Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Train is leaving the tracks ...

It’s hard to sit quietly on a hillside, and watch a train go over the cliff at full speed.
That’s what it feels like lately.

I’m under no illusions that I can stop the train. I doubt I can even warn the folks on the train, but I would like to think I can warn the folks waiting for the next train — and maybe even encourage a new train crew to take over.

It has become painfully obvious that few people pay attention to local government until it is too late. It has become equally obvious that anyone who relies on the Cape Cod Times or the Sandwich Enterprise for “fair and balanced” coverage of the Town of Sandwich — particularly the School Department — will be receiving a healthy dose of distortion along with their “news”. But, even worse than relying on local media, far too many people rely on the rumor and hearsay they pick up at the local soccer fields, or in the school parking lot, or at the deli counter at Stop and Shop.
The purpose of this site will be to try to provide some accurate information and access to copies of original documents and reports that support the information — along with a healthy dose of satire and sarcasm (you just can’t take this stuff too seriously!)

This will not be another site for folks to anonymously post misinformation, rumors, and distortions.While the concept of posting anonymously is to allow people who may know facts to post without fear of retribution, the reality is that it encourages the spread of misinformation, rumor, and incorrect assumptions.

Although that can be entertaining -- it's not helpful.

Please address any questions or comments to:

Hang on, it's going to be a bumpy ride!


Anonymous said...

what if the conductor doesn't recognze the perls that lay ahead?

Anonymous said...

Then they deserve to go off the tracks with the train. They have been warned continously.

Unfortunately, that is likely the case.

Anonymous said...

Bob, I understand your support of the present Superintendent and I acknowledge your list of some of her accomplishments, such as eliminating the Assistant Superintendent position but...... ( you knew there would be one didn't you?!?).....eliminating the Assistant Superintendent position led to litigation that is still pending so..... whatever contract was offered and accepted by the Assistant Superintendent did NOT protect Sandwich residents in the event of a seperation. And I do somewhat wonder if the the new position that Matt Bridges is assuming isn't in essense going to assume many of the Assistant Superintendents responsibilities. It's much easier to fund under Special Ed. Not too many people have the death wish to speak unfavorably about any spending related to Special Ed.
Just some thoughts.

Bob Simmons said...

You may be correct. But (and you knew there would be one!) I can tell you that school legal counsel was very involved in the process and that his opinion was relied upon. The termination was not done casually or on a whim.

The reality is the District needs BOTH a SPED Director & an Assistant Supt. BUT, when faced with the options of cutting 2-3 teachers or 1 Asst. Supt, the Asst. Supt lost.

There are going to be a lot more tough decisions coming.

The Truth Maker said...

Bobby, looking at the town boardwalk under water is a reminder that the present School Committee is also under water and soon will drown on its own. The children they serve, will also be ill served as a lack of good leadership is not in the future of our district as well.

The people of Sandwich have voted to put in place incompetent and biased school committee members and now they are all wondering if they did the correct thing? What do you think?

The water is ten feet and rising, do you think we can catch a few fish, before it goes back down?