This laid back outlook is a far cry from the position exhibited by the very vocal supporters of the Sandwich Community School Pool.
This conflict raised its ugly head when a review of the Community School financial statements showed that several operating expenses of the pool were actually being paid by the high school or other Community School programs -- hardly the end of the Earth, but not great business either. The responses I received from most “Pool People” were either (a) No, they’re not or (b) So, what if they are?
The problem was that nobody seemed to know exactly WHAT it cost to operate the pool. This is an important distinction because the revenue generated by the pool needs to be matched against the cost of operating the pool. The simple concept that I tried to sell was: “If the pool costs more than it collects, it is losing money”.
If the pool is losing money, it means somebody else is paying the bills – either the patrons of other Community School programs or, the taxpayers who are paying to operate the high school building. While this idea didn’t bother the Pool People – it did bother many taxpayers and many other Community School customers who were already paying their own bills, and didn’t feel like chipping in to subsidize the cost of somebody else’s dip in the pool.
I have no problem with the idea of a municipal pool operated in the same way as any other municipal service and paid for with a combination of user fees and tax dollars. BUT, I do have a problem when scarce educational dollars from a shrinking education budget are being diverted to the operation of a public swimming pool. I also have a problem when other program costs are inflated in order to help cover the cost of operating a swimming pool. If Town meeting voters or pool users are able to fund the pool – terrific! Just don’t fire a teacher, or eliminate a school program in order to fund it.
The realities are that the utility costs of the pool are estimated at around $45,000 per year and are paid for by the high school (three studies were done – two pegged the cost at approx $45K, the third said $120k – I will assume the $45K is a good number). There are also some additional janitorial and maintenance costs.
There is also certainly a security cost. Under the current scenario, pool patrons who walk in off the street share locker rooms with high school students during the day. Does anybody else see the irony in doing CORI checks on parents chaperoning field trips but allowing unidentified strangers to wander naked with the high school kids?
(Yes, there should also be a credit for the value of the pool time provided to the school swim teams. But, that amount should also be reflected in the athletic budget and be reviewed for reasonableness as would any other team expense.)
(Yes, there should also be a credit for the value of the pool time provided to the school swim teams. But, that amount should also be reflected in the athletic budget and be reviewed for reasonableness as would any other team expense.)
In the past, certain pieces of pool equipment were leased and the related costs were considered “overhead” costs and allocated to all of the other Community School programs. The result was that the parents with kids in the pre-school program, or driver’s education were also paying for some of the pool equipment. After much discussion, this practice has been discontinued. (The concept of the unauthorized “leasing” of equipment will be discussed later).
The Pool People are a very dedicated group. They packed at least one school committee meeting last winter and made it very clear they expected the committee to continue to operate the pool. Many also made it very clear that they didn’t have kids in the school district and this was the only school function they were concerned about.
The Community School’s accounting process was flawed. ALL program costs need to be matched against the related revenue in order to determine if a program is covering its costs. If a program is losing money, the program needs to be discontinued, or the fees raised – unless the Community School were to receive a partial operating subsidy from Town Meeting as part of the (almost nonexistent) Recreation Department budget.
It also highlighted some seriously poor communication by all involved. In addition to poor accounting policy, there were delays in distributing financial information; there were also rumors and incorrect assumptions. And, of course, there were also a few folks who were only too willing to fan the flames of any potential school-related controversy.
Going forward, I hope the School Committee understands that while the community certainly supports the operation of the pool, given the state of the school budget, it also expects the pool to be fully self-funded – and not divert school budget dollars from any other program.
On the matter of naked visitors in the pool locker room - I have heard many a teen mention how unnerving it is to be getting dressed for gym and be surrounded by naked adults. The teens are concerned about their privacy, but it does make one consider the bigger question. Do we know who is actually in the school pool?
Thanks Bob. Nice summary of the pool issue.
Sadly, the Community School issue was and is much, much bigger than $45,000 to $110,000 a year (the estimated cost of electricity used by the pool but paid for with education dollars).
The Community School “issue” was and is about: leadership, competence and integrity.
Questions that will never be answered by those involved in managing and overseeing the Community School include:
Did the “management” of the Community School and its beloved Executive Council (of which Mrs. Marshall and Mrs Crossman were long-serving members) know that the $45,000 to $110,000 a year cost of electricity used by the pool was being paid for with education dollars? If they did, why didn’t they disclose this subsidy? If they didn’t, shouldn’t they have? This evidences: leadership, competence and integrity (or a lack thereof).
Likewise, did the “management” of the Community School know that school field and school facilities rental fees which the Community School collected (another $25,000 to $75,000 per year) was not being paid passed back to the Schools? If they did, why didn’t they disclose this? If they didn’t, shouldn’t they have? This too evidences: leadership, competence and integrity (or a lack thereof).
When the “management” of the Community School proposed mortgaging a new building, did it know that almost $200,000 of its so-called revenue was actually unpaid utilities bills and school field and facilities rental income not real Community School revenue? If they did, why didn’t they disclose this? If they didn’t, shouldn’t they have? Again: leadership, competence and integrity (or a lack thereof).
In the last 5 years somewhere in the neighborhood of $1 million taxpayer dollars, approved by Town Meeting for educational purposes, was “diverted” (knowingly or unknowingly) to the Community School budget. During those years, teachers, ESPs, academic programs, technology, training, supplies and health services budget line items were all cut. The only budget never “cut” during those 5 years was the Community School budget.
All of the above are facts wholly supported by the public record.
What’s missing from the public record is an explanation (and an apology) from those who knew or should have known. And, somehow I suspect that the Devil will be skating in hell before the “management” of the Community School or anyone from its beloved Executive Council steps up and delivers to taxpayers, parents and our children the apology that’s due them for years of mismanagement, lack of controls, unclear reporting and accounting, waste and perhaps even fraud.
Untill the pool is on its own electric meters the true cost of running this pool will never be known. Sound about right?
Can you point me in the direction of the documentation that supports Mr. Guerin's assertions? I listened to Dr. Johnson talk about the Community School at last Wednesday's meeting and I just don't know what to believe anymore. I've heard conflicting stories. One is that the Community School was overcharged for the current fiscal year and the other is that the Superintendent is trying to 'help them out' because of tough economic times. Which is it? I also got the impression from the Superintendent that determining the how much the Community School should pay to the schools was based on Jim Lehane's statement that the Community School provided $120,000 in in-kind donations. This makes absolutely no sense to me. Shouldn't it be based on what the costs are? Why does it seem that only the Bobs are privy to the 'fact's?? Please point us in the right direction so that we can understand the truth!
Speaking as one of "The Bobs" -- Yes.
A separate post will be going up shortly. I am sure "The Other Bob" will be chiming in as well.
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