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Disclaimer: While I am sure Nancy Reagan is a devoted NotThePTA follower, she has not (yet) expressed an opinion on either the Library or the Boardwalk. |
It’s a Very Good Start
Congratulations to the Board of Selectmen for finally finding their voice and leading by saying: "No!"
Last night’s decision to not press forward with plans for a new branch library, likely to cost taxpayers $8 million to build and hundreds of thousands to operate, was the right decision at the right time.This is exactly the behavior taxpayers expect and deserve from their elected representatives: mature, informed, responsible decisions that reflect our collective fiscal realities.
It’s too bad that the Selectmen waited and let real money and precious time and resources get spent furthering this pipe dream over the past months. In these times especially any waste is too much waste.
Next up? Selectmen must kill the Boardwalk project now before any more time, energy or money gets wasted.
If you see one of our Selectmen out and about please be sure to say: Congratulations and thank you!
With more than $100 million in proposed building and repair projects floating about town the Selectmen need to know that we all appreciate and expect them to: Just Say No.
Congratulations to the Board of Selectmen for finally finding their voice and leading by saying: "No!"
Last night’s decision to not press forward with plans for a new branch library, likely to cost taxpayers $8 million to build and hundreds of thousands to operate, was the right decision at the right time.This is exactly the behavior taxpayers expect and deserve from their elected representatives: mature, informed, responsible decisions that reflect our collective fiscal realities.
It’s too bad that the Selectmen waited and let real money and precious time and resources get spent furthering this pipe dream over the past months. In these times especially any waste is too much waste.
Next up? Selectmen must kill the Boardwalk project now before any more time, energy or money gets wasted.
If you see one of our Selectmen out and about please be sure to say: Congratulations and thank you!
With more than $100 million in proposed building and repair projects floating about town the Selectmen need to know that we all appreciate and expect them to: Just Say No.
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To avoid any impression of exaggeration, the proposed Library branch did NOT have a reflecting pool. |
The Truth Maker would add , Bob the time has come for the board of selectman to step up to the challenges being dropped by every special interest group here in Sandwich.
The Selectman have planned out the actual needs that we need to go forward, but we still have special interest folks who have decided that there project is more important to the town then any other. First they attempt to sell it by stating it will funded by grants, donations,ect. The actual costs are not presented to the public , but rather an estimated cost that is far lower then the progect would cost. Then once they get the publics attention the costs are much higher and now they want the taxpayers to fund them. Talk about a bait and switch scam.
Now the Library group is crying foul, because they did not know that they had to place a warrant article for town meeting , by March First to the selectman for consideration. How long does it take to read the charter and bylaws to get the facts? A call to the towns Clerk most assuradly would have provided the guidance they lack. It goes with the territory that when you are looking to place an article for consideration before town meeting that you plan each step, along the way. You only have yourself to blame for not following the procedual outline that can be found in our town library.
The same selectman still still feel that the taxpayers should take a vote on this issue, even though they counter with many reasons not to do so.
It is unfortuned that the whole board was not present for this vote last night and in my opinion it should have been 5 to 0 against this special interest project from being presented before town meeting at this time.
The board of selectman and our towns adminstration department need to focas on completing one task, two at the most. Money is tight for every one and all this extra evaluation that takes up time,money and energy away from getting any results at all, which has been the pattern we have allowed ourselves to fall into over these past years.
Millions of actual dollars have been expended for all types of studies to do some project that just gets to sit in limbo, because we do not have way for all and money to fund them.
I hope this meets the criteria for MS. Judy of the Enterprise in matters bordering on liable with it's venomous opinions,uninformed or misinformed statements.
If the local papers who control the news, do not report both sides of any issue, then what good is it?
The Truth in the vast compelities of town government is depended upon the printed word to get the truth of the issues to the public that respects due process of our first amendment rights, under the constitution of the United States.
When the printed word becomes a platform for untruths and misleading information you fail to provide the general public with an unbiased view point and that is in my opinion fails the charter of the newspaper to be objective and honest in what they print.
The Truth Maker would question the use of our town administrators time [taxpayers money] to have spent hundreds of hours in assisting the trustees to prepare this project.
I thought all of our energy was going to be on getting a safety complex built, why are we not concentrating on what we need and can get down, rather then what we know we can not get done?
I have followed the development plans for the library for the last 7-8 years, both in the newspapers and at Selectman's meetings. All along the supporters of a new library were encouraged by the Selectmen's actions and statements.
The "Long Range Plan" indicated that a new library was a goal.
Whenever the "Golden Triangle" was discussed the new library was always featured as a critical element in the development. And the supporters were further encouraged, directly or indirectly, to continue their efforts.
I wondered how foolish it was to be considering a new building, as the operating costs in this tight econonmy were never taken seriously. Where would we get the money to run it? It seemed to me that this issue should have been raised when it was first brought up. Unless I missed the debate somewhere along the line, this was not discussed seriously.
When the Trustees of the Library presented the idea of hiring a designer to develop the plans, they were encouraged to do so by the Selectmnen.
Last year the Selectmen incouraged them further by designating a parcel of land in the "Golden Triangle" for the building.
And last week the Selectmen finally put a stop to the plans with their vote not to allow the Trustee to present a warrant article at the Annual Town Meeting.
And now the town is in the position of having a lot of good and decent people frustrated and angry. The realistis among us are equally frustrated at the actions of our town fathers, past and present, for not stopping the supporters early on in the process.
This not how govenment should be run. We cannot encourage lay citizens to give of their time, money and committment to a cause; ecouraging them by offical action, and inaction,; and then cut them off. This is demoralizing to a citizen form of government.
I would not, and can not, disagree with many of the critics who raise substantial issues with a new library building vs. other pressing needs.
However, our elected and appointed town officials are responsible for the predictment that we now face.
So how do we respond now? Let the citizens decide!!!!
Paul McCaffrey
The Truth Maker would first ask Brother Paul how are you doing? Good to see your commomantary as well.
Many can not disagree with your analogy in regards to how this all came about.
Questions should have been asked that were not, answers were given that also should have been done with more diligance and provide hope when actually there was none.
This project should have stayed in the box, but now it will create a distraction to further growth in our town. The Police and Fire complex must come before the taxpayers , before we encumber any more debt.
Look for changes anywhere we can make them with our local government! I have called one candidate for Selectman and asked pointed questions about his strategy and plans if elected. I will not vote for a candidate that plans to slide by. My choice is going to be for a person not afraid to make tough moves and then stand up to controversy because of those moves. I supported Randy Hunt because he has those qualities. It is an understatement to say that we need a good shake up in the Town's style of doing business. We need to get in there and make our Town Manager get this cart under control...the horse has all but broken free and we are sailing down hill. Someone tell me, is he even concerned? It is as if there is no Manager. Shrinking budgets, do, actually NOT, get those in charge off the hook for providing safe Town facilities and resources. If we have not saved for a rainy day, it is, in fact, someone's fault. It is the fault of those that allowed spending one ounce of Town staff time on ludicrous ideas like a library. It is the fault of those that have looked the other way when staff is blatantly not performing their jobs over the years. It is the fault of those that look the other way when Town staff reach out to HURT the taxpayers that make their jobs possible. Why worry about those that led our Town down the primrose path to this? I believe they have failed us and it is time for a BIG CHANGE! I have a dream for Sandwich, and it is a government of competence and truth!
Then change the form of government from 5 politicos who adhere to a good ole boys form of government with too much business still being done outside of public view and through power plays and small town political practice. Look at a town council that can be held more accountable by the voters, with representation from each precinct. Go forward not backwards. Personalities coming to the Board of Selectman won't change a thing. It will still be just about spinning wheels. Professional competent government will come from a system that demands that, not from small town politicians. Those people can change this, but only if they put their egos aside and do the work.
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