I would never be presumptuous enough to claim to write the "Ultimate Guide" to anything, But here's a thumbnail cheat sheet on Town Meeting and the subsequent Override election:
- Town Meeting is Monday, November 18 in the High School Auditorium at 7 PM
- The Election is on Thursday, November 21 from 7 AM to 8 PM at Wing/Forestdale/Oakridge.
- Or, you can also vote at the Town Clerk's Office until noon on Wednesday, November 20
- The funding articles must pass at BOTH Town Meeting at at the election
Here's the two unanswered questions:
1) If repaired, what will it cost to operate the pool ? Does that include all staff, maintenance, utilities, and a reserve for future maintenance?
2) How will those costs be covered? Will it be funded entirely from the School Budget? Will there be a Town contribution? How much revenue is projected to come from outside rentals?
Why do I keep asking these questions?
The cheapest part of owning a horse is buying the horse -- it's the related expenses for food, vets, maintenance, etc. that will kill you. This Town has a lousy track record of maintaining its assets.
If taxpayers are being asked to provide almost a million dollars, its not unreasonable to ask how the recipient will be able to afford to maintain the asset. Has anybody ever known Cape Cod Five to write a million dollar mortgage for someone making $8 per hour?
If this will be funded entirely from the School Budget, and in the event budget cuts become necessary, what's the plan? Do we cancel Math classes or shut down the pool? (We've already seen what happens when you cut back on maintenance!)
The discussion at Town Meeting should revolve around the School Departments Business Plan for restoring AND maintaining the Pool -- including realistic projections of costs and equally realistic projections of revenue.
Unfortunately, since there does not seem to be any operating plan, I am sure the room will be packed by pool users and everyone else will be treated to a never-ending monologue of "What the Pool means to me" stories.
I think what Dr. Canfield was doing was to try to meld the two camps in this discussion, that is the pros and the cons. I don't think that works unless one is to look at all the options for the pool and to discuss those options with the people. Pools can and do make money, but I am not sure that Dr. Canfield wants to make money. I have not seen any plan that deals with the money aspect of the endeavor. Citizens are not going to support this unless they understand it. Its strange that the so called leaders don't get it.
Can we really put a price on togetherness, community pride or our children’s future? Of course not.
Is there really a dollar value we would attempt to ascribe to good health and recreation? Surely not.
Its so silly to keep asking what things cost and how much money we’ll need to operate and repair. As Nike tells us: Just Do It!
Lets all keep the words of Jack Kennedy in mind whenever folks ask us to pay more in taxes – I’ll gladly “pay any price” and “bear any burden” for the good of my fellow man (and woman).
Time to stop asking how and how much lets just come together and shout YES!
Its not an issue of MAKING money ...... Its just a question of how the operating costs can be covered ---- at least partially. I agree the school budget should not be subsidizing the pool ...as you seem to have proved they did for years.
You are totally missing the bigger picture! Operating costs are almost meaningless in the bigger picture. Just roll the operating costs into the school or town budget (doesn’t really matter) and let us taxpayers pay the cost!
Are you still going out to dinner? Taking a vacation? Have you bought a new (or new-to-you used) car recently? Or, perhaps you’ve purchased some news clothes? Maybe you even splurge and buy land-O-lakes instead of Market Basket brand cheese? I’ll bet most of us are still spending our discretionary income and money on ourselves. How nice that we have the ability to spend on ourselves in this way. It’s a blessing.
Blessings should be shared. Those enjoying good fortune should share their good fortune. That’s the American way!
So, maybe you’ll just have to forgo that new coat, your daily coffee latte or whatever but you will have helped your community and yourself by fixing the pool, repairing the school windows, running the fire boat, installing split rail fences along new sidewalks and building a new library and new safety complex.
These are ALL good and important goals. And, they are ALL worth doing now, today, right away. And really - What’s another $100, $200, $500 or $1,000 for folks still buying Boars Head instead of store brand deli meats? Really?
PLEASE Stop asking where the several thousands of dollars you’ve already paid in taxes has gone and focus instead on the bigger, more important picture -- which is that there is more to do.
So, forget what has been and imagine what can be! And, open your hearts (and wallets) to the many, many exciting possibilities. Together, as a community, let’s shout YES!
Dear Mr. Scudder,
Your thoughts and comments although nice, the reality is, money is the key component. I keep hearing its only a one year tax increase. However how many years in a row have we heard for something in this town that it's just a one year increase?
I for one am not opening my wallet, Again, for another "town asset" which will not be a "town asset". Dr. Canfield has said repeatedly he will use it for the school system. Although he has admitted, maybe too late, that there may be "some availability" for other uses, it's too little, too late.
No matter what my bank account supports for my family, Boar's Head or Store Brand, it's our money! I am not supporting another town/school project, that let's face it, I once again don't get benefit from! Examples: no child in the Sandwich schools; don't use the dump anymore; have no need for the DPW, live on a private road, myself and my family know how to swim, etc. EMT's and police yes. Firemen thankful for but fortunately haven't had to use.
So as you can see, if the powers that be come up with a reasonable plan for the police/fire then I will open my wallet for a tax increase. Nothing else before that priority is addressed.
Plus I'm not falling for the "propaganda" that it will cost just as much to dismantle the pool as fix it. Just talk to contractors in town and they just laugh at that assertion!
So I'm a no vote!
I don't want to sound un-neighborly but YOU are missing the point. It's MY money -- not yours. Why should I pay for your recreation? Are you willing to pay for mine?
Who gets to decide what recreation will be subsidized by neighbors? If you want to swim, join the Y.
The next time there is a school budget problem, I don't want to hear about an override if my taxes are still paying for those Cotuit people I keep hearing about!
I would hope Ted Scudder postings are "tongue-in-cheek". They gave me a chuckle....
Why not take a little time and reflect on what is coming down the road of public financial problems for our fair town.
Where is the money coming from to Pay of Dr. Johnson?
Where is the money going to come from to put in place a new safety complex?
Where is the money going to come from when the Sandwich Economic Initiative Corporation comes to town meeting in the spring? Looking for another free hand out
of your money.Get ready its coming.Look at what they did with the $50,000 we gave them and you you will see no one is watching out for the taxpayers.
Where is the money going to come from to keep the center of Sandwich all spruced up ? What has happened to the rest of our fair town?
Where is the money going to come from to pay the increased benefit packages for all of our town employees?
Where is the money going to come from to pay all the bills due that have been put on the back burner over the many years?
Where will the money come from to pay off the beach problems being proposed at this town meeting?
Where will the money come from to keep all of our town equipment operational? has any one seen how many town employees get to drive town owned cars, trucks, boats as of late?
I will let other finish the list as it is staggering to think that some feel it is ok to use my money, when I am on a fixed income that gets reduced each year , because of inept finacial managment over the years and some feeling they are entitled to spend my money with no accountabilty, when they do it.
The pool problem is a community problem, not the schools not the towns, but all of us and that is how it should be addressed
I truly wish I could detect a little more community spirit and pride on this page. Everyone is so negative. It’s time to pull together and show some Sandwich Spirit!
For just a few dollars a day, together - we can fix the pool, repair the long neglected school windows; build a much needed second library, construct a long-overdue Senior Center, replace a much loved water fountain, cover the town in sidewalks and split rail fences, remodel and repurpose Wing School, build a police station, build one maybe two fire stations, hire a half dozen police officers and maybe a dozen additional fire fighters and more!. All of this is needed and needed now!
Sure, it might cost $25, $30, $35 million dollars or more to make all this happen but what the heck people – this is our home! Our community! Why count pennies?
I say it’s well past time to pull together and make things happen! Remember folks: Together We Can!
Ted I did not think that you would even post here??
Now that you have . You are correct it is our town, but it is not being operated as a whole town,We have the town side and the school side it is operated as two seperated functions, with different idiolgies. We can not even agree on using one system for billing, where is the community spirit in that process?
We have power groups with in our town that have decided who gets the money to do things and do not, where is the community spirit in that process?
We continue to have struggles between the Haves and the have nots , where is the community spirit there?
You are correct it is time for every one to get on the same page and work towards a common goal, but together as a community.
Since I have been living in the town of Sandwich and even before the elements of control have enforced a two party saystem.
Your for the town or your for the schools That is the mentality that has created these situations we all are now facing.
It is called reality, being truthful and above all have it all done with a little ethical demeanor.
Once again you are correct if we all work together, we can.
That is why electing those to represent us at both the town and school levals really and truely show there colors before we elect them rather then after. Then perhaps we may just for once get us on the same teams working towards the mutual goals for the benefit of the whole community of Sandwich. It does not take a rocket scienced to see what this has done to our fair town over the years.
Ted can u stop playing with the people here and go stir up your chemically induced little fantasy land story to the people at town meeting that don't read this blog and need to hear you say this out loud as sarcasticlly as you can. With any luck that will wake them up!
I honestly believe that Ted Scudder should stand in front of the Stop and Shop with the poolies in a cheerleaders uniform, because within his simplistic view of this town he totally ignores some very painful realities. There is little doubt that old Ted is trying to receive a group hug from the poolies by using the old cream rises to the top theory of economics. Ted, if I may call you Ted.. you either watch the movie Rudy too many times. Perhaps you should watch the Selectmens Meetings and the School Committee Meetings on SACAT for the past four years. If you truly know what has brought us to this point about the pool, you could NEVER stand before us and tell us to give up our Lattes. I hate Latte Ted and you sure as hell have a nerve to jump into the pool and public safety fracas at this point in time, pretending to be the head cheerleader. People claim this blog is poison because we ask some very painful questions. This is the only blog I visit that asks for an explanation Ted. If you want a group hug from your poolie pals then jump into the deep end with them (Oooops there is no deep end anymore) and tell me who is going to control the future costs of anything the school does. Do you really believe the majority of folks living in this town can afford the big banana? Lets just cough it all up at once it only costs a few pennies a day group just refuses to see the logic in what you are asking for. We deserve a Public Safety building that provides a safe environment for our workers. We have needed that for years. We have ALWAYS failed to reach that plateau because the school system ALWAYS develops a plague or the pox (roofs, windows, Lawsuits, do I need to go on). I would happily donate my pound of flesh, finally, to the Public Safety facility. You, Ted, Mr Cheerleader I want you to visit the police station, just walk in the front door and tell me what you nose detects.Don't tell me it from water leaking through the tiles in the pool! Those people working in the Police HQ and Fire Dept buildings deserve the new facility. They have sat in the back row of the School Committee for too damn long. Take your Pom Poms elsewhere Ted unless you happen to be one of the very chosen few who can cough up a nice gift to the town. Your rah rah message is just plain bullshit to anyone who has dealt with this issue over the years. Someone in the School Department has to prove they can live within a real budget and not spend money in pool memberships for a very small group of people that live in Marstons Mills, etc. Nope, you don't get my money Ted for anything but Public Safety. Back to the drawing board for you, Kangas, Crossman and Koenig until you find a way to pay Johnson her due. Ted, why don't you pony up that money too while we are at it. Reality tastes like bath water Ted. If you are tasting lemonade when it comes to my tax money..you can waive your pom poms till the cows come home before I give you one red cent. Now. Report back to your admiring supporters who no doubtedly put you up to writing such drivel on this painfully honest forum.
I am finding this pool propaganda campaign ridiculous. You are right -- they will not address the operating cost question. I asked somebody this weekend and their only response was "yeah, well it will cost more to fill it in!"
That answer had nothing to do with my question about what it would cost to operate it!
They seem to be chasing voters who have no idea what a budget is or how the pool is funded -- or that the school is paying for it!
I hope the moderator won't allow a long line of 18 year-olds -- who don't pay taxes -- to tell town meeting how much fun they had on the swim team.
You are right ---- The question is not "is swimming fun?" the question is "If we pay $980,000 to fix the pool, how much will we have to pay to continue to operate it --- and who will be paying that?
You will note the signs they have around town speaks only in regards to THE SCHOOL POOL.
Where is the community in that advertisement?
The school is only a part of the whole community, yet when ever there is a problem it all of sudden becomes the Communities POOL. We can not have it both ways fellow citizens .
If it stayes the way it is for now , no matter what, the maintence and operation money will be taken from the school budget . That is unless we get the folks from out side our community to pony up for there use of the pool, should a time come that it will be possible given the present financial structure in place now to finance it.
The pool could be filled in to make a putt putt course where it would teach those that need it some eye and reaction coordination as part of a physical education program and rent it out over the week ends so we all can walk on an indoor sandy beach. We might even be able to find a way to put some water in it to freeze and make a skating rink for the winter and summer months. Just think our own mens and womens ice skating rink here in our town where others may come to help keep it up.
Then again place it under the Recreational Department and find out the best way to not only use it , but have it paid for by the subscribers that in fact use.
Increased costs to any outside use group or individual that is not a paying taxpayer here in Sandwich, at twice the rate of what ever is decided for the Sandwich Taxpayers.
As a long standing dyed in the wool Democrat, I will vote against the pool no matter how much it costs to tear down.
Thanks Mr. Scudder for helping me make my decision.
I have no doubt this will pass at Town Meeting. The organization to save the pool is organized and their supporters will show up. And, the town election isn't that interesting to many other than the "savers of the pool". So it's very important that if you know people who do not take an interest in local politics to remind them to get to the polls or submit their absentee ballot at Town Hall. This issue could easily slip through the cracks and pass if those against it don't talk it up. That's how we get in these positions of the high taxes.. lack of interest, or even knowledge that this is an issue. At least that's what the Savers are counting on.
Here's an idea -- if 1500 people "like" the idea of repairing the pool at a cost of $980,000 --- how about we divide $980,000 by 1,500 and everybody sends in a check for $653.33 ?
That may not be as much fun as "liking" something on Facebook -- but that's the difference between responsibility for your own actions versus sticking somebody else with the bill.
(I wonder if that suggestion will make it onto the Facebook page -- or maybe its not "positive" enough?)
It's all about the robots.
Well the question of who's pool will it be was answered last night It is the Schools? That was according to the town mmanager per MGL.
So now, not only will we get to pay taxes for educating our children ,but to also operate it after it is rebuilt under the guise of educational dollars.
Should this pass this Thursday at the polls we can look for more overrides to provide educational dollars to the children of our town, because the total cost of this pool as outlined last night will be borne by the Sandwich school district.
So all those years we were told that this is a community pool was an outright untruth and so much for being honest in the process on how it was sold to every one who bought into the spin that was put on when it was being sold as a commuunity pool. It never was as far as I am concerned untill both the town and school actually have a line item that speaks to that issue to manage and operate it. If this pool is rebuilt where does every one think the money will come from to keep it up?
Out of educational dollars, depriving some programs to fall by the way side, This will not bode well for a declining enrollment of students to fill seats in buildings that are falling apart, but have a pool that serves only one segiment of our population.
I hope every one gets out to vote on Thursday to prevent a less then thought out process as to where the moeny will come to keep it going without a plan in place for the long haul/
That's always been my point.
The School Department has always owned the pool and the School Committee has always been responsible for it -- whether they liked it or not!
The Community School Executive Council never had any legal authority to do anything.
It was apparent several years ago that the program's financials were less than realistic and that everything was going to go down the drain (sorry!) unless serious changes were made.
Rather then make changes to save the programs, they argued and waited until it was too late.
Now, the taxpayers may be stuck cleaning up the mess.
And, we now have Teachers and Academic subjects competing with Lifeguards and Chlorine for school budget dollars.
Brother Bob this competing for school dollars between the pool new Stem program and the normal classes will with out a doubt take a heavy toll on actually educating our school children in this climate. I do not see it getting improved as teachers will need to be let go to operate the pool budget, modifications to the stem program will also be needed and so much for a great many of the school children moving into other school districts to be educated and to think non have a pool for water sports. What are we doing here folks? Good sound bites to sell a mystery educational experience to whom?
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