The Cape Cod Times is reporting this AM that the engineers are proposing two options to repair the infamous SHS Swimming Pool -- one for $662,000 and a second for $856,000. But .... these are only their base prices. They also proposed a few add-ons which could certainly drive the price up further.
AND .... that still doesn't fix the leak. Getting some water to stay in the pool is estimated to cost another $35,000.
Gee ... the pool needs grouting and some major mechanical work. Where have I heard that before?
What happened to the now famous battle cry: "In 1974 ... blah ...blah ... community access ... blah blah ...The Pool makes money ... blah blah ... I have a sore knee ... blah blah ...why can't strangers pay $50 to walk naked with high school kids ... blah blah ...we'll have a fundraiser ...blah blah ... you're a Bastard ... blah blah ..." ?
Well, many of those folks have gone home to Marstons Mills, Cotuit and Bourne; others are probably busy trying to figure out how to resolve a certain lawsuit that could surpass the cost of rebuilding the pool (or almost as much as the SS Overkill, our new Fireboat).
The School Committee is sitting quietly (possibly even lying down?) and allowing the Superintendent to take this issue to Town Hall and the Voters. Not exactly a Profile in Courage move -- but who wants to be associated with a million dollar pool Override -- especially at the same time voters are being asked to fund $500K for falling window sills? No wonder the Teachers Contract was settled so quietly -- the new SEA President is obviously brighter than her predecessor when it comes to interpreting public sentiment!
Canfield is the Man For The Job --- he is far more interested in doing what he thinks is right as a professional educator than he is in prolonging his job by kissing up to some unprofessional amateurs -- one of the many benefits to a likely retirement in the next few years! He also knows that he controls the Wing School property and the Town wants it -- for redevelopment, renovation, or just to shrink the schools. I believe that could be called taking a hostage. ("Fix The Pool, or you'll never get The Wing!")
And, since NOBODY wants to be known as "The Guy Who Killed The Pool", I expect this issue to be lobbed out of the BOS meeting and onto the laps of Voters with the speed of a Billie Jean King forehand with the new battle cry "let the voters decide"
That's a fair move. If the Community wants a pool (or not), they should be willing to pay for it (or not) -- as they do for other public services. Until very recently, the Pool was rarely used for student activity. It was used by the Community School to provide below-cost swimming opportunities for adults and other folks in surrounding Towns.
You might say this override is being caused by the Community School's failure to pay an appropriate share of Pool operating costs ... since 1974! (THAT should piss some folks off!)
Now about those windowsills ...
And That Lawsuit ...
And the Public Safety Building ...
And that Fire Boat ...
Forget all that. Let's talk about the gas line some more !! There will be people running through the woods in flames, and small children incinerated at Bus Stops, you know!
Welcome to the beginning of Budget Season!
What about the sidewalks? Now that we have miles of new sidewalks, I hope somebody gets rid of a few of the school buses clogging Quaker Meetinghouse! The little darlings could walk to school! What will the DPW do with all their free time once the sidewalks are done -- particularly given all the extra money they scored from Pay-as-you-throw !
In the last two weeks I have heard 3 homeowners talking about Sandwich taxes. All of the comments were extremely negative. And, while all 3 said that taxes were too high, what really bothered folks was the feeling that the town wastes and mismanages the taxes it collects. 3 isn’t a representative sample; but, I think everyone in government is kidding themselves if they think an override or debt exclusion will pass in the current political and economic environment.
I firmly believe that the pool and high school are just two more examples of taxpayer funded buildings and equipment that has been allowed to rot through neglect and purposeful decisions to not routinely maintain and repair. Is this situation really any different than the track or Dewey Ave or the Deacon Eldridge House? I don’t think so. 20 or more years of setting aside just $300,000 or $500,000 to fund capital repair and improvement has resulted in this mess. Its grossly unfair to ask tax payers to fix in a year or two or five.
The Truth maker would respond to the above after speaking to Dr. Canfield in regards to allowing those along the new side walks to now walk to school, which should reduce a few bus runs. This would be part of a plan going down the road. The new side walks once completed will be a good for those walkers and runners that are attempting to stay in shape. Given that some obese children will now also be able to be included in walking to school also aids to the overall benefits the walk way will provide into the future. The new side walk should remain fairly safe as our Police chief has been known to run a course along this new project. Let us also hope that the track teem also take advantage of now being able to run on safe grounds rather then what was previously allowed by the coach on the open roads of Sandwich.
It does present a challenge to our DPW department as they now will need to include the side walks as part of any snow removal and sanding that may be needed to provide a safe walk during the winter months. They are up to the task , that I am sure off.
The Truth Maker did notice that during the school presentation last night that the question of how the pool would be heated and that perhaps an alternative power source could be used.
It was noted that the PRESENT gas line located on School grounds, would supply the power. So much for the stop the gas line on service road project, that was using this excuse to not allow a new line to be put in place.
It is sure strange to find out that informed people attempt to use the children as an excuse for why they do not want this line in there neiborhood and it is allready in place to begin with.
Perhaps they need to do a little more research in how to speak the truth.
Did Crossman cringe during discussion of continuing to heat "her" school pool with the same gas that is considered a "deadly hazard" as it passes near her property?
What about the damned fences? I see split rail fences in random locations all around town (130, QMH, Snake Pond, Boardley Rd., etc.)--- they don't seem to accomplish anything except to generate work for the DPW and Sales revenue for somebody's fence company.
Oh... nevermind. I just answered my own question!
Why doesn't the school pay for these repairs themselves? 70+ % of our tax dollars are going to the school department away, let them deal with it. Might have to let some teachers go? Stop spending like drunken sailors? Stop paying admin these outrageous salaries? Why don't they have a capital budget like the town does? The school department is about as pathetic as our Board of Selectmen. Furthermore, why is it that these windowsills need to be repaired……oh that’s right, it was no doubt a UNION construction job! Let’s vote no and teach these people a lesson.
We need more money put into capital/maintenance needs and less on salaries. I will support the repairs to the high school windowsills and the pool which are needed to get the STEM Academy up and running. I expect that there will be a savings in staffing when all 7th and 8th graders are in the high school building. And this is the first step in combining all remaining students into the Oak Ridge and Forestdale schools. I'm willing to pony up some one-time money now to ensure a competitive school program in Sandwich which will reduce sending tuition costs and provide a more efficient model for educating our students.
Pleas remember to get do love the pool but its not even up for discussion at this point. We have already paid for these in overrides before....I am not paying again. I believe the school committee had an issue with the Community School because it could not maintain itself and pay it's way. The School committee also had an issue with the cafeteria and making sure they had enough money to repair and upgrade equipment. Sounds to me like they need to follow their own advice and pay their own way and plan for the unexpected expenses that come with maintaining a school. When will it ever really be about the kids and not agendas or feathers in a cap?
The school only has an operating budget approved by town meeting. It does not have its own capital budget because it is part of the towns capital budget.
The schools are maintained as well as everything else in town ... Which means they need work. Unfortunately nobody was willing to admit it ---- the pool has been a problem for years. The only reason they finally admitted it is because the water leaked out during a power failure!!
It appears that the shs reno was done in typically crappy fashion if major components are falling out after only 15 years.
What about the emergency generator that was put on the third floor with no way to refuel it when the building was built? They should go after the general contractor and the architect.
Anon at 4:22 you have got to be living on another planet. Willing to Pony up money? STEM can't happen without a swimming pool? Savings in staffing related to STEM? You have got to send me some of those drugs you are taking or perhaps a pair of those pink glasses you view this school system through. You MUST be Crossman. Who else on this planet could swallow this pill so easily as you. Pony up money? You can't be in support of any type of cost controls or believe in cost effectiveness when you are ready to Pony up money for what has been laid before you. can't really be an must be one of the headless horsemen! Even calling it STEM will not overcome the large negative support for any override for anything to do with this school system. Forgive and forget for STEM, now there's a new one. Let bygones be bygones in the name of underwater submersibles eh? Methinks we have lipstick on a pig that still stinks to the low water mark of Scorton Creek. I can't believe you actually would Pony anything up to this mess. Not another penny until they attempt to show true transparency. Maybe they could start by explaining the I Pads with the walls of Jericho crumbling? Oh, did I mention my house needs new windows? Now I wonder who I can get to Pony up for this really painful necessary repair!
Why can people not just let go of the pool? I genuinely do not understand how anyone can possibly think it is a good idea to sink over $800,000 into a pool. In what world are we living? There are several other pools within a 20miles radius. Put the money towards bringing the school buildings up to code and educating the children.
From watching the last selectmens meeting, I think the pool is in big trouble. There doesn't seem to be enough Selectmen supporting the idea to even propose an Override to Town Meeting. IF it even gets to Town Meeting and IF it passes, I can not imagine it passing at the ballot box.
The Pool Zombies aren't going to be packing the hall because Canfield already said he's not going to let them in during the day -- and that anybody who DOES get access will be expected to pay a "fair share".
Here's homework for future STEM kids: How much dirt will it take to fill in the swimming pool?
Poolies have started a facebook page. Save Sandwich Pool
Only positive thoughts allowed
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