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The Invisible "Budget Watch Dog" --- The only "transparent" part of the School Budget ! |
I like the idea of kids using iPads.
One of my kids is getting an SHS iPad. My wife and I both carry iPads. I also carry a laptop, and a smartphone. I usually have 4 Computers running on my desk, and I supervise several networks with almost 200 computers of various flavors. I will admit to being a Computer Geek.
I see computers as an essential tool that should be an integral part of education -- not something that is locked away in a computer lab to be visited once or twice a week. I think its a great idea that kids are expected to take the iPads home and "live with them". That's the best way to learn ---- when nobody is staring at you, or distracting you. Professionally, when I am training employees who have never used a computer, I always encourage them to take a portable machine home with them and play with it --- do whatever they want to get comfortable with it, and then come back and see me about any problems they may encounter. Limiting what a user can do or access on a machine also limits what they can learn and may limit their enthusiasm to learn more. (That being said, I absolutely despise Facebook! -- but that's another story. No, I won't be your friend!!)
I also think the SHS Tech staff has done a good job orientating a lot of students (and their parents!) on the care and use of their new "tools". Their professionalism and enthusiasm is infective and will be a major factor in success of this program. Their efforts are even more exemplary given the machines' "sudden" arrival.
The "sudden" arrival is the problem.
I can't comprehend how such a major technology initiative could be implemented with no public discussion, and apparently no School Committee involvement.
The obvious question (which still hasn't been answered) is how did we "find" $250,000 at the same time we eliminated bus fees, bought bleachers, and returned an undetermined amount of money to the Town's General Fund? Particularly when just 3 months earlier, this same group had been pleading with the BOS and FinCom for more money?
I assume they must have also pre-bought some of their FY '13 supplies, and prepaid some of their FY '13 SPED tuitions.
Is there any money put aside for potential legal settlements -- or are we burning Atlanta to eliminate resources for opposing forces?
How much extra money was actually out there?
Why hasn't the School Committee asked those questions? Why has there been no budget discussion of any sort yet? Why has the Committee not taken any recent votes to transfer money between buget lines? Unlike other Town Depts, the School Committee is allowed to transfer money between budget lines without further approval (a legal right which I have always supported). BUT... they do need to publically discuss and vote on transfers -- presumably BEFORE the money is spent!
What has happened to the self-proclaimed "Budget Watchdogs" ? What about all of that babbling we heard about transparency?
What about next year? Deservedly or not, the School Department's budget credibility has always been on thin ice. After this budgetary Mardi Gras, not even our new million fire boat (for which we have no additional local funding for staffing or maintenance) will be able to rescue them!
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A new Rescue Boat .... for the Community Pool? |
Lets also acknowledge that the principle and primary driver of these building conversations has been saving money on repair and upkeep. The optimal learning environment was NOT a factor or motivator. From the get go the Wing question was looked at through a lens of cost avoidance.
Even now the discussion on moving kids to the high school is built NOT on the ideal middle school model but rather an assumption that this configuration of buildings could be done at the least/lowest cost. Nobody has asked or answered the question: Is this the ideal and optimal middle school model? This too is a colossal failure of the School Committee and Administration.
No advocacy. No inquiry. No preparation. No interrogation. No nothing.
I am looking for a little history or input. If this STEM model is to move forward and we will be combining 3 schools worth of 7th and 8th graders into one school then the logical assumption is that the district would be cutting teaching positions. Where is the union in this whole discussion? For a town whose union is usually quite loud, why are there no questions being asked by them about the program, the training, the staffing etc.? Any ideas?
Invisible watchdog has a full plate. Go by the Human Services building and see the awesome structure one of the cats from the Facilities Dept erected by the flowers on QMH. Now this has absolutely nothing to do with the decrepit state of my buildings but this guy was trying so hard. Most any fool knows the least expensive part of boat ownership is the purchase price so winning a grant for a nearly $900,000 boat from Homeland Security (code for you and me) has just started the money clock. Keeping this thing in the water 24/7 next to the Coast Guard who ALREADY has two boats, 45 AND a 25 footer and Sandwich is accomplishing what? Oh, I forgot, the Environmental Police have a boat next to the Coast Guard also. We see fire trucks and ambulances throughout the streets of Sandwich.....will we see this Albatross on every part of town? The answer is simply no. How the town leaders are allowing this piece of equipment into its inventory is absolutely ridiculous. This iPad "thing" simply tells all of us that the cries for money from the school district is completely hollow. Never will anyone give the Sandwich School District a nickle of override money ever again. What the bleep is going on in this town?
What was I supposed to do..... give the money back? Geez
Now I see the connection between the SC member who questioned the ipad purchase not coming before the Committee and the new Superintendent.
Give it back? Maybe. Isn’t that really a question the Administration and School Committee should have discussed in public in front of the cameras?
How about holding public hearings in front of the cameras, explaining that a surplus existed, identifying new spending priorities and justifying the changes to the town meeting authorized budget, seeking public comment and input and then executing the spending plan?
Wouldn’t that have been transparent? Wouldn’t that have been participatory? Wouldn’t that have been the right thing to do?
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