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Next Stop, Oakcrest Cove ! |
Shelving the plans for the proposed Taj MaLibrary in South Sandwich means that the plan to connect the new Library with the Oakcrest Town Offices, the Jan Sebastian Town Offices, The Dump, Sandwich Village, The Old Library, the Town Hall, the Town Hall Annex, the Marsh, and the Marina via a series of Boardwalks (some of which would have utilized the NStar right-of-way) will not be receiving further study.
However, citizens interested in joining a newly-formed committee to explore the potential of constructing a high speed monorail line along this same route are encouraged to submit a letter of interest to Town Hall.
In related stories, The Emptyprize reported this week that the stairway access points to the Town's beaches remain condemned and that it would be "illegal and unsafe" to use them. No word on the timing or cost of the neccesary repairs. It was also reported that out of 15,000 registered voters in town, only 3 were willing to run for the 2 open seats on the School Committee, and 3 more for the two open seats on the Board of Selectmen.
Those stairs have been in disrepair for quite a long time. Did the emptyprize consider this "breaking news"? They seem to have the same problem finding qualified personnel to fill their positions as Sandwich does in finding qualified candidates to run for theirs! I'd love to know how far their circulation has plummeted over the past few years.
The Truth Maker would add that given the present state of our economy here in Sandwich, that a better use of our administrators time would be to focas on what we actually do need here in our town. Then coupled with the facts that these make good projects will never be funded is even more reason to stop taxpayers money from being diverted to provide free consulting fees to groups who have only a small segiment of our population at heart.
It is apparent to this tax payer that this bridge across the marsh is only going to benifit a small group of business owners, but we the taxpayers get to pay the bill, should it be brought forward.
The major sin is that this comming Thursday, this group will be making a presentation to the selectman for approval. We will listen to the same old reasons as to why we can not do it [All very good reasons], But once again you will hear the argument that we need to let the people vote on it. We all will vote no on it , but let it go forward with the board of selectmans recommendation. Why do you think you were voted in as a member of the board? To tell us one thing and then do another? Your job may not be pleasant, but we voted you all into office to make desicions, based upon common sense and facts.
This way of saying one thing and doing another boarders on hypocricy and abuse of the process in my opinion.
You cannot please every one, but obvisouly that is what seems to be occuring.
We will hear the same old words , well it is only x amount added to our tax bills.
The truth of the matter they never speak the whole truth.
The Library for example has not expounded upon the cost of placing what ever number of employees in the library, general upkeep and etc. This is an added burdan to each and every taxpayer here in Sandwich, that in the end could very well add another x factor that is even higher then the original cost of the building, So instead of another 40 dollars added each year, we are actually talking about another 80 dollars or more.
This board walk has so many hidden cost to it, along with enviromental issues as well.
We can not get our Natural Resource department to stabilize our beaches, for what ever reasons, but we can find the money to destroy natural habitat that is protected under the coast land bank act. Do you really think that this project can be done with out an environmental impact study? Does the possible cost of this project benifit the whole town or just a small segment that may reap the benifit finacially,at the sacrifices of every one.
If this project is to move people , then a more simple way would be to put a few sight seeing buses on the streets and have them traverse the whole town, then the other business enities we have spread out here in Sandwich can actually derive some benifit as well That would be a worth while endeaver in my opinion.
Will the monorail committee hold a series of public meetings at various locations across Town? It's important that we gather community input on this very important topic .... from the same 2 people who show up at EVERY meeting!
Maybe the schools could use the monorail instead of those fuel-guzzling busses! This could be a "Green Solution" (ie. "We don't care what it costs!")
Actually, this is how it works:
Selectmen appoint a Mono Rail Committee.
Committee seeks (and gets) some taxpayer funds to “study” mono rail issues.
Committee reports to Selectmen their recommendation to hire a monorail consultant for a $50,000 or $100,000.
Committee and Consultant return and recommend a $10, $20, or $50 million dollar construction project.
Selectmen dither and dicker about how they’re for and against the project and then Selectman decide to let Town Meeting decide.
Town Meeting is filled with just a few more pro Mono Rail folks than opposed so the project gets approved.
Required Tax increase goes to polls and voters soundly reject Mono Rail project and any other new Town spending that Town Meeting was crazy enough to pass.
Yes, let's buy some sightseeing buses to move people. Great idea Truth Mistaker!
I say we build the boardwalk, refurb HTW, add new beach stairs, and build a new library. If you want less amenities and cheaper taxes, move to Bourne. I am sick and tired of the tax argument. You knew what you were getting into when you moved here. If you don't like it, move out! I am perfectly comfortable paying higher taxes for less traffic, less commercial (have you been to Falmouth in the summer), and more amenities.
You already are paying higher taxes for less amenities!
Not everybody inherits (or marries into) their money -- Some people work for a living.
Anonymous 10:49,
Come on! You knew what you were getting into. You thought you we getting cheap real estate, no crime, and half-way decent schools for your kids. I moved here a decade ago and I knew what I was buying into....don't cry about it now! Did you really think the taxes would remain low, really, really?
I work damn hard for my money and I choose to live in Sandwich. I consider it a privlidge, not a right! I am willing to pay more taxes for less commercial business and less traffic. Now let's build that new library already!!!!
Sorry 11:25 I am not buying what you are selling unless you sign your name.
To be clear: You are for a second library ($7 million), for repairing Wing ($40 million), for building a new board walk ($7 million), for $25 million in capital repairs,, for a new track & field ($5 million)and for a new public safety building ($15 million)?
And, when you moved here you knew taxes increased roughly 3.5% a year but we paid town employees average annual wage increases of 5.5% – creating a permanent structural tax deficit?
This is the “deal” you understood and bargained for? Sorry 11:25 I am not buying what you are selling.
Talk about getting our priorities straight. Ebooks and the internet has set the stage for no need for a new library, maintain the current library and upgrade the technology.
Sandwich is long overdue (20 yr plus)in building a Police & Fire Station Complex.
Raise my taxes as much as you like to build the Fire & Police station.
Don't even think about spending my tax dollars on a new library and 5 million boardwalk.
Sandwich seems to have gone off the reservation the past few years; The School Board members actions have been insane the past year. 5 Million boardwalk that ends with the view of the green Mirant oil tanks?
We won't even walk that part of the canal because those tanks spoil the views. Can you imagine tourists on the boardwalk hoping for the final great scenery to find themselves staring at the green tanks. LMAO
The Truth Maker would ask all who have a silver spoon in there mouths, if you also think that the poor among us should also move ?
Should the older among us also go?
Should those that have children also move away to Bourne as well?
Should all the druggies move?
Should the homeless among also move?
The Sandwich community has all of the above and a few others to boot.
In many cases, those with the silver spoon syndrome, want every one else to pay for there luxury. Money talks, but it does not make for a well rounded community to say if you knew what it was like then move out.
We need the best Police and Fire protection
safety building we can afford. The safety concerns of every citizen is paramount to any community surviving in todays world.
We do not need another library,boardwalk to no where at this time in our lives to suirvive as a town.
You may think so, but when the town druggies take over you also will be affected in ways that you will choke on the spoon you are not willing to remove from your mouth.
It is a matter of choices that we all get to make in life and in your case it is simply a matter of greed and telling folks I live in East Sandwich. Every thing is cool here, so we want to keep all the rif raff away from contaminating our life long dream to be able to say where you live, provides a little statis for you.?
I think it is a false paradigm to have to choose between radically diminished services or exponentially higher taxes, without first addressing the structural issue of teacher and municipal employee compensation.
Bravo Bob Guerin! We should also be asking just what our municipal employees are providing. Our teachers are producing exceptional students and that can be gauged. I would like to see our municipal employees have a gauge by producing quarterly reports for exactly what they do and posting them online for everyone to see. Transparency is a must in times like these.
there was a letter in the local rag this week from the Boardwalk guy -- he claimed no tax dollars were being used for the project.
BullX^%#. He asked the CPA Committee for almost $50K to "study" the idea. CPA funds ARE tax dollars!!
I have to assume it will die at Town Meeting -- but I think we should fire every member of the CPA Committee for not having the ba%$# to say it was a really stupid idea that we can not afford and do not need.
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