Part of the fun of being a "former" member of anything is that you only need to pay attention to issues that YOU want to follow -- you no longer represent anybody's interests except your own. (I guess you could say the same thing about a few "current" members .... but I digress.)
So in the interests of "been there, done that", I thought I would offer a few "conversation starters" in case any of our elected representatives, primarily on the School Committee, were feeling a little tongue-tied coming into the New Year. In no particular order:
1. This year the Superintendent decided to spend $500,000 in "extra" funds on iPads for all Freshmen & Sophomores without any School Committee discussion. Is the District planning on purchasing iPads for next year's incoming freshmen? What would be the funding source?
2. How is this year's Budget holding out? Is there a surplus projected for the last half of the year? Are there any plans on how to allocate any "extra" budget dollars yet?
3. Has a decision been reached on the Community School Pool? Will we be seeing the School District's contribution to its operating costs reflected on a separate budget line item? Now that the District has formally acknowledged it is using K-12 District Funds to operate a swimming pool that is rarely used by students, it would seem appropriate to segregate that expense line.
4. Is there any provision to fund upcoming capital repair work on the pool -- particularly re-grouting, and replacement of filtration and de-humidification equipment?
5. Has any pool group EVER held one of their frequently-discussed, fundraisers for pool capital repairs or operating costs?
6. Has anybody got the testicular fortitude to bring up the issue of Facilities Usage fees? The School Budget funds the operating costs -- but many non-school groups benefit from free or reduced cost rentals. Little League, and Youth Basketball do make substantial contributions -- but many others (including some who pay their "volunteers" and utilize school facilities for major regional fundraisers) do little more than bitch and moan.
7. What about School Supplies? Teachers buy supplies and the District expects parents to spend almost $100 on such "extras" as paper towels, hand soap, pencils, paper, etc. Why aren't school supplies considered a school expense? If we can find money to add funding for the wrestling, golf, and sailing teams, why can't we find money for paper towels? The money we "found" last year and used to buy un-budgeted iPads without any public discussion, could have been used to fill the annual back-to-school supply lists and saved parents $100/kid.
8. Food Service -- The Superintendent deserves credit for reviewing the Food Service operation. His obligation is to run a cost-effective school system -- not provide lifetime employment. He needs to ask questions -- the School Committee should be doing the same. (It's ironic that the two alleged "Budget Watch Dogs" now seem to spend the bulk of their time humping the Supt's leg.) Here's the four food service questions that need asking:
8a. What does it cost to run the food service program?
8b. Does this cost include ALL employee-related costs (including any paid by the Town)?
8c. What are the upcoming capital maintenance/equipment replacement costs?
8d. Is there any reserve fund to cover projected capital repairs & replacements?
The Cafeteria employees need to dial down the rhetoric and allow some honest analysis, the Teachers Union needs to stay out of this issue entirely, and the School Committee needs to stay on top of the facts -- not just react to the inevitable hysteria. Maybe this could be outsourced -- maybe it can't but, we won't know unless somebody looks at it.
9. Teachers Contract -- watching the last negotiation was like watching some sort of bizarre barnyard ritual. Ironically, after almost three years of constant bickering and public spectacles the only thing that was accomplished was that the public became completely disgusted and more kids fled the District to Charter Schools where Teachers are retained because they do good work --- not because they are protected by the union. If no other change was made in the next round of negotiations -- it would at least be nice to see the discussions happen publicly This would allow the public (and individual union members) see what REALLY is being discussed -- what the REAL sticking points are, and who is REALLY cancelling meetings. The amount of time wasted on posturing and inconsequential issues is truly pathetic. Individual union members should be as outraged as the taxpayers.
10. Transportation Costs -- I have had the misfortune of travelling behind some of our fancy new school buses lately -- none of which seemed particularly crowded. The District is not required to transport High School Students at all -- let alone make multiple stops within sight of each other to pick kids up in their driveways. As the Budget tightens, I hope the Committee calls for a full review of busing costs -- particularly given the declining enrollment and the eventual likelihood of new sidewalks along QMH.
11. Wing School -- I know the party line is to keep the Wing open for a few more years, even after grades 7 and 8 are eventually moved to the High School. But, given the number of seats which have opened in the past few years, and the need to realize some true cost savings, as well as the related public support, this needs to happen sooner rather than later.
12. Budgetary Competition -- There is obviously little public appetite for tax increases. But there is a full court press going on to promote approval of a $30 million Public Safety Building. There is also discussion of funding the return of School Resource Officers to the K-8's through an Override. And, the Fire Department is about to take possession of a $1 million Fire/Rescue Boat. Although construction of the 39' boat was funded by Homeland Security, taxpayers will be liable for the cost of staffing and most of the related maintenance and training costs. I assume they will need an Override to fund boat operations -- since we can't afford to staff our existing firehouses. Whatever the short and long-term plans for the Wing or STEM program, they must be seen as part of this competition.
Budgetary issues aside, the other interesting discussion will be candidates for the next election. Kangas and Crossman are both up this year. Hopefully, at least two residents who have some professional and/or financial experience, -- and who are not union spouses, or members of some other special interest group with an ax to grind will be willing to step up and start looking at The Big Picture.
The Truth Maker would respond with Brother Bob in the matter of not being able to speak to issues, when you are part of the system in fear of some retaliation.
Here in Sandwich, for what it is worth, the system is to look the other way , when involved with what ever board, to keep face among the chosen.
Understanding that as a fact, those such as yourself and Mr. Guerin whom faced the devils among us with the truth.You soon realized that the wall is thicker to break down into any logical solution then one can deal with alone. Unfortunitly we also had similar undertakings that left us with the question is it all worth it?
This is the question for the new year, if the comunity cares not for what is occuring around them, how can one or two folks change a cultural process that has been ingrained over many years and gives the appearance that those we elect actually do care, when in some cases they do not, in my opinion.
You have provided us above with some insitful questions, that need to be answered. The big question will be, who will answer them in a truthful and caring manner?
As we ready for the events of the new year, each citizen of Sandwich, should make a resolution, that they will become more involved with daily workings of how our fair town is governed and find the way to make sure those that say they are doing whatever for the town and its citizens and are not, be removed from what ever board, committee, for the betterment of the whole town. The only way that can happen is that every single citizen take some ownership in how our town functions for the whole and not for the priviledged few.
Be involved in the direction the town is taking towards education, safety of its citizens along with putting in place a sustainable economic plan that benifits every citizen in our fair town of Sandwich.
Once again we would like to wish friend and foe alike a Happy New Year, because we will have some severe challenges in this up and coming year for sure.
My 2013 crystal ball has come into focus. I predict: (1) reduced I-pad expenditures but no admission that the experiment was a bust, (2) new bus fees, (3) new parking fees, (4) a financial “crisis” when expensive cafeteria equipment fails, and (5) modestly increased out of district placements (and costs).
I also predict that: (6) the pool will remain open despite financial losses, (7) the Community School will remain open despite financial losses and neither the schools nor the town will actually itemize and account for the losses. Lastly, I predict (9) a second financial “crisis” when expensive pool equipment fails.
Your blog post title is ironic – “Conversation Starters.”
Is there anyone here in town on any board or committee or in any position of responsibility that is actually willing to engage in a conversation? Is there anyone actually willing to listen? Do you know somebody actually open to modifying their perspective?
‘Conversation” suggests a genuine interaction, an exchange of ideas designed to illicit new shared understandings and perhaps even create consensus.
Seen anyone bend, concede, yield, defer, modify or change their view point or ideas and position recently? Me neither.
Jackie T, that's interesting. You say, "Let's have a conversation, but, do you mind if I wear a paper bag over my head. That way if I say something stupid, nobody will know it was me." You will find my positions stated in a number of places; this blog, televised Board of Selectmen's meetings, School Committee meetings, in the Enterprise, in the Cape Cod Times, and on Sandwich Community Television. I always sign my name. If you wish to take exception to something specific, please do. Annonymous critics spouting generalities are a dime a dozen. Even at that they are greatly overpriced.
I think he's suggesting the Board's at least have these discussion amongst themselves. Everybody seems polite ---- but NOTHING happens! If the elected Board people don't ask any questions, I doubt many taxpayers are even paying attention enough to ask their own questions.
The Truth Maker would remove Mr. Pierce from the equation in regards to holding conversations. Mr. Pierce, In my humble opinion, has shown that he his willing to discuss the subject matter in an open and forthright manner. he has signed his name to many editorials over the many years he has been selectmen, some I agree with and some I do not.
Mr. Pierce has at least shown the courage of his convictions and be accountable to the taxpayers whom have voted him into office to represent us the people, in matters of operating our fair town here in Sandwich. No politics,no b.s., just a caring voice for the people he represents. It would nice if his fellow board members would follow at least some of his concerns for our town and finnaly vote to allow the voice of the people to be heard in the matter that concern our towns future as a viable historic place to come visit and also make a home in.
Remember, when you speak with Jim Pierce, your are not having a conversation, your are just whining. When will you learn Jim that people aren't happy, and when you speak and write about how much you dislike their "whining" you are not winning anyone over. Just by using that word you make us seem like children not getting our way, when we are not, we are people on the verge of a breaking point financially. We just want answers and every point of view acknowledged by our Selectmen. Please stop YOUR whining, contempt, and condescending attitude and begin to listen to people. No, we don't have all the facts that you'd love for us to have. We are practical people trying to balance a checkbook. It's your job to get the facts and present the facts to the people in a simple and unbiased way. We are not retired and don't have have such ample time on our hands. Please stop using the term "whining" and chastising those who wish to remain anonymous. How people communicate on blogs is their choice. So although it may make you feel better to be so broad in your judgement of people, it's irritating as hell to everyone else.
Oh No, I quote you, "It is your (meaning my) job to get the facts and present the facts to the people in a simple and unbiased way." That's exactly what I've got countless hours invested in doing over the last four years. But, I think Sam the Eagle nailed it in this bolg a couple months ago. He said, folks don't really want solution, they just want to gripe about the problems. It's your job to try to understand the facts and vote accordingly. I think the six part series "Sandwich by the Numbers" that I invested maybe 100 hours in pulling together is still up on All six were published in the Enterprise. The videos might even be still showing on Sandwich Community Television. The Selectmens Long Range Plan, to which I have also committed a couple hundred hours is also available on the town web site. That is also true of the Town Government Process Map. You want it simple, I've tried to lay it out simple. If you would like to take exception to something specific, please do. Otherwise quit whining. I'm not trying to win anyone over. I'm trying to irritate you enough to wake you up.
The phrase "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink ... even if you hit him with a 2 x 4!" comes to mind.
It is not possible to pass out little knowledge pills --- people have to be responsible for doing SOMETHING on their own. I agree that Mr. Pierce has done a tremendous amount of work trying to explain issues --- regardless of whether you agree, he is putting the info out there.
People have to read it. You don't need to be retired to gain a basic understanding of some of the issues out there.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to gain an understanding of a few of the issues.
If you want answers, ask a question!
Darn, another comment sets fire to my britches and I have to get off of my 'big stuffed sofa' to add my two cents. A Looooooooooonng time ago I used to take Jim Pierce to task for dropping in on a blog, laying a small land mine and then disappearing from the comment pile for awhile. It used to irk the hell out of me and I thought he was just using his old sharp pencil to jab me in the eyeball. Sort of an emotional stimulant. It worked every time. Jim got the hair up on the back of my neck a lot. Then, I have to admit, though painfully, I began to read what he was writing and listen carefully to the selectmen's meetings. Nope, he is the real thing folks. If you are fortunate to be sitting in a booth next to him having breakfast he is the real thing. So like it or not, I think its refreshing to have someone on that board challenge us to 'get off of our fat couches' and do something. Jim gets it that people are upset, Jim gets it that no one in this town wants to spend a nickle on anything. We all just hate it when he says it so clearly. So to the mission that Jim has undertaken I wish him luck. Even an earthquake could not move the political inaction that exists in town whenever it involves money. If you look at the tiny increase given to many retirees this year, then throw in an increase in the Social Security makes asking for money even harder. I think everyone in town should purchase a lottery ticket. That should improve the odds that a winner in town could step forward and GIVE the town the new safety complex! What a thought eh? In reality, with all the money someone in town could win can we even think someone would do this? Nope, they would whine about the amount of taxes they had to pay on the winnings. Keep trying Jim. You know your voice is being heard when the whining gets louder.
Ok. Ok... Here's what I never said. I never said Jim wasn't putting more information out there than any other Selectman. I admire how he puts in the work in an attempt to inform. I never said the information isn't there and I'm sure Jim is a "real" guy when you meet or speak with him in person. I don't care to be called a whiner.. I work my ass off to make ends meet and when my pocket is continuously and relentlessly picked, I begin to get pissed off. With all the new Federal and State taxes coming our way I need to know my town is considering other options. I do want solutions, I want results and achievements for this town. I'm getting tired of fighting off federal/state/town officials trying to squeeze every single cent I have left away from me. There's got to be a better way to get revenue for Long Range plans other than the property owners. Why is economic growth from new business put after a 30Million dollar project. I just got my taxes and for the 6th year in a row, my value is down (way down) and my taxes are up? I want solutions and I want the Selectmen to fight for trying to find a way to lower my taxes as hard as they try to raise them. That's all. I don't mean to berate Jim, he does get out there and attempt to inform and explain. But don't you think that just by being on this page and checking things when I can on the computer, I know more than most in this town. I can absolutely see the frustration of dealing with an uninformed resident. I get it. But you did it again, you called me a whiner at the end of your post. That really is just sad and childlike yourself. I hope you feel better about doing that. We people who choose not to run for public office depend on those who do to think for all the people, the spenders and the savers. I'll say right now that I apologize to Jim for saying he had contempt for residents who "whine" (i.e complain, object, express, lament, opine, convey). I looked up the word "whine" in the dictionary, I have a hard time believing that's what you really think about people you represent. It's a topic about "conversation starters" We can converse without name-calling and passing judgement. There's a lot to tackle coming up this year.
OK, so whine was the wrong word. But, it fit so nicely with wine. And, it appears to have generated some attention, not to mention two bottles of merlot. Sorry!
The Selectmen's Long Range Plan has four sections. Section 3 is "Economic Development (Commercial Tax Base Growth & Job Creation). If you go to and check out Sandwich by the Numbers part 5 the title is "How to Pay for It". The emphasis is on economic development. So far we have dropped the SEIC in the deep end of a depressed commercial real estate market and asked them to create something from nothing.
One of the sadder episodes of late, in my opinion, was the rejection of the meal tax option. That was a path to needed revenue that didn't increase real estate taxes. But, by some combination of not being informed and not showing up most taxpayers let a special interest group defeat the article. There is something wrong when you have 10,000 taxpayers and only 500 chose to be voters.
A much more important issue is school consolidation. The proposed STEM Academy is the first step toward going from four buildings to three. There will be cost savings. There will be opposition. The oldest of the four buildings will be freed up for either an extensive "re-lifing" or an appointment with a bulldozer. Either will eventually require voter support. Will you be there?
Here's the thing, as far as money being spent on a new police and fire station the vast majority of people in town say YES!!!
What they take exception to is the fact that it seems, because the town does NEED NEW Police & Fire stations we are being taken advantage of with the unnecessarily large design of the complex!
Plain and simple, and that is why people are going to vote against it. It might get thru the 200-300 at Town Meeting, but it will not get thru a vote at the ballot box!
So Mr. Pierce this is not about the money, it's how the people feel there money will be wasted if the facility is built as designed. Wasted space, duplicate space, energy bills etc. Sleeping space for people that should be working.
Kind of like the new fire boat, might of been free, but how is the town going to budget for the day to day expenses/training of owning such a boat. Or there is a mechanics bay on the design of the new PSC, but how does the town budget for the mechanic and all the tools to go with the position? Will this mechanic handle all of the town vehicles?
Seems to me some egos got in the way of sensibility in saying these plans are what the town needs.
Also Mr. Pierce if you feel so strongly about the PSC as presented, why haven't you responded to the people who have posted comments on this blog about why (with examples) they believe the building is too big?
As far as being anonymous, this town has a habit of venegefulness on our citizens, if they do speak out. Which is why people won't say anything negative or ask why is something needed at the public presentations for fear of retribution.
The Truth Maker would repond to 926 in the matter of speaking out. My personal experience over many years has been to ask questions of the how the town actually is allowing some to violate the laws we are all governed by. Apparently last year it hit a few buttons that resulted in me be being sent a threat of a law suit. Well those that promoted this attempt to silence me are still active members of the political scene here in Sandwich and we have taken a step backwards and now will be forced to contact the AG office instead of venting what can be observed as violations of MGL.
These same folks will tell you they are only looking out for your interest and that may be the case,in some cases that is true and in others it is not. but in the end they are still all reguired to follow all of the laws and not make exceptions for friends they put in place to do what ever, for our town.
The many special interest groups in our fair town have made a habit of blocking progress that has been long in coming. As Mr. Pierce pointed out above the Meals tax is one way that the whole town would have benefited by in my opinion as well, but the politically correct used the influence to not allow the to occur. These same folks come to the town coffers to have money granted to them, that we the tax payers are fronting with our taxes, to get ready for the up and coming Canal Celebration.
Guess who gets all the benefits from these events. The same folks that did not want to have a meals tax placed on them.
As far as the SEIC goes they were the ones that sold a bill of goods to the town, that was undelieverable in todays world.
They have not, as of yet delievered one measurable goal for the $50,000
Taxpayers money, we were promised would occur, from this gift of taxpayers money.
I ask why was
SEIC being sold as a self funding corporation by those whom set this whole thing up and then failed to honor the very guidelines we all were told it would be when it was presented to the people of Sandwich for a vote.
Can it be no wonder THAT THE GOOD people of Sandwich, are being misled and not given all of the facts and we now find ourselves in such predicament, because what can you believe is fact and what is fiction??
Go get them Brother Jim
Why haven't I answered specific questions? That seems a reasonable question. There are two reasons.
First, there haven't been many. It's all been statements; too big, too expensive, wrong place, etc.
The second relates to a phenomenon that I'm sure is not unique to Sandwich. We decide to consider doing something. We recognize that we are not experts. We put together a committee from citizens with some expertise among them. They recognize that they don't have sufficient knowledge, skills and time. They hire a consultant. In this case one with 50 years in the field and 80 public safety facilities on record. The expert consultant comes back with a plan. The panel of citizen apply their expertise and ask bunches of specific questions. The expert consultant modifies the plan and/or answers the questions. The consultant and the citizen panel review the proposal publically. SUDDENLY everybody becomes an expert. But, even those self-appointed experts don't show up at meetings where the real experts are available specifically to address specific questions.
I wasn't an expert in running public safety departments or designing public safety facilities two years ago. I did not set out to become an expert. I am not now an expert. That's why I don't answer even the few specific questions that get asked. But, I like to think I am bright enough to have asked enough of the right questions during the process. But, I still don't know enough to not screw up the answers.
Some of my questions led to changes in design. One of my questions led to a significant data collection effort. I am satisfied that the proposal in front of us is the right one.
Now let's see what the voters say.
Yes.. I am proud to say I vote at every election and town meetings. The Meals Tax, for me, was a NO vote. I am not part of a special interest group, and I don't know anyone who is. I voted No for that because I always will vote No for new taxes like that. Tagging on even a little amount to an unsuspecting person is just a sneaky way to pick pockets. I am not opposed to paying my excise, property, FICA, income, sales, etc, etc. etc. taxes, but enough is enough.
I would LOVE to be at the Safety Building meeting tonight!!! So mad that I have to work and couldn't get out of it. I hope it will be shown on the Cable channel later this week.
Re: Schools, I'm just wondering (and not whining) if it has been even considered to have Forestdale be K-6... Oak Ridge (STEM) Grades 7-9?? Middle schools are great at breaking up monotony and grouping kids with age, maturity, lunch portions. By the 8th grade my kids were so sick of their school they fled when done.
Oh No... I'm not quite sure where you were going with the school comment. If you page down a bit, you'll find that Bob was kind enough to reprint something I wrote for the Enterprise back in February 2011, almost 2 years ago. There is an analysis of school enrollment. I tried to make it simple, but, it got a bit long.
Oak Ridge, capacity 780, would hold 7-9 with room to spare. However, Forestdale, also capacity 780 wont hold the projected 1527 K-6, 2015 enrollment. Are you suggesting keeping Wing as a K-6? That leaves the 2015 10-12, projection 614 students, at the High School with a capacity 1400.
That configuration, was considered and then dropped like a hot potato.
It leaves us with nearly 800 empty seats in our newest facility. It also leaves us with over 700 kids in the oldest and most expensive facility to maintain.
Please read the "2020 Vision" post on this blog site about a month ago. STEM for 7-8 fills the high school, positions us to empty Wing and gives us a middle school.
The Truth Maker is on the side of allowing the taxpayers to cast a vote up or down as if we build the new safety complex.
I am not alone in that thought process, however on the other hand you have a selectmen that once again is voicing is dissatisfaction in regards to the proposal. Now this is the same selectmen who has pontificated with the same message the last time and in my opinion, managed to block economic progress for the town of Sandwich in doing so.
You can read all about it in todays Broadsider[It Is free at you local DD shop]
My question would be, why did he not work on the project, like Mr. Pierce, especially when he was such a supporter of getting the SEIC in place.
Understanding that economic development is key to how our fair town survives into the future, where was his due dillangence to this whole process???
One can surmise that the Safety Complex does not garner the same dedtication as rebuilding the town hall and for me remains a grave error in judgment, when we speak about how our town will survive into the future.
It also would be nice if this selectmen were to use his name, should he decide to respond.
Apparently he takes exception to what Mr. Pierce speaks about and how he at least is being honest with the good people of Sandwich.
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