Friday, February 25, 2011

"Thank goodness for the students" (By Anonymous 1, 2 & 3)

I reconfigured this post to highlight three anonymous emails I received.  I have heard the same story from several people -- but nobody has expressed it in writing this clearly.  

Anonymous #1...

I wish I had the guts to go all out in my support for Dr. Johnson, but the fact is -- as a teacher with children in the district -- I cannot afford to tick off any union leadership --especially since my children are/will be at the high school where the majority of anti-Johnson teachers prowl the hallways (imagine if they ended up with Laura Carlisle-- yikes!).

Retaliation is a real concern for many teachers and the bullying union tactics scare the heck out of me -- it is too bad that Johnson's lawyer can't subpoena teachers to testify on Dr. Johnson's behalf as to what they experienced at union meetings where the leaders were blatantly threatening teachers to drink the kool aid or "get the hell out" (exception to that is Karen Stapleton who has always behaved professionaly and does not use the predatory union tactics).

Thank goodness for the students who come into my room everyday and give me every reason to stay at this job -- otherwise, I would jump ship immediately and leave the rats onboard to claw at each other while the ship goes down.

I hope what goes around comes right around to those who have behaved vidictively. Shame on them for holding parents, school staff (including the superintendent), tax-payers and most of all CHILDREN hostage.

Anonymous #2 ...

WOW, KUDOS TO THIS BRAVE HONEST TEACHER! Why didn't someone report the threats to the MTA so they could start an investigation into their renegade leaders? Teachers, it is not difficult to vote to change your leadership, call the MTA and tell them what's going on and the fear of retaliation against teachers that speak up. Document (names, dates times, threats) it all and get names from the higher ups at the MTA that puts the MTA on notice to do something about the threats.

Force them to conduct an election and teachers vote with secret ballots with an MTA official present. Why don't you nominate Karen Stapleton if she is willing to do the job. Laura Carlisle has blatantly lied to your membership many times over the years. Get her out. The great teachers (which is a majority)need to do something, otherwise you will continue to teach in this toxic environment and continue to have deadwood superintendants. Teachers have a choice, call MTA for an election immediately or learn to live in the toxic corrupt environment.

Dr. Johnson's been taking the heat for a long time now. We all have been waiting for all the awesome teachers to stand up and fight. Any Bullying or retaliation complaints can be reported to the authorities. Change your leadership! Ask the MTA for a monitor to run the election and monitor that no scare tactics, threats are not tolerated.

Anonymous #3...

In reading many posts on this thread and others, it is very frustrating when people say that the "good" teachers have to rise up and take over. It implies that teachers can be sorted into "good" and "bad" according to their involvement in the union, or their public support of Dr. Johnson. First of all, many of the teachers who are involved in the union leadership as building reps or officers are brilliant teachers who care very deeply about the students they teach and about developing as teachers. They appreciate what Dr. Johnson has brought to the district, and recognize that it was long overdue. In many ways her attitudes about professional expectations mirror the expectations these teachers have always had for themselves. They may or may not publicly support Dr. Johnson and have a variety of reasons for that.

Many teachers are unquestioning in their loyalty to the SEA because they have believed for decades that the SEA is protecting their interests. In their minds, the SEA is the organization that was led by Gil Newton and John Mulkeen. They look at Laura Carlyle and others as firebrands in the same vein as Harry Evans (retired) and feel that their extremism, while not their style, is necessary in these post-Cannone times. They do not necessarily know that Gil and John's philosphies and approaches have been thrown to the side, and that the membership was told in a meeting that they should no longer look to previous leaders for guidance.

Regarding the suggestions that teachers need to call the MTA - a number of teachers did call the MTA to get some guidance regarding improprieties with the SEA election in the spring of 2009. The MTA made it clear that they supported the leadership unquestionably and would not get involved. The MTA referred them to the SEA By-Laws for answers regarding elections, terms of office etc. Unfortunately, the by-laws are not available ...and there is no way to get a copy of the By-Laws without revealing yourself as a person with questions...which makes you a "traitor to the cause." What is the cause? It was stated at last spring's general meetings that the cause is to get rid of Dr. Johnson.

I am heartened by the teacher who has posted his/her intentions to follow through with the MTA and the Atty General's office after the end of this school year. I hope it really happens.

As the first teacher-poster who started this thread has stated so well - it's working with kids that drives most of us. The irony is that since we have made the various curriculum changes under the leadership of Dr. Johnson, the work we do with kids is more rewarding and exciting than ever. It is in teaching that we put our energy, not in fighting against the union leadership. We know that it would be a losing battle.

So, we look to the judge's ruling regarding Dr. Johnson's contract, we look to the May School Committee elections, we pray that Laura Carlyle's term will soon be up and we go to work each day and we enjoy our work within the walls of our classrooms. And we think: if it's tough for us, imagine how it is to be Dr. Johnson...


Anonymous said...


The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would add that it is very unfortuned that the union leaders have worked in a corrupt society, along with the four majority members to effectively change the course of education here in Sandwich.

It is all about personal conflicts that each member of these union led members, that we now must face a period of time where some common sense and honesty may shine through.

The teachers whom are most affected by the illegal choices being offered by the union, need to find a way to overcome the fears. If every one is not going to stand up to union leaders that will affect there jobs down the road and every child in Sandwich.

This is not Hitlers, Germany,. this is America.
We should not be afraid to speak are mind, even as the storm troopers are knocking on our doors to threaten and intimandate every one.

Those of us who have given of themselves for Democracy,will never give up the challenge between Freedom and Dictatorship. If we as a society allow those corrupted policies to be the standard we all live by [We all will become nothing , but puppets}
Desicions made from fear, retaluation, apathy, only harm the Democracy we all should be allowed to participate in..

It took some courage for you to post, but in the world of blogging,posting comments surely make others aware, especially when the TRUTH is spoken. The question is, any one listening to the message?

In the end all the good teachers that are great teachers, will subcome to the picture of those that bully,make threats,and any other words you can find. On the farm, when we had a few fruit in the basket go bad it contaminated all the rest. We learned it was not worth it to try saving a few bad ones , for in the end the whole basket of fruit was worthless.

Teachers of conviction and courage need to set the stage for Democracy. Our children will be depending upon you for future educational experiences that must have a moral code for justice. Unlike the present course of action this union led group have taken.

Anonymous said...

If this case actually goes to trial, I think there will be a pretty interesting witness list. I would bet there will be subpoenas and deposition notices flying all around town.

Anonymous said...

There are many of us who feel the same way. How do we get out there and support without fear of retribution from our union. I have witnessed my collegues who have stepped out and supported Dr. Johnson and now are being treated unfairly for their views.

Anonymous said...

5:55 Great post! Wisconsin Indiana, Ohio are all examples of what will happen shortly across the whole U.S. Laura Carlise/Sea President is toxic,Gil Newton and John Mulkeen were honest respectable reasonable union leaders.

If you believe changes need to be made to keep Dr. Johnson and the district moving forward then the teachers need to fight for it. Hiding behind fear and retaliation will keep you quiet forever.
Being a union member myself I do not believe the Mass. MTA condones threats and retaliation on their members.

Enough excuses for inaction if you want change then climb MTA supervisor ladders til you get someones attention. Take names. Call Gil Newton or John Mulkeen to see how you should proceed.

Your adults and you have several hundred in your membership so you can make great changes if you band together.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the union's mentality. I am an employee, I do my job well or I get fired. Period. No re-training, no grievances, no coaching, just "Good bye".

I work for whatever compensation my employer offers or I look for another employer. I have no "rights" to hold up my employer for more compensation. I haven't had a COLA in 2-3 years, I've never had a longevity increase -- I've had merit raises ... but I had to do something to "merit" them!

If my employer suspects I'm intoxicated at work, I get fired. No arguments, No grievances, no settlements, or "helpers" -- just a kick in the ass.

Somebody needs a giant dose of reality!

sam the eagle said...

"Unfortunately, the by-laws are not available ...and there is no way to get a copy of the By-Laws without revealing yourself as a person with questions..."

I just don't buy this. You can't even get a copy of your own union's by-laws? You are a grown-up, yes? Please grow a spine.

Anonymous said...

These posts tell it like it is. Anon 3 tells a tale I have heard over and over. The fact is the teachers can do something about this, though I understand their fears in our backwards community. Someone once told me, you have to change things from the inside. I think for the most part that is true. The teacher who is leaving our system but determined to expose the corruption in the Sandwich union is a brave soul. More power to you and to any teacher who finds a way to do the right thing. Strength in numbers.

The voters will be able to help come local election. Everyone needs to think about the fact that Sandwich is not keeping up with the real world when it comes to how we manage our adult institutions. The world will not come to an end if people step up to behavior most adults everywhere take for granted. Quit letting ignorant thoughts, people, and actions ruin our town.