a cost-effective education -- he needs to look at every facet of the School's operations.
I would also hope that the School Committee felt that same obligation to the taxpayers and supports their superintendent -- instead of just rolling over to pressure from the Lunch Ladies & the teachers Union.
"There is no cost savings as Dr. canfield would like you to believe nor is it necessary for the town to spend more to find out what we know"
Huh? Who's "we" ?
And, can you tell us more about he $80,000 the cafeteria "donated" to the schools? (This sounds like Community School Accounting!!)
The school budget is far to bloated to pick this low hanging fruit. How about 0% across the board for 3 years and cut some teachers. Enough is enough! Enrollment is waning and we need to react accordingly, oh wait, this is the public sector, what I am thinking. Will we be happy when the class size is 1 teacher to 5 students? And teachers make 100k per year? Education has become a joke, its just a racket for union thugs.
First comment by Cosgrove was outrageous, he stated upon entering cafeteria how quiet the mood and sad the cafe was. Here we go again, the union immediately uses our children to get to their parents, Laura Carlisle/SEA UNION PRES. has used this trick for every situation she wants to have eliminated. A few union groupie teachers (high school) have knowingly allowed our kids emotions to be played upon over the years as well.
Why don't more parents demand these issues not be disclosed to our innocent children, and be outraged their kids are being used as pawns? Superintendant should discipline anyone discussing these adult school issues with our kids.
Private operations are far better than government run programs, just include clause all current employees will be retained.
The cafeteria has budgeted many monies for repairs and upgrades for equipment. just because you don't know how the program works or what questions to ask without jumping to conclusions. I ask that anyone TRULY interested in the truth go to school committee meetings and ask these questions and demand they report back the TRUTH. As for the comment of using the children to put pressure is absurd. We do not write college letters, stay after school for extra help etc but we do fill in at sporting events and dances when teachers and administrators can or will not. The cafetria is a unique entity and if the superintentedent and business manager had any knowledged of this program they would see where it could be more beneficial to the school. Talk about lies and pressure did you read the Sandwich enterprise? We are not a line item and self supporting so Dr. Canfield can LIE all he wants that he will save programs and teacher's jobs by outsourcing the cafeteria and save $631,000. PLEASE PLEASE show me this information Dr. Canfield cause your full of it!!!
The Truth Maker, would like to take this opportunity to wish friends and foe alike a happy and rewarding New Years.
As we all wait for the economic storm that is about to hit our fair town, we all should be mindfull that in not all cases will more money fix our ongoing problems.
Both sides of ledger will need to be more accountable in the up and comming year, along with more taxpayers being educated as to what is really happening here. If we all continue to allow the powers that be to define the path chosen for what ever we only can blame ourselves for not engaging the system, that has and will continue to effect each citizen of Sandwich.
WE do have some serious issues no doubt, surrounding our school district and long range plans for the town that all need to be reviewed and dicussed with an more honest approach that what we have been through over the past several years.
So once again Happy New Year you all
Rather than get hysterical, why don't we see what Canfield has to say. I can not imagine he would propose such a drastic cultural change unless he could truly support his proposal.
I also think its silly to say that the Business Manager and Superintendent know nothing about the Food Service program.
I also strongly doubt there is any money budgeted for equipment repair and maintenance -- no other department in Town seems to have it! I suspect the big ticket kitchen equipment (reefer units, freezers, etc.) have more than a few years on them. there needs to be a reserve fund to repair/replace them. (same as earlier discussions about no reserve for pool capital maintenance).
Its also a simple question -- does the cafeteria support ALL employee costs -- including benefits - insurance, pension, etc.?
The Superintendent is obligated to provide an education for kids in grades K-12. He is also obligated to taxpayers to do it in the most cost-effective manner possible. He is not obligated to provide employment opportunities to ANYBODY -- teaching, food service, maintenance, or support staff.
Granted, public employment seems to be a very different world -- but taxpayers shouldn't be expected to pay extra for the sole purpose of saving somebody's job. You won't see that in the "Real World"!!
Hopefully, somebody will wake-up the School Committee so they can ask some questions and maybe even take a stand on an issue.
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