Sunday, March 18, 2012

Rolling that Stone up the Hill one more time ...

I don't get it.

The School Department is planning to resolve their budget gap by charging parents for school buses and student parking.  They are even willing to turn an Assistant Principal and the police officer assigned to the High School into parking attendants to collect the fees.

But .... 

They have decided that Community Pool users can continue to pay only a fraction of the cost of operating the pool and that the Community School can also keep the money from renting out the facilities that the District pays to maintain.

Why?  Because the Community School can't afford to pay those costs!  

Guess what -- neither can I ! 

Overlooking the fact that this violates state law (misunderstanding legalities has been a recurring theme for the School Department!) -- why are they willing to charge parents for school buses and parking but unwilling to charge the people who use the pool the full cost of operating it?

Easy.  Because the pool crowd is loud.  They vote and make lots of noise.  Parents don't pay attention. They may bitch and moan, but far too many are completely clueless. And, not many go to Town Meeting.   

At FinCom this week, the question was raised as to why the Community School was the only group paying to use the school facilities.  Easy answer --- because every other group yelled, screamed, stomped their feet, and packed every meeting to rant and rave like spoiled 10 year-olds.  Because so much time had already been wasted on the issue --there was not enough support on the Committee at that time to waste any more time continuing to push the issue.  So we rolled over. 

Anybody who uses a school-maintained facility should pay their fair share of the cost.  Why should the school budget absorb the operating costs of every group that wants to use its facilities -- especially, when some of these groups manage to find some money to pay some of their "volunteers".

How about, I pay for my family's recreation and you pay for yours?


Anonymous said...


The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would state that to roll a stone uphill takes a great deal of effort. In this case it takes a great deal of politics and pandering to get to the top of the hill. The process lacks good common sense and a lack of wanting to do the right thing for the folks that pay the bills.

This seems to be an occuring event among some of our elected officials, as of late, on both sides of the issues.

The Sandwich taxpayers have thrown in the towel when it comes to demanding they do the correct thing for every one and not just those that carry a big stick in the political arena.

When the stone gets to large it will roll down into the valley of no return and further dispair. I suppose if one rolled out the welcome carpet the stone would not land as hard. Those whom make these desicions should be waiting, because the handwriting is on the wall and eventually the line will be crossed. where the people will revolt. I hope it will not be to late.

Perhaps if some common sense prevales we can keep the stone in the middle, but that does not look to promising???

Anonymous said...

But we do pay for our own recreation. To play soccer, baseball, lacross, etc. all costs money to register. And the cost goes up more and more each year. I see the point you are trying to make about everyone paying their fair share. But what kid of field usage fee on top of a registration fee to play soccer would be fair? It feels as if we pay to play and now they are look for us to pay again to use the facilties. Should we charge people to walk their dogs on the fields at the Wing School? They are using the field after all. Do we charge people to run at the track at the High School?

I think I'm just sick of paying and paying then paying some more for absolutley everything. We get nothing for our tax dollars in this town. The answer has been and will always be more revenue from economic growth. There's no way around it.

Bob Simmons said...

According to the independent audit that was done on the Community School for the year ended June 30, 2009 (the only year the Program was EVER audited) -- the bottom line cost of running the pool exceeded revenue by $128,910.

Wonder why the auditors haven't been invited back?

8:51 -- I agree that fees have gotten ridiculous. The issue is that the fees are insufficient to cover the costs of the service -- they need to either reduce their costs, or make a case to Town Meeting as why these items should be coming out of a Rec Dept Budget -- they are not K-12 education-related expense.

Anonymous said...

From 8:51 -- Developing the town more and bringing in more revenue may not solve all the problems, but it's a start.. I'd rather have that one percent of tax revenue coming from a business than out of my checkbook, which is taking a beating these days. Sandwich can keep it's old-world charm and enter into a more commericalized world at the same time, it's being done all over the place. I'm just saying, there has to be a different way than tackling my earnings and putting it towards the nothing I see every day.

Greg said...

Bob, I am seeking your historical background on the Community School from hell....why, if it is illegal and against Massachusetts law, does this practice continue? Would not Mr Augustine's lawsuits have been better directed in the location where it is known to be an illegal practice? I can clearly see how uneasy our new political, er I mean Superintendent becomes whenever this comes up. Where do you think the lawsuit should originate? Could not the towns attorney take this issue to task on our behalf? Then the other town attorney who represents the schools could do battle with each other and make a fortune on the taxpayers tab? Just thinkin....

Bob Simmons said...


It's allowed to continue because it's easy politics. Unfortunately, parents won't complain much if you charge another $100/kid to ride the bus -- or if you cancel some science classes. BUT if you raise the soccer fee by $20; or you try to increase the price of swimming so it covers its cost you will get swamped with nasty responses that will completely stop anything else you try to get accomplished.

The easiest way, if you want to try to accomplish ANYTHING, has been to disturb the status quo as little as possible.

It's too bad. The Community School has some great programs, and great employees. If they pulled the plug on the pool; I bet they could cover their costs and save every other program. Their refusal to face the pool problem for the past several years may end up destroying the entire program.

Anonymous said...

I think he's politely saying that nobody has had the stones to do the right thing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Community School issues are being ignored by the School Committee and the Superintendent. The financial implications of the community school business practice and it's effect on the school budget just seems to be ignored by the School Committee and the new superintendent for political reasons as Bob says. They are ignoring it except to blame the recreation department for their drop in enrollment. Where is some rational resource management and accountability? As Bob says, energy, maintenance, supplies, wear and tear, have to be covered in budget line items. This shell game has gone on long enough. Thank you Bob for continuing the battle cry. Wish someone in the chain of command would listen. Kicking that can really takes a toll. More parent taxes is just one of them. Please define the mission of the Community School. Simplify the mission if need be. We are subsidizing with maintenance and operational tax dollars a non-profit in a town building and have been for years with no real formula for adequate payback to the town in operational costs. Operational costs for this non-profit have take educational dollars out of the school budget and suggested to town citizens that the school department is a risky venture to invest in. The Community School cover their salaries and benefits. Does no one else get this. We the tax payers are paying real money for operational costs of the Community School any other non-profit would have to support financially. In addition the Community School continues to be a political liability to most thinking people in town causing those people to loose faith with the schools and the town. The municipal side has no control over this so they can just sit back and watch.

Anonymous said...

So when are you and Bob G. going to get back on the board and fix everything? Please!

Bob Simmons said...

Speaking for this Bob, when donkeys fly!

I do, however, hope somebody will step up fast - -otherwise we'll be going directly back to the Bad Olde Days, when the old players, and union shills "win" very quiet write-in campaigns.

Anonymous said...

Well lets get loud. E-mail the school committee. Tell them it's unfair what they're doing. Let's take an active role and make sure we are heard! Force the School Committee to look out for the needs of the taxpayer and the student. Don't go quietly make your voice heard. Help those who can't help themselves. Make sure the students are not treated like a source of funds but as students trying to prepare to make a difference in the world. Don't make us pay for the Committees in ability to do math and manage funds.
A Broke Student

local beancounter said...

You didnt mention that the audit report also shows the Community School received $95,000 in rental revenue from the property that the school dept pays to maintain.

That doesnt seem fair --- to say the least.

Anonymous said...

I don't see what the problem with the Community School keeping school building rental revenue -- just because they don't pay any expenses for it.

You wouldn't mind if I rented out your house and kept the money, would you?

Oh, you would?

THAT must be the problem.

Anonymous said...

Bob Simmons for school committee!!!!!!!!!!!

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would add that as of this morning that only one empty position for the School Committee is left, I expect Shawn to pass in his papers by Thursday???

Mr. Blank will be opposing Mrs. Wack for the town Moderators position

Anonymous said...

anon, 11:35, you get it and you have put it in a way I hope many people will get! On another blog people are being encouraged to do a write-in campaign for school committee candidate since no one wants to run.

Greg said...

Oh Oh Bob, you rubbed the brass lamp too hard...two donkeys just flew down Quakermeeting House Road..I guess this means we should write your name on the ballot? Only kidding, you have already paid the price for caring. It is a nice thought though...its like getting a Lincoln back into the white house!

Anonymous said...

Who turned in papers for school committee???

Bob Simmons said...

I'm blushing ... thanks, Greg. But, knowing what happened to Lincoln, I'm a little nervous about going to the school play next week!

Book Worm said...

The new school committee candidate is reportedly Anita Johnston. According to town voting lists, she lives off the Service Road area and appears to have moved to Town and registered to vote in July of 2008. According to the Town Report, there were no Johnstons on the Town payroll in 2010.

No other info known -- except according to Google, she is a damn fine Bridge Player.

hopeful parent said...

it appeared you were throwing your voice at tonight's FinCom discussion of the Community School. I saw their faces, but heard your words!

I bet Dunham was sorry that he pointed out that the basketball peopel paid $60,000 for gym use --- when a fincom memmber (kilty?) pointed out that the $60K went to the Comunity School but the the school district had to pay the actual cleaning/utility costs!

They didnt think that sounded fair either!


maybe we wont be paying bus fees?

Anonymous said...



Bob Simmons said...

Audit was done on School Dept/Community School's books -- that would be where the supporting detail would be.

According to Note 2 on the audit report -- the 12% allocation came from the Community School's own budget. It's based on the % of revenue collected. the Pool collected 12% of the revenue, so it gets charged 12% of the overhead cost.

In terms of actual overhead efforts, I would bet that 12% is pretty light considering the amount of resources that go into managing, marketing, and operating the pool. If there was no pool, I would expect that overhead would be cut far more than 12%.

Anonymous said...

Our friend with the stuck CAPS LOCK sounds like she was a part of the problem. Do you guess she is a former SC member, or the daughter of one?

Greg said...

Bookworm...oh my...NO...not Service Road..isn't that where the Community School Pool Madame lives...Telegraph Hill Road methinks... this could be a sneak attack...more investigation needed... I wonder if I should retype this in capital letters so Anon with the stuck key can understand and squeal to the SC board..hmmmmmmm?

Anonymous said...

Good to see candidates stepping up to the plate for School Committee! Even if the woman is a friend of the Community School lobby, with Fin Com asking questions and increasing public outrage, Dr. Canfield and the School Committee can't continue to ignore the issues of the Community School. Ten years is long enough to kick this can down the road! Do something now about the inefficiencies and taxpayer abuse the CS is responsible for. Parents, as one poster said, get motivated and fight for your kids. Everyone on the Cape knows Sandwich Community School is sticking it to the kids of this town. Another big reason people are leaving the district I think. Sandwich does not have their priorities straight.