Sunday, July 18, 2010

Am I missing Something ?

For years, everyone has discussed the precarious position municipal finances are in across the State.  Almost 18 months ago, the School Committee discussed a five year projection showing the rapid approach of Financial Armageddon.

What has happened lately?

The Board of Selectmen have updated their long range plan into a more useful and realistic document and have scheduled a series of very public meetings to discuss Town Finances, capital expenditures, and potential override scenarios.

The municipal managers and unions took a 0% wage increase for two years in a row,

The Superintendent also took a wage freeze, as did her principals and several of the smaller school unions.  She also eliminated the Assistant Superintendent's position, made some strategic budget cuts, reduced some staff and balanced the budget for FY '11.  She managed to save most course offerings, and even increased the athletics budget by funding previously unfunded sports teams (wrestling, sailing, girl's hockey & cross country). Most importantly, she implemented several new programs designed to meet state standards and improve the quality of the education provided -- as well as reduce the long-term cost of Special Education services provided.  She also managed to increase revenue by implementing the School Choice program which allows the Town to generate revenue by allowing out of district students to sttend for a fee. 

The Teachers' Union complained about the Superintendent.

The School Committee decided not to renew the Superintendent's contract.  And then they took a month off.

When the SC's agenda for the July 21 meeting came out, I was expecting to see some sort of discussion of school financial projections, or some discussion of how they plan to replace the Superintendent.  But, what did I see?  In the now-famous words of one of the newest members of the SC (in response to the question "what experience do you have managing a $30 million budget?") ---   I gut nuthin!.

Except .... they will be taking another month off until their NEXT public meeting in late August.


Anonymous said...

To be fair, if you look at last summer's schedule there were meetings on June 24, July 22, August 26. So, it looks like the SC took a month off in between meetings last year too.

According to the minutes, the Community School budget was discussed on July 22, 2009, but nothing about the general school budget.

Isn't it possible that the Superintendent situation will be discussed under old business?

Whether or not I agree with what has transpired, I sincerely hope that the School Committee finds a way to work together. I think it is time that we all treated each other with a little more respect. Sandwich needs a lot less nasty and a lot more nice right now!

Anonymous said...

Buuut ... the big difference was that last year's Committee:

1) Wasn't trying to hire a Superintendent
2) Wasn't facing a major lawsuit(maybe 2?)
3) Wasn't facing a $2.2 million deficit
4) Wasn't in the middle of mediation with the SEA

Nasty or nice, the Committee has a job to do, it's time they started doing it.

Anonymous said...

With the new Open Meeting Laws requiring advance public agendas, I would be surprised if they raised an issue as important as the Superintendent's contract under "old business".

Never mind each other -- they need to have some respect for the voters that elected them to do a job.

Emily Post said...

Funny that “respect” thing……..
In past years School Committee members were called names, shouted down, picketed, and protested but nobody was calling for “respectful” treatment then.
In fact, Mrs Kangas and Mr Linehan were among the most vocal and abusive mud slingers.
Well, we’re all supposed to show “respect.”
And, Mrs Kangas? She merits a police detail “to keep order” all on the taxpayers dime.

Anonymous said...

Why is Kangas receiving police protection?

Who is paying for it and how much does it cost?

Anonymous said...

Food for thought? If the state law requires a six month "grace" period before a school committee member can be re-called should it not follow that a member should not be able to vote on the superintendents contract, 30 million dollar budget and possibly contract negotiations in thier first 2-3 weeks?
Maybe the town board votes should be taken later in the spring.
Maybe we could get back to the true stewardship of our schools financial and moral obligation to educate all of our children.
FYI November is conveintly six months after May

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Kangas felt that the “crowds” gathering at School Committee meetings were “hostile” and “aggressive.”
Mrs. Marshall contacted the Sandwich Police and requested a detail officer attend School Committee meetings to ensure order.
Taxpayers are footing the bill for the detail(s).

The Truth Maker said...

Welcome to the funny farm of four folks who have taken the time to dismantle a working school district, because the union leaders did not like to provide any accountability for the teachers actions. This planned contrivance has placed a black eye on every one who has allowed this action to go on with out a serious challenge by both the teachers themselves and the parents who's children will affectively be affected in the educational process.

The Truth Maker said...

One needs to understand that the present Chairperson for the School Committee has no clue as to what she is doing and needs to have the visual support of the local police to provide the assuranc that she has the power.

Power to dismantal working programs that benifit all the childeren in our schools.

Power to show the citizens of Sandwich that she has total control of her inabilities to make decisions.

Power to call public forum speakers out of order, in an attempt to hide her complicity with what her actions have caused in all her previous actions.

Power to disregard what the facts have told her ever since she has undertaken the position she now holds.

Power goes to power and when one gets a big head they do stupid things, like hire a police detail to help her keep this power, all at the expence of the school budget

Anonymous said...

This my first read of these comments and find it interesting how the current chair is being slammed. I know she is not power hungry and responded to threats made by a vocal few. When people acr irrational and make verbal threats instead of acting like adults instead of little kids that do not get their own way than other measure needed to be done.Once again not all the stories are told just what is slanted in the commentors point of view. No objectivity at all

RecordKeeper said...

The last entry asks for Objectivity when judging Mrs. Marshall. I think the poster has a point: from now on I am giving Mrs Marshall the same objectivity and sense of fairness she’s given to Dr. Johnson.
Now where was that shoe………..oh there it is on the other foot.