Saturday, October 01, 2011

So much for reducing the Carbon Footprint ! (A guest Column by Mrs. Winchester)

This was contributed by a local resident who, while known to me, would prefer not to be known to others.  Although I would prefer including a contributor's name, I thought this was worth posting nonetheless.

Last fall on a beautiful Sunday afternoon we, like many, many others ahead of us, waited in line at the dump to get rid of our leaves. 90% of the people in line (out to Rte 130) were dumping leaves - not trash. There should have been a "pass through" lane. But, it gets better. Everyone dumps their leaves at the rear of the recycle bins. The leaves just get dumped on the ground. Next to the pile is a big trailer-truck hopper. The dump workers use heavy equipment to scoop up the leaves and fill the truck hopper. Which is then hooked up to a truck and driven up the hill to the huge compost pile where the leaves are dumped. 

Let's skip the part where we are employing DPW workers for the sake of finding them something to do (and polluting the environment and wasting fuel at the same time) and just have the townspeople drive up the hill, bypassing the line for people waiting to dump their trash, and dump the leaves in their final resting place at the huge compost pile. Then, if a DPW worker REALLY has a hankering for operating large equipment, they can push the leaves around up there. 

What a waste of time, manpower and money. 

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