The architect trying to sell us the Public Safety Palace probably bought those signs -- and the advertising at heritage Theater, and the website, etc. It's a big marketing event for them -- nothing to do with "Public Good".
So, Mr. Pierce bought the Public Safety yes signs. Interesting. Good to know that he’s weathered the recent economic storm well enough to both raise his (and our taxes) and buy campaign signs. At least 1 person in sandwich is doing well (financially). That’s something.
Although I'm sure it's all perfectly legal, I find it to be unethical. Helping a certain group along. Never mind us taxpayers who are just scraping by. Just keep that nose turned up in the air, for you are far superior to us and our pesky plebian problems. Just wait till the State and Feds hit us with all their taxes. Doom and gloom ahead. At least we know where Mr. Pierce stands on this issue now. I'm glad this information has been brought to our attention.
The Truth Maker would respond to 4:40 apparently you have not been listing to the Board Of selectmens meetings or reading the many article Mr. Pierce has placed in the local papers, for close to two years now.
He has not wavered on this issue at all.
We agree with many of his thoughts in regards as to why we need a new safety complex.
If you only judge this project on the merits of money, you would never approve it/ This project goes beyond dollars , it speaks to the future of Sandwich and having buildings that can provide our town with all of the safety concerns, with out being concerned that in the eventuality of a serious breach at the barrier beach, that we will not have the ability to repond to protect the whole town of Sandwich.
Sandwich is presently under attack by a serious drug problem that has resulted in more break ins to homes, cars like never before. The building themselves are of no further value as structures in a thriving community of over 20,000 citizens.
The new proposals will increase the respond times to over 98 percent of our community and provide us all with a building that is being touting as lasting 50 years.
Money is a concern, but the future of Sandwich is also a concern as well.
The need is obvious for this taxpayer if Sandwich is to forfill its future for the next generation, we are on a fixed income that does not provide any latitude in how we find an increase in tax dollars to pay for it, but some how we will.
You can live for today or you can live for tomorrow, only history will tell us if we made the right choice. Where do you see your children, grand children living into the future. In a safe place or one that did not plan to provide a base that protects us all. Every one has questions and we are no different in that regard and that is why we urge every one to attend town meeting to express your concerns at town meeting floor. Get their early as it may be standing room only
With all the spare time I have, I glue myself to the TV and am sure to digest every single word spoken by our great leaders. I am well aware of Mr. Pierce's position on the matter, but that does that mean he can put his own money forward to promote the cause? I suppose it does, I just think it's odd.
The future of Sandwich goes well beyond a new building for the fire trucks and police cars. In case you hadn't noticed, things in this little town are falling down all around us. The schools are a mess, the buildings are a mess, the management is a mess and frankly, morale is a mess. We are just going to have to wait and see what the people think and then let the chips fall where they may.
I understand the need for the building. It would be great! But I think getting our ducks in a row, establishing some new economic value to our town needs to come first. Then and only then can we be rewarded with new buildings. I am not against progress for Sandwich. But they haven't earned a darn thing. We don't have the money.
The Truth Maker would respond to 908 You are correct on the economic value for our town, but then again we have had an economic development corporation that has taken $50,000 from our hard earned tax dollars and as of yet still has not devulged where it went or who got it. The least of which in five years has shown zip for our town in developing any thing of any value.
So again, failure by SEIC. Add that to the list. Too many failures should not add up to rewards. We don't deserve anything new until we can fix what we have. How do you do things in your homes? Do you run you businesses in the way this town runs. Would you open a new store when the one you have is a failure? Do you reward yourself with shiny new things when you haven't earned a penny all year? I'm just saying, let's get organized and get Sandwich moving before we spend this money. Uncertainty is looming like a dark storm cloud over the bay.
The Truth Maker would repond to 5:58 in regards to a looming dark storm cloud over the bay.
Uncertainty in the strength of the barrier beach to with stand another good blow from mother nature? Uncertainty in why the board walk will be repaired, with out a way to get down on the beach, and allowing further errosion to the barrier beach, from all the tourists?
Uncertainty in when the town will allow the only business owner to expand his property to actually bring in new business models for Sandwich. To give the town a more secure tax base?
Uncertainty, when the power plant will be finally taken off line and how does that affect every tax payer's real estate taxes?
Uncertainty where the new gas line will be placed, not in my backyard GROUP, have attempted to make a case to place it under the main electric source for the whole of Cape Cod?
Uncertainty how are road ways will be maintained and town parking lots that are in need of deep repairs, will survive another year?
Uncertainty in how the new proposal for a Stem program will reduce the numbers leaving Sandwich to be educated by other school district?
Uncertainty in what will be the affects of all the back door compromises being made by a select group of officials?
One can see the list is long and many things still have not been vented.
Are we doomed as a town? Do we need to look at another way to operate our town? Do we need more accountabilty? Do we need a new direction? Do we change the long range plans for Sandwich, that ACTUALLY ADDRESS EVERY NEED?
Yes for sure Sandwich has major problems and yes you are correct Sandwich is under attack with serious drug problems, house and car break ins, domestic assaults and the list goes on and on but does one really think a new building is the answer of course not WE NEED MORE PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS to protect and serve us!! But according to town administration we can't afford them! Hummm....but we can afford a building to make us look good!! Wake up people and vote NO on the building but look to vote YES for additional PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICIALS!
5:58 is correct. The town of Sandwich figuratively stumbles, like a drunken sailor, from poorly considered decision to decision, followed by awful execution and implementation of each ill-conceived decision made. Tax increases and debt exclusions mask each past failure but do not correct anything. It’s always more of the same. And, the same isn’t too good. Taxpayers would do well to come to Town Meeting and vote NO to each and every question asked. Enough is enough.
Isn't it comforting to know that a selectman paid for a political sign all by himself? What are the chances that the Sign Inspector (building inspector) were to fine each business and homeowner $20 a day because the signs are bigger that the two square feet allowed outlined in the town bylaw 6.60? Also, the same signs on Rt 6A require permission from the Historic District outlined in town bylaw 6.60. You can bet that if someone put that same size sign promoting a "NO" vote for this public safety complex Speedy Gonzalez would pay a visit forthwith. After all, that is his job. The good news is this vote on Tuesday night requires a two thirds vote to make the PSC a ballot question May 9th. Anybody notice in this years town report by the fire chief that Sandwich provided Mutual Aid 68 times to other towns but received 168 calls for help from other towns in one year? $30 million dollar buildings will not change this disturbing statistic
Who bought and paid for the Yes Public Safety signs?
especially now when we have to put up with the damn campaign signs. Why do people who are unopposed need to add to the sign blight?
Why isn't anyone enforcing sign regulations ? There are many illegally placed signs this year.
The architect trying to sell us the Public Safety Palace probably bought those signs -- and the advertising at heritage Theater, and the website, etc. It's a big marketing event for them -- nothing to do with "Public Good".
So, Mr. Pierce bought the Public Safety yes signs. Interesting.
Good to know that he’s weathered the recent economic storm well enough to both raise his (and our taxes) and buy campaign signs.
At least 1 person in sandwich is doing well (financially). That’s something.
Although I'm sure it's all perfectly legal, I find it to be unethical. Helping a certain group along. Never mind us taxpayers who are just scraping by. Just keep that nose turned up in the air, for you are far superior to us and our pesky plebian problems. Just wait till the State and Feds hit us with all their taxes. Doom and gloom ahead. At least we know where Mr. Pierce stands on this issue now. I'm glad this information has been brought to our attention.
The Truth Maker would respond to 4:40 apparently you have not been listing to the Board Of selectmens meetings or reading the many article Mr. Pierce has placed in the local papers, for close to two years now.
He has not wavered on this issue at all.
We agree with many of his thoughts in regards as to why we need a new safety complex.
If you only judge this project on the merits of money, you would never approve it/
This project goes beyond dollars , it speaks to the future of Sandwich and having buildings that can provide our town with all of the safety concerns, with out being concerned that in the eventuality of a serious breach at the barrier beach, that we will not have the ability to repond to protect the whole town of Sandwich.
Sandwich is presently under attack by a serious drug problem that has resulted in more break ins to homes, cars like never before. The building themselves are of no further value as structures in a thriving community of over 20,000 citizens.
The new proposals will increase the respond times to over 98 percent of our community and provide us all with a building that is being touting as lasting 50 years.
Money is a concern, but the future of Sandwich is also a concern as well.
The need is obvious for this taxpayer if Sandwich is to forfill its future for the next generation, we are on a fixed income that does not provide any latitude in how we find an increase in tax dollars to pay for it, but some how we will.
You can live for today or you can live for tomorrow, only history will tell us if we made the right choice.
Where do you see your children, grand children living into the future. In a safe place or one that did not plan to provide a base that protects us all.
Every one has questions and we are no different in that regard and that is why we urge every one to attend town meeting to express your concerns at town meeting floor. Get their early as it may be standing room only
With all the spare time I have, I glue myself to the TV and am sure to digest every single word spoken by our great leaders. I am well aware of Mr. Pierce's position on the matter, but that does that mean he can put his own money forward to promote the cause? I suppose it does, I just think it's odd.
The future of Sandwich goes well beyond a new building for the fire trucks and police cars. In case you hadn't noticed, things in this little town are falling down all around us. The schools are a mess, the buildings are a mess, the management is a mess and frankly, morale is a mess. We are just going to have to wait and see what the people think and then let the chips fall where they may.
I understand the need for the building. It would be great! But I think getting our ducks in a row, establishing some new economic value to our town needs to come first. Then and only then can we be rewarded with new buildings. I am not against progress for Sandwich. But they haven't earned a darn thing. We don't have the money.
The Truth Maker would respond to 908 You are correct on the economic value for our town, but then again we have had an economic development corporation that has taken $50,000 from our hard earned tax dollars and as of yet still has not devulged where it went or who got it. The least of which in five years has shown zip for our town in developing any thing of any value.
So again, failure by SEIC. Add that to the list. Too many failures should not add up to rewards. We don't deserve anything new until we can fix what we have. How do you do things in your homes? Do you run you businesses in the way this town runs. Would you open a new store when the one you have is a failure? Do you reward yourself with shiny new things when you haven't earned a penny all year? I'm just saying, let's get organized and get Sandwich moving before we spend this money. Uncertainty is looming like a dark storm cloud over the bay.
The Truth Maker would repond to 5:58 in regards to a looming dark storm cloud over the bay.
Uncertainty in the strength of the barrier beach to with stand another good blow from mother nature?
Uncertainty in why the board walk will be repaired, with out a way to get down on the beach, and allowing further errosion to the barrier beach, from all the tourists?
Uncertainty in when the town will allow the only business owner to expand his property to actually bring in new business models for Sandwich. To give the town a more secure tax base?
Uncertainty, when the power plant will be finally taken off line and how does that affect every tax payer's real estate taxes?
Uncertainty where the new gas line will be placed, not in my backyard GROUP, have attempted to make a case to place it under the main electric source for the whole of Cape Cod?
Uncertainty how are road ways will be maintained and town parking lots that are in need of deep repairs, will survive another year?
Uncertainty in how the new proposal for a Stem program will reduce the numbers leaving Sandwich to be educated by other school district?
Uncertainty in what will be the affects of all the back door compromises being made by a select group of officials?
One can see the list is long and many things still have not been vented.
Are we doomed as a town? Do we need to look at another way to operate our town? Do we need more accountabilty? Do we need a new direction? Do we change the long range plans for Sandwich, that ACTUALLY ADDRESS EVERY NEED?
Yes for sure Sandwich has major problems and yes you are correct Sandwich is under attack with serious drug problems, house and car break ins, domestic assaults and the list goes on and on but does one really think a new building is the answer of course not WE NEED MORE PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS to protect and serve us!! But according to town administration we can't afford them! Hummm....but we can afford a building to make us look good!! Wake up people and vote NO on the building but look to vote YES for additional PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICIALS!
5:58 is correct. The town of Sandwich figuratively stumbles, like a drunken sailor, from poorly considered decision to decision, followed by awful execution and implementation of each ill-conceived decision made.
Tax increases and debt exclusions mask each past failure but do not correct anything. It’s always more of the same. And, the same isn’t too good.
Taxpayers would do well to come to Town Meeting and vote NO to each and every question asked. Enough is enough.
Isn't it comforting to know that a selectman paid for a political sign all by himself? What are the chances that the Sign Inspector (building inspector) were to fine each business and homeowner $20 a day because the signs are bigger that the two square feet allowed outlined in the town bylaw 6.60? Also, the same signs on Rt 6A require permission from the Historic District outlined in town bylaw 6.60. You can bet that if someone put that same size sign promoting a "NO" vote for this public safety complex Speedy Gonzalez would pay a visit forthwith. After all, that is his job. The good news is this vote on Tuesday night requires a two thirds vote to make the PSC a ballot question May 9th. Anybody notice in this years town report by the fire chief that Sandwich provided Mutual Aid 68 times to other towns but received 168 calls for help from other towns in one year? $30 million dollar buildings will not change this disturbing statistic
Wow! Excellent post anon 5/5!
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