Now that we have managed to compress the discussion period for the entire $70 million budget into less time than it takes most folks to order their coffee, its time to start working on speeding up the rest of the meeting.
Hell, if it takes 2 minutes to approve $70 million, why do we need to waste hours on arguing about the Special Interest
du jour ...?
There is truly something wrong when there is no discussion, or at very best, little discussion about the municipal budget. Maybe its the form of government that we have. Someone needs to get the discussion really going about what we need to do to get more people to vote and become aware of their surroundings.
I have noticed in my time in this Town that the only thing that is important to people is themselves
In another blog in Town, there were ridiculous posts about one being a coward for voting with bullets and being a coward for not running for office. All garbage as is most of the politics in this Town. Its all the small chihuahuas thinking they are important when they really are not.
Can you imagine a Superintendent that has to worry about parents who want to see their young and old children pass through the halls. Give me a break, and, Mr. Superintendent, please make the decision on your own, that's what the taxpayers pay you to do. Selectmen, just make a quick decision on the Wing school and move on. Why do we have to listen to everyone's constant input. They just keep going until they get their way.
For once, this ilk did not get their way. I want to just have a block party the length of Service Road to celebrate one of these "no life" peoples' not getting their way.
No input from parents in an ongoing dispute as to how all of this stem program will be implemented will surely gain more rage from the community. I understand that last nights meeting did not go well at all and Dr. Canfield closed off the discussion process as it was not going the way he had hoped it would.
Where does that leave our one million dollars in next years budget saving promised by the school district stand now?
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