Saturday, October 01, 2011

Just say "No" !!

I am concerned.

One of the Emptyprize scribblers actually agreed with my position that School Committee meetings should be held in a School Building -- not relocated to Town Hall for the sole convenience of the local cable TV crew.

Don't get me wrong -- SCT staff members perform a tremendous public service by broadcasting local meetings, particularly since most of them are volunteers.  The SCT staff frequently works much harder than some members of the Committees they cover! SCT presents the "news" as it happens -- without the bullshit and biases that permeates so much of the local print "media".   SCT is a great thing and needs to  be recognized for their contribution to local government.

That being said, lets not let the tail wag the dog.

SCT has again requested that the School Committee move their meetings to Town Hall in order to reduce the amount of wear and tear school meetings on their people and equipment caused by broadcasting from the High School library.

Fortunately, the School Committee doesn't appear to be as enamored  by the nifty Town Hall renovations as some others.  I'm willing to overlook the cosmetic considerations -- although I do think the photo quality of the School meetings is far superior to the Town Hall meetings.  (I was also amused that the aforementioned scribbler did manage to blame part of the photo glare on the bald heads of certain elected officials!!)

My concern is more basic -- the School Committee needs to actually see the buildings they are responsible for.  They also need to be accessible to those who are impacted by their decisions (or non-decisions).  The current location allows students, parents and teachers who are already in the school building to attend a meeting and make their opinions known.  (That could be considered part of the "transparency" concept that certain Dopes like to yammer on about -- even if they no idea what the term means.)

There are also practical considerations. Committee meetings involve numerous school employees and administrators as well as a large number of documents, invoices, handouts, and related technology.  That's not too bad in the same building, but is it reasonable to expect all those people and materials be transported  across Town (to a building with no parking spaces) -- just for the convenience of the local cable volunteers?

I think not.

I hope the Committee will publicly recognize the  good work that SCT has been doing, but not agree to evacuate the school building.


Bob Guerin said...

Funny! Like you Bob, I was stunned to find myself agreeing with one of the Enterprises’ editorials and muttering “Oh my god, she actually got one right!”
I guess the old saying is true: Even a blind squirrel can find the acorn every once in a while.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree with you more Bob. There is also a custodial consideration for Town Hall. Currently the building manager and the Assistant Town Manager often have to clean up after meetings. Here is a trivia question. How many custodians are on the municipal side? Here's another. Do the municipal custodians have one building as their responsibility?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, SACAT does a great job.

But ... if it comes down to inconveniencing 1-2 SACAT volunteers, OR 7 school committee volunteers, several school department employees, and a large collection of parents and students -- I'm not seeing why there is even any question.

The "new" town hall is a lousy meeting space -- the BOS should go back to Human Services Building.

Tobias Q said...

Maybe they could meet on the new Fireboat?

All that arm waving by certain members could come in handy when the boat breaks down (from lack of maintenance) she could power the boat back to the dock with her flapping hands !!

Anonymous said...

Judy is right about the space being more suited for events. However having the Fin Com and BOS meet there makes sense when you consider the staff for both committees is in that building. Just like the staff for the SC is at the HS. The visuals will improve I'm sure. It is the Town Hall after all. Despite the hoopla pro and con about the restoration, etc., it is appropriate that our Board of Selectman meet there. And why shouln't we have a space that looks like the seat of a town government instead of a rec. center. It is a town of 23,000 folks, not 2,300.

Anonymous said...

8:58 has a good point .... I've seen a crew of custodians arrive at the end of SC meetings to re-arrange furniture and help carry meeting materials downstairs. That is only possible because they are working in the building --- which is housing several activities most nights.

Who would do set-up and take-down at Town Hall?