Sunday, April 01, 2012

A Chess Game with 3500 Pawns ...

The Cape Cod Times noted that the Sandwich Teachers held an "informational demonstration" on Saturday.  Due to an apparent editorial oversight on the CCT's part (can you IMAGINE that?) the following paragraph was left off the story:  "Sandwich Taxpayers and Parents not employed by the School District were unavailable to join the demonstration because they were either busy supplementing their kids' educations or working to pay their property taxes, school fees, out-of-district transportation, healthcare, retirement, etc.".

Its gotten ridiculous.

An eighth grade teacher announced to her class this week that the annual trip to Canobie Lake Park was being cancelled because the teachers had no contract.  She then chose to spend a large amount of her class time detailing her opinion of the status of negotiations with the School Committee -- complete with a timeline drawn on the Board.  It's obvious her class has already taken the MCAS.  Its too bad that the School Committee is keeping their side of the agreement and not debating the contract publically -- it would be interesting to have kids (and taxpayers) hear the other side of the story.

What are the sticking points?

How does the SEA Gang expect to get public support if they won't tell us what we are supporting?

Union-President-For-Life Carlyle ("UPFL") is quoted in the CCT as saying: " It is not the contract. It's the fact we don't have one.".

Sure it is.

One resident has commented that the only thing she doesn't question when she hears the UPFL speaks is her home address -- and that's only because she had looked it up herself!

It's a tragedy that so many Sandwich teachers are so much better than the union officials that claim to represent them. It seems that the union has made every possible effort to destroy public support for the District -- whether its the constant mis-information, the refusal to offer a legitimate compromise on their payroll demands when every other Town Union (including many OTHER School Dept. unions) did two years ago, or their constant bickering and nonsensical grievances that have wasted time and legal expenses.  (Seriously, if a staff member has to be driven home from school because they are too drunk to drive, do you really think his/her termination is grounds for a grievance?  Really?  How about the other drunk who beat his/her discipline only to get busted in another Town?  Was defending those folks a good use of union dues and school legal dollars?  Really?)

What about that little item in the Emptyprize a few weeks back when they quoted the UPFL as saying that the union was available to negotiate any time -- but never asked her about a school committee member's comment about the SEA cancelling the two prior negotiating sessions.

Let's hear it for local journalism!

Dr. Canfield is working hard to navigate through a political-financial minefield and build bridges with taxpayers, and other Town officials.  It would be nice if the UPFL and her team would focus  some of their energy on those union members who don't have tenure, aren't on the top pay step, or don't teach at the High School.

Oh, and maybe think about the students too.


The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would add that the only informational information dispersed by the present dictator of the Union is that the school district will continue to go down hill in a bread basket. Once again the children will be used to provide our great union president the means to spout untruths and intimidation in regards to the present union contract.

Any teacher that uses a class room to disperse any propaganda, should be fired.If that situation is confirmed, then those in charge should also face the same punishment. We do have laws in place that state you cannot do that and thats a fact.

This ongoing public display by the Union, does not give them any more greedance or for that matter sympathy. Yet they continue to push the envelope to be seen, as a gang of adults, that only have concerns for themselves and not the children of our district.

The parents need to send a message to those that continue with this approach and carry signs that read

Who will be paying my health benefits?

Who will be paying my food bill?

You have a nice job and I do not, but I still need to pay my taxes to support all your benefits and salaries.

Stop with the intimadation and do your job.

It is time for the present union leader to be replaced with someone that is living in todays economic world.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I will not support a new contract that includes salary increases that do not recognize the sacrifices of other unions and town employees or the financial realities in town.

I will not support a new contract unless it improves the accountability and evaluation of teachers.

I will not support a new contract that protects teachers who have demonstrated a consistent inability or unwillingness to teach or who behave in a way that sets a poor example for students.

I am frustrated that the union/teachers think they can enlist parents to pressure the school committee to settle the contract without telling us what is preventing agreement. I think parents have had enough.

Nicole said...

I particularly loved the sign that one of the teachers was holding that read "Sandwich teachers are the lowest paid on Cape Cod".

Ummmm....if you did your research, you would realize that the average Sandwich teacher salary far surpasses several of the districts on Cape.

Perhaps it's because I don't know all the facts about this contract issue (since we aren't allowed to know all of the facts) but, I for one have no sympathy when it comes to the salary complaint.

And teachers have been told not to go on the end of the year field trips? Then my kids won't be going...they will stay at school and the school can pay for a sub to watch them!

Anonymous said...

Interesting how the town was a buzz this weekend about the teachers union. Each conversation I heard had far to many negatives about the union bullying tactics of other teachers for me to think that what is happening is normal or appropriate. Union meetings should be public. I think the press needs to hear what is going on there. I'm told there is actually violence against teachers who don't comply mentioned at these meetings like slashing people's tires. What the aggressive union people are doing not only makes no sense but is wrong. Threatening and harassing teachers, trying to intimidate the school committee and citizens, bringing union business to the classroom, none of this is acceptable. It is surprising that teachers opt to participate in these sorts of activities. These behaviors are a problem. The negative behaviors that are happening in the schools on the taxpayers dime are disgraceful. Where is the administration and where is policy? Can't we protect our kids and kinder teachers from this bullying? Wave your signs in public. Give you political speeches, but you are stepping over the line if you think bullying and intimidation are appropriate tactics. Aggressive union members, you have civil liberties and can protest appropriately, but you can't ignore the civil liberties of others. There is no real win, especially if hypocrisy is involved, there!

Anonymous said...

I am generally a supporter of unions as my husband is in one. I don't support a union that encourages or demands that its members use children's time honored school traditions to get a contract. Go ahead and picket, go ahead and use the newspaper to get your cause in the public, but leave the kids alone. I know that most of the teachers in Sandwich are uncomfortable with this tactic. But for those of you who aren't, you should be ashamed. I don't understand why you would think that the parents would line up to support your cause after you tell their children that there is no after school help, no graduation ceremony, and no field trips. And we need a survey to tell us why kids are leaving the school system?

Anonymous said...

I do think that there is great intimidation on the part of some union members to ban together. Most teachers do not want to picket. Most do want to give the extra time. It seems like there are a few bullies running the show. They are protecting the bad teachers and their padded salaries. They do not care about the kids or the district. It is all about power. I say fire the lot of them and hire the good ones back. Switch up the cliques. Move people to other whatever you have to do to really start over. ALL of them.

Anonymous said...

I agree 3:13. Leave our children out of this! Our community has supported the schools & teachers for years:
volunteering in the classrooms
PTA $$$ for field trips & speakers
school fundraisers
Books for classrooms
extra supplies
I could go on & on...

Yes, its been for our children, but it also helped the teachers who needed the extra set of hands, or another means to teach with. Now the SEA is turning on us by involving our children... no class trips, 8th grade graduation in jeopardy, teachers threatened who stay past the contractual end of day to give students extra help, recommendation letters not written,etc. Those teachers that follow Mrs. Carlyle should be ashamed. We have treated you with much more respect than you are treating our children. Karma!

Anonymous said...

It's funny, I saw the Wing teachers wearing rabbit ears on the picket line this morning -- goes well with you "down the rabbit hole" analogy!!

Maybe a certain union president will finally make an appearance dressed as the Mad Hatter ?

Anonymous said...

Its sad to see the teachers cut-off their noses to spite their faces.

Do they really think skipping 8th grade graduation and cancelling student field trips will help build public support?

I have yet to see any parent or member of the public offer any support or encouragement towards the two SEA picket lines I pass each day. (Although I have seen a few fingers, and many disgusted head shakes -- particularly sitting at the Forestdale traffic lights!)

Joe Domingue said...

I really don’t care about signs and stand outs. Of course, my Dad use to tell me something about folks that are too stupid to come in out of the weather.
Regardless, if the union really thinks they have a case and deserve my support, I’d like to see the details, in writing, of what they’re asking for.
What have they asked for? What’s been agreed to? What’s the stumbling block? Specifically and in writing – what?
I am pretty sure that “respect” don’t pay the mortgage or buy the groceries and I am pretty sure that “respect” aint the issue.

Anonymous said...

I too would like to know the details?

Anonymous said...

I think I've seen it said here a couple of times. The teachers putting on the show have no respect for the families and the kids. For all their talk, they have no respect for the community.

Mrs. Beasley said...

If parents are so outraged by the teachers' behavior, why is the ForestdalePTA planning an upcoming Teacher Appreciation lunch in May? Even better, they are asking parents to provide meals for the lunch! Seriously, they are refusing to participate in my eighth graders activities and graduation ceremony and they want me to feed them. Good one! Trust me, that will not be happening. I undestand there are a lot of wonderful teachers but I have an idea. Instead of feeding them all in masse, take your $15 or $20 that you'd spend on ingredients and buy the great teacher a nice gift card. It's time for parents to push back. Of course the PTA sheep in all 3 schools will not touch this controversy, it's exactly what is wrong w this town. Close your eyes, click your uggs and repeat, "there's no place like wisteria lane"!

Anonymous said...

Parents have to keep spoiling the teachers so their kids get treated decently and we feel good. We as parents are expected to. There is such an imbalance of respect in the schools. I just read the Cape Cod Times. There is an editorial by the Sandwich Teachers Union president claiming our town is not respectful to teachers. Nothing is good enough for these people except to give them complete control of the schools, which it looks like they had for many years. Looks like they still do.

Anonymous said...

It's time for both parties to come clean and let the taxpayers know what is going on with settling the contracts. Once the taxpayers get involved it could stop the speculation and rumors that are going around. From there, we can decide who is being the stubborn pain in the ass. Personally, I suspect the union wants more. How our society got bogged down with the sense of entitlements from any government union is what is really escapes me and, I feel, is ruining our economy. Why is a union persons job more special than anyone elses? A job is a job - You're not special. I'd love, love, love to do away with the SEA all together! Imagine that most teachers would probably return and just simply work without a contract, you know, like most people do. They'd have a job, summers off, sick/vacation pay like everyone else. Each teacher could have an annual review and a pay raise that is measured by how productive they are in the classroom. Why do we have to have a union at all? Does anyone know? Does the state or feds mandate that all public school teachers MUST be in a union? I just think the town would benefit greatly from breaking away from this unproductive, expensive, irrational need to be unionized. Do the teachers paychecks come from the State of MA or the Town of Sandwich?

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would respond to poster 956. You have made some rather valid points, when it comes to how we as a society in todays world get rewarded for what we do. In the public sector we are measured against a standard and if we do not meet it, we do not see any benifits. In the area of public service, especially the Schools.One only needs to show another course or degree and it automatically triggers a pay raise.

What has been allowed to occur over many years is a culture where
we have no accountability from those that have spent the longest time, at doing a job that does not have a standard upon which they can be judged. The sad part is those that represent the union like it that way. This unfortunitly, does not bode well for young teachers who have the inspiration and skills to perform at a higher level, then those entrenched with out any standards to be judged by.

Where is it stated that my tax dollars get to pay some one who may have the paper on the wall, but lack the skills and knowledge to teach at todays needed levels of expectations??

I have worked at many jobs in my life[once as a member of the teamsters] I had to meet my job description expectations in order to be financcially rewarded. I was compared to a standard and in some cases I failed to meet personal goals and thus no further financial increase was seen for that year. We all knew what the standard was up front and when we exceeded it, we were rewarded, rather well if I might say. The main purpose in being judged against a standard and being put to task at the end of each year, was to increase my working skills and to keep me abreast of all new leadership training skills. This overall, made for a more productive person.

It is time that the School union leaders , be made accountable to the Taxpayers for providing a standard that each teacher in the system is judge upon, based upon how they teach, rather then how many pieces of paper they have hanging on the wall. In many case's we the tax payers payed
for, as well.

Anonymous said...

There is no mandate about teachers having to be in a union. But teachers are encouraged to join, shall we say. They are suppose to get something from their membership, but some teachers have questioned the value of what they get. The contract is negotiated through the union. Teachers who are not union members get the same deal but union folks get the extras, like stipended jobs regardless of qualifications. Some charter school are deliberately becoming non union. The kind of pressure on the teachers to become members depends on the union. Obviously private schools are different.

Anonymous said...

I am sick and tired of the rhetoric regarding teachers "working without a contract". Truth is, they alsways have a contract due to language within the contract that allows the expiring contract to remain in force until a successor agreement is reached. Every teacher that was due a step increase received it.

Anonymous said...

That is such an important point. It is really sad to think of the lengths teacher union leadership is going to deceive the citizens of Sandwich. Sadly I am beginning to believe that there is far too much deception in public school!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I saw it years ago but this is the first year I began believing it is an accepted part of the culture in leadership.

Greg said...

My, my to the poster at 9:56 you can wish SEA away till the cows come home but you need to read up on how unions become entrenched or how they are born. A life force all of their own. Those people who are not 'Union' will never understand the value in having someone negotiate the contract and how powerful an arbitrator's ruling can be. It can sink a town's budget. And that my friends IS the 10,000 pound elephant in the room. The killer in this contract negotiation is simply retroactive pay. Just imagine, over 600 days now and the union will NEVER give in on that issue. It isn't union like. Doesn't have a darn thing to do with the kids, or teaching or anything important. Its simply money. So my frustrated friend at 9:56 you can't wish a union away, ever. You can only hope that the members of SEA vote the union out. Won't happen. None of them have the stones to do it. And that is why I said, in the beginning, the birth of a union is the only place you can stop one. Well, in this town anyway. Doesn't anyone else see Shaun Cahill's departure being related to the elephant? Who in their right mind would want to piece together this financial timebomb and its effect on the budget. Shaun must know the damage that is lurking and I can't blame him for wanting a normal life again. None of them can talk about it....maybe we should. Maybe the elephant needs to be identified so we know exactly what damage will be done fiscally in order to pay for retroactive pay. If anyone thinks the union leadership is worried about how many teachers positions could be lost to pay this bill, forget it. In all unions, seniority rules...those here the longest have the greatest protection. Say goodbye to the cream, those young, energetic, motivated folks. The elephant will have them working at Walmart. No one wants to push this button...600 days...just how much is an elephant worth these days? We sure can't afford it.

Anonymous said...

To reply to the Union Pres. Commentary in the Friday CCT. BOO HOO, cry me a river, and get over yourself.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth maker would ask every one ,have you read last nights editorial about a child from our town, Mother is publically calling out the teachers that have vented opinions to her child that was told that they need to go to the School Committee to complain, because they did not have a contract. This teacher told the child that her requests would not be forfilled.

Now this is intimindation in its greatest form and all during school time, what is next.

Anonymous said...

A lot of assumptions Greg, though I see your historic piece as somewhat accurate. Many have posted however that there is a clause in the existing contract and it is a common one for teaching contracts, that states they do have a contract until the new one is ratified. I would imagine that covers the back pay. If the opportunity to push a town to back pay were possible, would it not be wise for the unions to stall the contracts for financial gain. Don't think that would hold up in arbitration. Arbitration has been postponed because of scheduling. It has been stated here or on Randy's blog that the union lawyers have held up things because of scheduling. Let's get rational here. Turning a scheduling problem into a distractive daily drama for Sandwich kids, their families and the whole town is a bit much don't you think. Also if the union doesn't get as good a deal as the other town unions ultimately arbitration will result in parity more or less among the unions. Emotionally, the union has ethical issues they need to address. Across the country we are seeing union bashing. Unions have a different place in our society because our society has changed. This union has a clear leadership and methodology problem. They have to understand they can't exaggerate their position for dramatic effect. Act like adults, not teenagers. Times have changed. Unions have to change too.

Anonymous said...

TM, where is this editorial?

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would say to pick up yesterdays Sandwich Enterprise, look at the public forum section.

Very clear remarks in regards to present situation with the Union

That teacher should be fired if what is written is accurate

Anonymous said...

He has a link to the SEA Contract on the left side of this page. The Union Leadership has purposely delayed negotiations several times and then stated to union members and the public that the SC refuses to negotiate with them. She is a pathological liar.

If a reporter wanted to put any effort into it, they could compare meeting notices and cancellation notices -- or meeting minutes.

Anonymous said...

Good point about reporters putting any effort into it, but I think the CCTimes and the Enterprise are both pro-union. I would guess that has more to do with relationships not reality. Too bad. Some really good reporting would make a huge difference. The letter in the Enterprise from the parent with specifics about teachers and her child is amazing. If more parents and teachers were that courageous, we could get the truth out in a big way. The sympathetic conversations happening are one thing, but it takes courage to be a whistle blower. Thank you MC for your letter in the Enterprise!!!!

Greg said...

Hmmm to the poster at 10:32 I am not sure you understand my real message. Those teachers standing in line represent a small majority of the full complement of teachers we have. Imagine ALL of the teachers standing in a line. It won't happen. Those who choose not to stand in line have stones. The one or two teachers who have carried out the directive from the Union President concerning letter writing are typical pro-union members, they are holding the line, a line that only they can see. I concur with your statement that unions in this country are changing, they have too. The days of mandatory membership will continue only as long as our elected officials support the laws that made the big unions so strong. What frustrates everyone is that no one appers to have the power to move this forward. As Bob Guerin has stated, the contract issue needs to be removed from the equation. None of us can stop the financial settlement that must occur. I truly believe there is a core group of teachers in town that believe in their jobs. They don't like the pressure being placed upon them by their union. What you don't see every day are those teachers who just won't walk the line. I can't think of one union that isn't greedy. They will continue to ask for more money and benefits regardless of what we think of them or can afford. I understand all of your comments, spoken from someone who has never been in the rank and file and experienced the censure of the brotherhood? In our case, we have a bulletproof Union president who doesn't seem to worry about her standing. No one is challenging her directives. So I guess we have to hold all of the silent lambs accountable. After all is said and done and they have their money, how does any student who has been denied a letter of recommendation remember that teacher? What lesson in life is this student being given by that teacher? Greed is not a lesson any young, bright and motivated student should have to recall as they develop their personal attributes. I can't remember one teacher in my life who I do not hold in the highest esteem. I can say today, that if I was the student being denied that important letter of recommendation, the negative impression would be heartbreaking. How can our heroes become villans? It is a shame.

Anonymous said...

Greg, You have great passion on this subject and I don't disagree with you. I take it you are either a teacher or a union member. I have been the member of a union in the past and certainly have stood in a few protest lines in my life time. I would like to organize the parents to protest what the union is doing to our kids, our families and our town. I don't know what your real message is that I don't understand. I understand you have opinions about what is going on and I agree with some of them. I can understand your assumptions. I have a few assumptions of my own, It breaks my heart like it breaks yours to see the brazen abuse of power the teachers are engaged in, to see the teaching profession so tarnished. It is hurtful. How can they say they care about our kids or this town and create this war of emotions. I agree that the majority of teachers would not stoop to these horrendous tactics, but they are enabling this by not demanding different leadership in their union. Those who are following this abusive strategy of the union need to step up and say no to the union. This fight should not be in our schools. I've never heard anything like it in my life. This strategy really is harassment and bullying. They should be fired on the spot for being inappropriate with students. The district is obvious condoning this behavior. I can not understand why! Are they afraid of a grievance. Let them file all the grievances they want. It is wrong what they are doing. God help us if this continues. We can't change the laws over night that give unions the rights to abuse municipalities. We can't change elected officials overnight to suddenly stop being held hostage by unions. We can't change the culture of this town which has been pitting the school union against the municipal unions for years. Maybe that has stopped but it was going strong in 2009. So I suspect there is some history still fueling the flames. We can't change the people who have gone wild with their idea that putting union business in peoples faces has a positive meaning. We can't change the radical teachers who have moved here and brought their anger with them. You have used a wonderful phrase for the union fanatics. They are holding the line that only they see. That goes on a lot in life. We can't change that. But I hope before it is too late we can change something for the good and end this horrible situation that is hurting everyone in town, even the people on the picket lines. No one will forgive them. They will loose all trust and be despised. They see this as a game. All is fair in love and war, they must be thinking. But that's not true. We know you can't show caring through abuse of power and we know that war isn't working so where does that leave them? It leaves them being seen as they truly are. Selfish and self-serving. They are not heroes. They are cowards. They are using power to do the wrong thing. That's what cowards do.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would comment to poster 639 We all have our own analagies in life, as to, who may be a hero or who may be a coward.

How you descibe power in my opinion and observe many of the events around our fair town of late that transcends the full reality of the message being delievered.

When leaders we put in place, are in fact abusing this power, we the people need to express ourselves and take back that power. This has been one of the main reasons why those in Beacon Hill, have been allowed to corrupt the good , by using threats, intimindation to keep them quite.

It would seem, as of late that we here in Sandwich have found a home here for such like folks.

This goes beyond unions, classes of people and politics. It is an evolutionary culture change as to what actually is the truth and what is not.
Society has been brain washed into thinking that one voice can not make a difference. Those with the power that corrupts others make the attempt to place a name or embarrising conitation to the mix. That way the one voice is supposed to stay silent and not be heard.

Now either you have the strenght of your convictions and remain tall or you fade off into the sunset and those leaders get to continue on the road of destruction.

We all have choices, speak and be heard or sit in silence and allow justice to fail.

Silence is not good in a democratic country and that is why America has guidelines called the Constitution, that give every one a voice to speak. Power leaders do not want you to speak, they want you to only listen.

Speak to the truth as you know and understand it and some where, somehow, justice will survive.

It may take time, it may not, but in the end speaking out can have some very rewarding moments.

Hope you all have a good Easter today.

Anonymous said...

Laura Carlisle is the embodiment of evil and will do whatever she has to do to progress her union agenda. Even if that means hurting the kids. This is not and NEVER has been about the kids of the district for her. Laura how do you sleep at night???????

Anonymous said...

LC has learned how to be a leader in this town. She represents the small minded distorted thinking that plagues some Sandwich leaders. She has many traits some other long time resident women have who are teachers in the school. They have worked their way up in a very old fashioned chauvinistic culture, listen only to others like them and are using their power inappropriately. They think they know more about everything just because they have been here longer. In several school those women routinely bully other adults especially women they are threatened by. And they get away with it. They only have their perspective and it almost seems like they want the schools to fail so people will leave and they can go back in time.

Bob Guerin said...

I’d like to propose that we save the term “evil” for people and things that are truly evil.
Ms. Carlyle is for all of us here in Sandwich, a neighbor, acquaintance, friend, and teacher; and, it just so happens, she is also the teachers union president. Specific to her role as union member and president, I know firsthand Ms. Carlyle to be a zealous advocate for and elected representative of her membership. She is rigid, dogmatic and unbending. But, from a union leader, I expect no less.
I know Ms. Carlyle. I know her as teacher, union negotiator, and fellow Sandwich taxpayer and resident. I have sat across the table from her in contract negotiations. While I do not agree with some of her negotiation positions, or tactics and while I do not share her outlook on school administration matters, etc., I know that she is not “evil.” To be clear, I find her advocacy unreasonable, perhaps foolish, and demonstrably harmful to our school system. But, I also have never found Ms. Carlyle to be anything other than a concerned, caring teacher, powerful union advocate and cordial acquaintance. I know her as a good and decent person.
Let’s not let emotion or passions drive us to label and demean folks in a way that’s unkind or unfair and untrue. Certainly we can all choose to disagree without becoming disagreeable – even while we’re blogging.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would respond to Brother Bob,

Physionomically you have made a ggod point, but when one looks at the actual meaning of evil, that include the wording such as morally wrong,causing injury, mischief,trouble, pain, repulsive, anything causing injury or harm unfortunate; disastrous, due to bad character or conduct, it sort of takes on another whole meaning.

Now understanding my websters is a little on the long side, perhaps the meaning has been modified in the new websters

Just some food for thought, as the old saying goes.

Anonymous said...

I hope all those who care about the schools come to the Board of Selectman meeting tonight. Another Blog has a piece on how it is not too late to ask for more money for the schools before the Board of Selectman votes the budget that will go to Town Meeting. Come to Town Hall at 7:00 PM and speak in the first public forum or just be support for those who do.

ShamedInSandwich said...

Whether or not the language is fair on this blogsite isn't the point. The whole point is that the union leadership is being too stubborn and non-rational to be a productive representative for the whole group of teachers. The union leadership is power-hungry and thrives on this type of conflict, it's how they justify their job. There needs to be a compromise. If she could look at her home, her family, and her checkbook, she would see that the rational realistic thing to do would be to sit the "bleep" down and get this done so we can move on. Grow the hell up, set an example, and take a look at who this is affecting. It's affecting the Town as a whole, how we get along with each other, and how we raise our children. It's become yet another embarrassement for Sandwich.

Fact #1 - we can't afford un-evaluated pay raises for teachers until the other half of this town gets their act together and brings in MORE REVENUE - homeowners are tapped-out (i.e. groceries, gas, taxes, etc.) Fact #2 - You are losing support every time a hard working parent pulls up to the school and sees those teachers bitching and moaning with their fat asses and picket signs. Would it ever occur to the "leaders" to swallow their pride (both sides!) and bang out these contracts? We, the people living in this town, are ready to move on and tackle real issues with the day-to-day EDUCATION of these stupid/lazy kids we've been ignoring the past years.

I've said my peace... Boy, do I feel better!!!

Anonymous said...

What the hell does "Physionomically" mean ?

Not a Lemming ... said...

8:22, Unfortunately, a handful of clueless folks who haven't paid attention or spoken up all year are not going to make much of an impact.

I think this blog has raised several questions that nobody has answered:

Why is the School charging parents fees but not willing to charge pool users for the full cost of their recreation?

Why should taxpayers provide more money to fund teacher salaries if teachers are refusing to attend graduation, write recommendations, or attend the extra-curricular activities they get paid to do?

Settle the teachers contract, fix the pool fiasco THEN ask me for money.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would respond to 917 Good question, if it was the correct spelling, which it is not.

Let us place the correct spelling of the word I intended to use

I hope that bring a little clarity to the post,

My Bad

Anonymous said...

evaluation of there is an idea that I like!

Anonymous said...

Asking for money that will help the schools based on principal has nothing to do with the teachers union. If we want the town to go broke paying out of district sending fees because parents don't think the town cares about its schools, ok, I'll bite, and why is that a good idea? Keep the facts straight. Families have been nickeled and dimed enough. They don't need any more fees or fee increases. If additional money can make the fees go away and provide more money to the schools which the town has, I think that is a good thing. And next year lets hope the SC holds the school money people's feet to fire and insist they not balance the budget on the backs of the parents.

Anonymous said...

Teachers do not get paid to go to Graduation, Canobie Lake Park ( after the school day), write recommendations after school hours, and the list goes on, least of all massive amounts of hours preparing and correcting materials. People take all of these for granted, expecting free labor where they never question overtime with police and fire or other municipal workers. The freebies are gone and now people are seeing what they have been getting for nothing forever- from people who give freely and now want a contract that equals other municipal workers contracts. Why is this so hard to understand? Why are teachers expected to work for free?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 4/12 934...I have to say that I agree with you. Good teachers give way more of their time than what they get in return monetarily. Our culture today seems to expect more from those that give more. Those that give seem to get critiqued and bashed about while many of us forget that they did not have to give so much in the first place. We should encourage more gratitude and maybe those that give so much wouldn't have to demand basic recognition. Sandwich tolerates abuse amongst its citizens, in general. This is just another example ...there's a list of many other public examples...not just in the school system. People just need to grow up in this Town.