Sunday, May 22, 2011

OK, Now What?

We have a new cast of characters, but we still have some long-standing basic questions to be resolved by the New School Committee.  Without even touching on the very serious personnel issues which need to be resolved, here's a few questions that spring to mind:

1)  Who's supervising the School Department if the Superintendent isn't allowed on-site?  Will the Committee discuss requiring the position of Assistant Superintendent be restored and continually staffed in the future as a matter of policy?  The Town Charter specifies that there will be an Assistant Town Manager.  (It also specifies that no elected member of the BOS is allowed to act as the Acting Town Manager!)

2)  Is anybody concerned that increases were processed by Payroll with questionable or non-existent approvals as well as non-existent or incorrect social security numbers (I would expect the School would eliminate the SS info on all forms going forward -- I am sure the Town Accountant could do without it).  

3)  What will be done for the 4 employees whose SS numbers were released?   I assume the District will pay for a credit watch policy for these folks -- but that needs to be stated and it needs to be stressed that there were only 4 employees involved -- otherwise the issue will continue to spin out of control.  I would also expect the guilty attorney would QUICKLY offer to reimburse the Town for the relatively small cost of this service. 

4)  Get the Community School Audit for 2009 finalized and sign up the auditors to 2010 and 2011.  We should know if ANY of the recommendations for the 2009 audit have actually been implemented.

5)  Security issues aside, how will proposed renovations to the pool be funded?  Has there been any provision to fund a reserve to re-grout the pool (which is due very soon), or to replace the filtration equipment?

6)  Bigger question -- the Community School lost serious money in 2009 and 2010 and at last report continued to lose money in 2011.  There needs to be a grown-up financial discussion to determine how the program will continue if it runs at a deficit.  This has nothing to do with the wording in the 1972 dedication program, or how badly people want to swim WHEN they want to swim.  This is even bigger then the issue of non-taxpayers benefiting from a facility built by Sandwich taxpayers which runs at a deficit is funded by Sandwich taxpayers and other program participants.  This is going to be an unpopular, nasty, ugly discussion, but it is also unavoidable.  Face it -- Reality Sucks.  It's no fun being a grown-up.

7)  The teachers contract expired in August of 2009 and there appears to be no settlement in sight.  If there is to be ANY increase, it will be retroactive to 2009.  This could be a million dollar adjustment for two years if they get 3% again -- on top of another $500K for FY '11.  How will this be funded?   (That's a rhetorical question -- I don't expect them to discuss negotiations publicly.  I also don't know who will be on the negotiating team this year.)

8)  Speaking of negotiations, will there be any discussion about consolidating the School Committee legal counsel with the Town's counsel?  It would seem to be more efficient to have one law firm handling negotiations with all unions.  It would also seem to be a lot  more cost-efficient to NOT pay both the school attorney and the Town's attorney to talk to each other (or to the insurance company attorneys!).  The Town's counsel has a large School District client base, it wouldn't take rocket science to merge the work.

9)  What about a long-term budget plan?  Three years ago, a five year budget plan was discussed, but never updated .  Make some assumptions, fire up the Excel spreadsheet, and then hammer on the assumptions -- its nothing  magical, it happens in the Private sector every day.  

None of these things will happen unless the School Committee begins to gain public support.  That should be Job #1 for the New School Committee.

Good luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Regarding question #1, I thought the same thing. A fire, an intruder or a whole host of reasons why the Superintendent would be directly involved with decision making is now not on location. In instances such as these, who is in charge? Someone is......right?