Sunday, June 12, 2011

Congratulations, Kaitlin & Company !!!

Congratulations to my old colleague, Kaitlin Meiss, and all her fellow graduates in the  Sandwich High Class of 2011! 

Kaitlin set a new record by serving three years as the Student Representative to the School Committee.   While she was always a  welcome participant in Committee discussions, its unfortunate that she was never allowed to vote. 

I suspect Kaitlin is far too polite to mention some of her most "memorable" moments on the Committee.  But, the one that sticks in my own mind was watching  Kaitlin, the Student Representative, politely pointing out budget lines to an elected, but clearly confused,  "fiscal watchdog".  (You have to love local cable!)

It would be encouraging to know that all of our elected representatives were as well-prepared, intelligent, attentive and respectful as Kaitlin.   ("Kaitlin, stop calling me Mr. Simmons !!")

Good Luck to Kaitlin, and all of this year's graduates!

1 comment:

Linell Grundman said...

Congratulations to Sandwich's pride, the class of 2011. It was a wonderful community event, especially with the neat wall of Sandwich Pride art as a background to our brilliant High School senior class. The speeches were all meaningful and very profound, each in their own way. Thank you to all the parents, friends, peers, teachers, staff and town's people who raised this group of young people up. Indeed it does take a village.