Like most situations -- this one has a lot of angles & perspectives:
Superintendent: UPSIDE: Reconfiguration would produce efficiencies and consistencies and allow existing resources to be leveraged to provide some good opportunities for students of all ages. Resources, or events, that may not be feasible in 2-3 locations could be affordable in one location.
DOWNSIDE: It's going to cost some money to reconfigure schools (think smaller toilets) and there will be some costs with moving equipment and changes in transportation. Also -- there will be much loud discussion and public angst which will distract from the everyday effort of running the District, and implementing the STEM program. BUT -- this is a good opportunity to deliver on the eventual cost-savings and efficiencies you have been promising.
Teachers: UPSIDE: They will work with more colleagues in their own grades and have access to more shared grade-specific resources.
DOWNSIDE: Kids are liable to be distracted by changing building so the first few days may be confusing. Teachers will be expected to deliver consistent curriculums -- may not be able to wander off and "do their own thing". Besides, moving is a pain in the ass and change is bad.
DOWNSIDE: Kids will be put through too many traumatic changes if they have to go to a new building. They like having their kids in one place. They don't want to drive to Forestdale. They didn't vote for that! And, why do they call him "Dr." anyway -- does he have a medical degree?
(One thought about the "traumatic changes" some folks are worried about: This is 21st Century Sandwich. With so many kids expected to routinely adjust to Step Mother, Step Father, Mom's Boyfriend, Dad's Girlfriend, Two Moms, Two Dads, raised by Grandma/Grandpa, joint custody, custodial parents, Mommie's house, Daddy's House, job relocations, mortgage foreclosures, etc. --- I'm thinking they can probably adjust to changing schools every three years -- especially with all of their friends being in the same building with them.)
Parent Group #2: UPSIDE: Everything, great idea.
DOWNSIDE: Absolutely none!!!!!.
Parent Group #2: UPSIDE: Oh, are they thinking about changing the schools? I haven't heard anything about that! Will this impact Pop Warner or Youth Soccer?
DOWNSIDE: Oh, are they thinking about changing the schools? I haven't heard anything about that! Will this impact Pop Warner or Youth Soccer?
School Committee: UPSIDE: Might be able to do something that will have a long-term impact on the School Department -- without receiving a subpoena!
DOWNSIDE: Few members have any real background in education (and a couple act like they have no education) -- They know that no matter what they do -- somebody will be pissed off!
CONCLUSION: The Committee will catch Hell either way. The only thing they can do is attempt to make a rational, educationally sound decision based on the information presented to them. They have heard from the public ad nauseum over the past several weeks -- there is little to be gained by listening to the same people repeat the same things one more time. I think the School Committee's question to themselves should be: "Have we heard any legitimate issues raised that conflict with the professional judgement of the Superintendent and his team?'
Are you sharing the ARTS part of Stem? Or did I miss something?
First the cats and now the children on a balance board, I am just wondering when the School board gets to be a balanced cohesive committee?
I think that the Super could get a lot of his credit back if he signs a binding contract that he will stay and fill out his remaining three year commitments to our town and make every attempt to do the right thing going forward, With the understanding that his review process would be measured by what he accomplished, with some type of penalty if it is not met, just speaking out loud
I really don't get the hysteria over "too many transitions." As I understand it, the kids will be going from one school in town, along with everyone else in their grade, to another school in town, right down the road... which is in an identical building. Will someone please tell me what the big deal is?
10:03 - you and I are trying to sing/shout the same song from the rooftops! It is not a transition - it is a move one mile down the road. Give these kids some credit!
I too don't get the hysteria over this whole 2 58536829re configuration! I believe it's in the best interest of the students, the education plan and system as well as the entire town!
We all need to remember the student population has been and is continuing to decrease and the towns people are not going to keep funding the schools at the rate they have been!! That's reality!
So let's develop and implement a plan that is going to work for all students and the education for Sandwich!
I think he's right -- it looks like a very small group that just keeps saying the same thing --- but with no specific reason.
I just saw the "Keep Sandwich K-6" Facebook Page. Oh my Gawd .... People are just making crap up and repeating it to each other! Somebody was surprised that the Wing Pre-School was included (I'm not sure -- but Wing is closing AND the Pre-School is part of the PK-3 that everybody has been bitching about -- why wouldn't it move?)
Somebody else very authoritatively stated that the existing PK was run by the Town -- not the School Dept -- wrong again.
Another person wanted somebody else to call the base to see if the military kids who are routinely transferred around the world might be severely traumatized by changing schools after the 3rd grade --- They should probably check with the Base's Office of Stupid Questions with that one.
These folks really need to call some people who are actually involved in the process -- if they just keep talking to themselves, they are going to look more ridiculous.
It should have occurred a long time ago, but we need to spend more tax money to study the study?
Besides Forrestdale is not part of Sandwich in the minds of the elite who find a reason to not make prudent decisions when it comes to changes that include reducing the traffic flow in the down town area.
I've been reading the blah blahs on the k-6 fb page and as others have said here, I don't get it. In the end I think the school dept will save money with a k-2 model. That's good. I also think the students will end up with more and better resources - and the teachers will too. I no longer have children in school, but would have loved this model when they were young. Today I read some complaining that they will have problems with their work schedule vs. the bus schedule; well this isn't exactly news. All working parents have had this sort of "trauma" in their own lives for years. Hmmm do you think the sc should take a survey of parents schedules and set school hours around a consensus of what works for most? When I read those comments I had to wonder if it's their kids they worry about or their own trauma. OK, I'm on a ramble here but my point is that it doesn't appear that the k-6 ramblers actually have a point except that "I want it". I also have to wonder why they don't pay attention all year to the sc meetings and why they don't seem to be up on the BOS meetings. They're paying attention too late. If I, without school age kids watch sc meetings, why aren't they? Maybe their worries about the pool and turf took all their time (smile). Such trauma!
If you don’t pay attention to meetings, don’t respond to invitations to public forums, don’t vote, don’t attend town meetings, don’t volunteer and otherwise don’t participate, does it make any sense that you’d complain later about nobody listening to you?
The loudest web voices opposing the configuration project are non-participants in school community activities and civic life. Too busy (I guess).
They don't agree with your opinion so obviously they must be in a gay or lesbian relationship, drive a Subaru, and pray for a Michelle Obama - Liz Warren 2016 ticket. Is your dream that Howie Carr somehow finds this blog and hires you on as his heir apparent? Just think how upset Joe Battenfeld will be.
I agree that this format is for the best but don't think it will mean every Sandwich student is doomed if it doesn't occur and certainly don't feel the need to group everyone that doesn't agree into molds that don't conform to my value system.
Your thought process has as much logic as when one of the students on the bus to the K-3 says "nobody likes you" to someone they don't get along with.
At the end of the day its your blog and I find it interesting from time to time, but these huge leaps in reasoning really discredit some of the good work that you've done.
Wow, Who's taking huge leaps now?
That's the best response they could come up with?
I didn't read anything about Subarus!
Did you see the quote in the Times this AM -- one person was outraged that we were allowed to "vote on trash bags but not where our kids go to school " ---- Somebody should have asked him how he voted on "the trash bag issue" ... and then introduce him to the group who has been bitching that there was no vote on trash bags !
I hear Dunham will be ordering office supplies next week. I hope they will have absentee ballots available for that election --- I have soccer practice!
Bob you are doing a great job on the ART part of Stem , do you think there is any hope that this will blow away in the wind or just fall apart, once the board breaks up from all the one ended unbalanced rhetoric.
Where is a good smile when you need one?
And I am pretty sure that the person who wrote the Enterprise article was not even at the meeting as those who attended it (including the Times) have a completely different interruption. Maybe Gregg with two 'g's wrote the article.
Based on the hysterical, over-the-top accusations by 3:35, I now understand why most people that I have spoken with are distancing themselves from that group. The fault actually lies with the SC and the super! Take the vote. End the drama and for the love of all that's good, the insane conversation. Clearly, everyone's had their say. just vote and end the nightmare. And finally to 3:35, take a deep cleansing breath and understand that your silly accusations are taking away from your cause. Time to move on folks.
I had to go back and reread the post .... But it seems he mentioned every conceivable living arrangement and you chose to focus on gay and lesbian? And people with Subarus? I don't think he even mentioned democrats, Howie, Hillary, or Joe Battenfeld. What the hell are you talking about? Are you slamming the guy who writes the Blog and everybody who contributes to it? I don't live in the town ... But I do enjoy reading about the crazy shit that seems to happen there!
First off, kudos to the author of the blog, just found it recently and from what I’ve read, lot of homework done on budget related issues and strong arguments made when figures are presented. Just thought until actual costs are released for the alignment plans, there are a lot of hypotheticals involved and no need to paint the opposition (to the opinion we share) into a “moon bat” type of category, which I think you did but if that wasn’t your intention then my apologies and I should have complimented other posts before disagreeing here.
I do have to take a minute to thank the rest of you for all of the unadulterated laughter and joy I got from reading the replies and uproar to one random post.
Some of the more entertaining included Mrs. Beasily who deducted that due to the “hysteria” of my post, people were actually switching sides on this widely contested and uber important debate. I hate to tell Mrs. Beasily but I haven’t even driven through Sandwich in over 5 years and couldn’t pick who is on what side of the argument out of a police line up, certainly couldn’t name anyone nor do I speak for anyone.
Another astute poster was left utterly baffled and asked if I was bashing the author or the contributors. I guess the part where I said “I AGREE” with the author’s opinion on the best alignment was just way to cryptic for certain people to comprehend. And Mr. Clueless with that eloquent and oh so coherent story about some guy who liked trash bags, then didn’t like trash bags, then voted on them, then didn’t vote or something like that ???, Good God I pray this post meets your standards.
Also apologies for making reference to two authors who don’t work for the CCtimes. I know when things and people are discussed that occur on the other side of those two big scary metal objects in Bourne and Sagamore it makes a lot of locals frightened and uneasy.
Well thank you all for the entertainment over the past week. I will check back in from time to time but until that day I say, Good day ye towne folk of Sandwich, Good day I say!
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