The Broadsider has an amusing story this week about the local Hysterical Commission being concerned about the addition of a sign saying some hacks from Sandwich, England got together recently with some of our home-grown hacks and decided to declare the namesake towns "Twin Cities". Yawn ...
Next week, I hear some folks from Subway will be in-town asking to be declared the "official Sandwch Shop(pe) of Sandwich" --- an honor that I assume will also come with a sign. At least we something in common with Subway ---- since sub shops (or "shoppes" in "The Village") are one of the few growth industries in town.
The following week, there is a group from Forestdale scheduled to visit Town Hall to request to be designated "The P.A. Landers Cultural District". That seems fair since at least Landers is still in business and pays way more in local taxes than the Glass Company ever did! (BTW, I assume all those trucks and loaders parked off Rte. 130 are registered in Sandwich -- and not still paying excise and personal property taxes to Plymouth or Hanover instead? Maybe somebody should check that?)
I find it amusing that in a town where a $70 million budget passes without a single question, a town where the roads and public safety building are falling apart -- yet votes to spend $1 million to fix a swimming pool that nobody will admit to having any idea what the operating costs are --- yet they get excited about 1 more stupid sign.
Of course it's a stupid sign! People want to know where the bathrooms are, and how to get to (any other Town's) beaches. Nobody cares about the egghead mini-districts, cultural districts, or signs commemorating coincidental name similarities. Those are all amusing hobbies for people with too much time on their hands or those who feel a need to justify their existence --- but otherwise -- who cares?
The only thing more amusing than listening to these dopes argue for their irrelevant pet projects is when an equally irrelevant group wants to argue about it. It's too bad somebody has to win the argument!
Does anyone know which town office should be contacted about homes and buildings that are rotting into the ground - there are 6 on Route 6A between Chipman and Gully? Does anyone know what the town would do about its own buildings that are rotting into the ground? Just wondering since no one at town hall has been able to answer this question.
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Like! :) You need a like button Bob.
Bob do you think if the Golden Triangle land was located in the down town area that it would have been developed a long time ago?
Such a big deal being made about advertising the same locations here in Sandwich and overlooking the forever area where all the people are living, sort of makes one wonder if that is the plan of the of the future?
More turmoil in the politics here in Sandwich will only continue to acerbate many of the ongoing school and town problems.
They should make such a deal here in the Forestdale section and just maybe we may get some more tax money in the coffers. Then maybe only just in the back pockets of those making the deals.
Excellent response. Short, to the point, and properly spelled!
How can someone argue with that?
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