Sunday, January 20, 2013
Targeted Marketing or Humorous Coincidence ?
Was it more than a coincidence that an ad for New England Burials at Sea appeared on the screen at Heritage Theater just before the start of the movie Zero Dark Thirty, detailing the locating and disposal of Osama Bin Laden? What's next, an ad for Weight Watchers before the next release of Willie Wonka? How about a Bill Clinton campaign ad just before Wag The Dog ?
Speaking of Movie Theater Ads ... mixed in with the ads for local garages, restaurants, real estate brokers and burial services, was a public service announcement for the proposed Sandwich Public Safety Building.
I have to assume the ad space was donated by the very community-spirited theater owner who has also been working hard to develop the area around the proposed Safety Complex -- but I am sure there will be some buzzing nonetheless!
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Bob – any idea how a taxpayer might go about requesting an official accounting of all town funds spent on the marketing of the Public Safety Building? The tent at the soccer fields? The printed brochures? The advertisement at the movies? Isn’t it true that Political Action Committees (PACs) must register and must report so-called “in-kind” contributions? Despite the Selectmen’s denials, I think a un-registered Political Action Committee has been formed. Your thoughts? Any idea where I would direct a formal complaint or formal request for an investigation to?
You could probably ask the Town Accountant for an account detail.
There is no ballot question on the table (yet) so they aren't supporting a yea/nea vote (ie. they wouldn't need to form a Ballot Question Committee.)
Legally, I assume this activity probably falls within "Public Outreach Efforts". But, I think you could certainly question the value of the labor and materials put into the effort.
I wouldn't waste a lot of effort complaining to the state. But, I would make it clear to the BOS that you want the opportunity to vote this project up or down -- if for no other reason than to end the lobbying efforts.
The Truth Maker would agree with Brother Bob when it comes to the donated publicity in regards to the new Safety Building.
Mr. T has been one of the towns benefactors for many years , especially in his vision for how the town can actually get more economic development tax dollars.
Lets hope the powers to be, do not place more obstacles in his path, like the last time.
You can say all you want about he will be earning more money from his vision and that is true, but he also will provide a better financial picture to the future of Sandwich. That from my perspective is a win win situation, like it or not.
Mr. T is the only one in this town that has the means and wherewithal to get the job done and a new safety complex will insure his investments will be around into the future for our children and grandchildren to reap the rewards of his family style business approach.
Interesting, almost two years ago the voters at Town Meeting ponied up $125,000 to get some information. A committee was formed. A consultant with 50 years experience was hired. The information was generated. The committee was expanded. The assumption was made that, since the voters put up the money, the information should be made available to those who paid for it. Now giving that info to the voters is a "lobbying effort". I never should have followed that white rabbit and Alice down the hole. Which side of the mushroom am I supposed to bite to make the project smaller.
The Truth Maker would comment to Mr. Jim What has been the total bill to have all of the various studies performed over the past 20 years??
How much time and money outside of these studies have the tax payers spent, in town adminstration and countless meetings and in some cases various departments within our town government.
My guestimate is around ONE MILLION DOLLARs ,not a paltry some of money that to this date in time we the tax payers have seen no rewards for.
Look at who is not, for, at least presenting this proposal before town meeting and the same speach we have heard before and the needle appears to be stuck in the same place. It is time that he find the time, to at least lift the needle from the record he has been spinning with false information.
Yes in my opinion, his facts and figures do not bear out what the truth actually is. The spinning of false information does not accomplish any goal the town may have in regards to economic development, another false image being spread, he is for>.
He knows the truth and it is time the taxpayers also know.
Where is his accountability in regards to the $50,000 that was given to the group he was working
in the background for?
Who got this money, not just the company, but the actual people that were given tax payers money. He knows whom , why not make it public? Are we wishing that no one will ask for accountabilty which was tax payers money and who derived the benifits from those moneys?
We will contiue to spout that the corner stone of economic development is having in place a safety complex that assures new growth, new growth that brings in real dollars to reduce the tax base for its citizens. New growth that assures educational opportunities for the children of our families living here. New growth that assures the legacy of Sandwich into the future for our children and grand children.
New growth that secures job opportinties for the families here in Sandwich/
Who got the $50, 000 needs to be answered, like yesterday
I am hoping that Mr. Pierce is kidding us when he says that he has trouble understanding how anyone might perceive advertisements in movie theaters, glossy brochures and TV infomercials all in favor of the proposed Safety Complex as political and a form of campaigning. I can’t imagine that Mr. Pierce is really serious when he suggests that all this marketing effort is merely the town returning information to taxpayers that taxpayers paid for.
It’s a shame Governor Patrick hasn’t heard or read Mr. Pierce’s posts. Pierce is truly a Washington caliber politician and this post reveals Pierce’s mastery of political nonsense speak. It takes a certain something to suggest that all this Safety Complex campaigning is merely the town giving taxpayers what they want. Jim, as my Aunt Myra use to say you’ve got real hutzpah!
Perhaps, but I sign what I write.
The free Barbara Lewis campaign that would haved cured the the fire side response problem-BAD
The $125,000 plus plus plus campaign to spend half of the $30 MILLION for better response times-GOOD
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