Sunday, March 04, 2012

Building Emergency ?

KMG 365 ...
I've been a big supporter of a new Public Safety Building.  But I'm sensing a disturbing trend.

We can't afford to fix buildings, but then get excited because we can "fix" the Wing by spending "only"  $19 million on the high school and shifting some kids around -- we're excited because its better than spending $30-40 million (make up your own number!) for a new building.  (If Sturgis Charter can build a second school for $10-$15 million, why would it cost $40 million to replace the Wing?  But, that's another story.)

We couldn't afford to keep the Library open on Sundays -- so it was proposed we spend millions (again, make up your own number) to build a SECOND library -- with "video conferencing" and "rooms for pizza parties".  For that price, I would propose buying every taxpayer a Kindle, and a $25 Amazon gift certificate, they can support the local economy and have their own pizza parties at Two Brothers!

The School Budget is in continual crisis, yet almost nobody is asking why Sandwich taxpayers are using school budget dollars to subsidize the entertainment of folks from other towns.  (Before the clucking starts ... if the Community School is not paying its share of operating costs -- including pool utilities, it IS being subsidized by taxpayers.)  And, why haven't Community School financial results been released?

How about that proposed Boardwalk to nowhere?  Fortunately that seems to have been referred to the "Committee on Things That Should be Ignored" -- before more money was wasted on a vast array of feasibility studies and pointless public meetings.

Town Hall?  We spend millions to reduce the number of employees the building could hold.  We also built a (very attractive) auditorium that duplicated the assembly halls we already had in 4 school buildings -- except with no parking and little septic tank capacity.  We also now have a local cable feed that makes the Selectmen look like the hamsters at Cape Maid Farms (or maybe that's just the picture on MY own TV?)

The Clark-Haddad Building?  We couldn't maintain it, it fell into disrepair, we evacuated employees with the intent of selling the property to somebody who (a) needed it and (b) could afford to maintain it.  Several years later, it still sits -- only in worse shape -- while we spend time arguing over historical significance and whether or not public dollars can be used to relocate a "historical" building to a less than historical site (ie. next to the Dump) -- assuming that the laws of gravity and physics would allow such a move.

Now, the $26 million Public Safety Building discussed in January seems to have been joined by a second new fire station.  Presuming that two of the existing stations would actually be sold -- really sold to people with real money -- not given away to a non-profit, or turned over to the Recreation Department, or the Tree Warden; the concept might be reasonable.   BUT -- BUT -- do we need to recreate the wheel? Can we utilize somebody else's existing station plans?  We certainly aren't the first Town to build a fire/police station (we're probably one of the last ones!) We need a building that not only meets our needs for the foreseeable future, but we also need one that we can afford to build -- AND afford to operate.

We don't have a good track record.  Unfortunately, our discussions of sustainable spending, prioritizing expenditures, investment in the future and the maintenance of public assets, seem to take place on a giant hamster wheel -- around and around, but never going anywhere.


The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would agree with Brother Bobby on the editorial in regards to buildings here in Sandwich.

Many underlying circumstances remain, The continued lack of leadership in regards to what should be common sense decisions in the matters of what to do with these buildings that are over the shelf life and practical use. The discussions play out well in the political arena.

Who has the power and who does not? Who will really benifit and who will not?

Is it about the taxpayers or more about who can make a profit from our problems?

Look around and see which leadership role is being questioned and one gets the sense that the real problem has dollars to it and every one knows that here in Sandwich, we continue to speak, but only to hear ourselves. No one is hearing or paying attention and they know it.

Lets place another $250,000 into another study to study the same concerns last year and then spend another $250,000 to restudy both of those studies.

Who keeps getting rich from these studies, it sure is not the taxpayers paying the bills.

Is it the SEIC working its charm for economic developement?

Is it the Chamber of Commerce, as they continue to be more of a political group then supporting local business?

Is it the Historical Society that has determined every building in Sandwich needs to be saved at the expence of the taxpayers?

Questions and more questions, no answers in site for our struggling town.
Where is the leadership,that told every one they had the answers and use spin and threats to not get any job done that has merit.

I know some one will comment and say Why do you not run for an office , that is the common approach by some of our leaders, If some were to do that, then who would keep them honest and accountable for there actions?/

The one problem I see here in Sandwich at present is this attitude that prevailed in Boston for centuries, which is, who ever has the most power, wins the disputes and financial advantage.

Bob Villa said...

What was it? Just 2 years ago these same Selectmen and same Town Manager came to Town Meeting begging for $25 million, because they said: for years we only put $500,000 aside for capital repair and all our buildings are falling down. We were negligent in out planning they said, but from now on we’ll do better.
Town Meeting said no to the $25 million request and suggested that they better plan better.
The result?
Today’s budget proposes just $600,000 for capital repair. Nobody’s done nothing to plan better or spend more for repair.
Now, instead of tens of millions to fix buildings they’ve neglected, these same Selectmen and Town manager figure we’ll spend tens of millions to build new buildings that they can then let rot.
Like Mrs Reagan use to say: Just say NO.

Bob Villa said...

What was it? Just 2 years ago these same Selectmen and same Town Manager came to Town Meeting begging for $25 million, because they said: for years we only put $500,000 aside for capital repair and all our buildings are falling down. We were negligent in out planning they said, but from now on we’ll do better.
Town Meeting said no to the $25 million request and suggested that they better plan better.
The result?
Today’s budget proposes just $600,000 for capital repair. Nobody’s done nothing to plan better or spend more for repair.
Now, instead of tens of millions to fix buildings they’ve neglected, these same Selectmen and Town manager figure we’ll spend tens of millions to build new buildings that they can then let rot.
Like Mrs Reagan use to say: Just say NO.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the sidewalk project on Quaker Meetinghouse Road? I heard they had the money, but then something happened and suddenly they couldn't do it. It's sad to say "mark my words", but I'm saying it, someone is going to be killed walking on that road.

Also, before this town gets any more money for their "wishes", I would suggest a field trip to the Hingham Marina where that town managed to really bring a craphole area (like ours) to life. It's a combination of commerical and residential, with a nice marina for boaters and fishermen. Once we develop the marina area and make some money from tax revenue, THEN let's talk about your wishes and needs. Until then, let's get that sidewalk built like you said you would - it's an accident waiting to happen.

Anonymous said...

Annon 11:59

Excellent point - we have such a huge opportunity right here. I would even suggest checking out the Splash Park in Plymouth - right on the water - as an additional idea/tourist attraction. I think a well thought out marina with restaurants, stores, and housing would be an excellent tax base and draw for our town.

Anonymous said...

(If Sturgis Charter can build a second school for $10-$15 million, why would it cost $40 million to replace the Wing? But, that's another story.)

......Prevailing wage. God bless the public sector.

knock it down said...

I love these ideas for the marina area. Can we take a wrecking ball to that useless eyesore power plant and put something else there? People get scared about losing the taxes from it but who knows what better thing could go there instead.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would add that the present power plant is unlikely to be torn down, no matter if it does go off line completly. It is all about maintaining a license to oporate. They will not want to give that up, because the likely hood is they would not it renewed in todays world.

The grounds are also contaminated and would be classified as a super site and require it to be hauled away or have the ground burnt to remover the contamination.

Anonymous said...

The title of this thread is clever. Sadly, it is quite accurate. Clark Haddad, Round Hill (town owned golfing game course), Agilent (bought to be sold), Tarnished Triangle (STILL unrealized property tax revenue), buying property to create contigous conservation land behind Maple Swamp taking private lands off the tax roles. Now the assertion to sell four fire station and a police station property. Stick to selling dump and beach stickers. You have a hard enough time with those never mind a real estate transaction. There seems no end to the lunacy particularly with tens of millions proposed for new structures. The host of this blog comments on the fact that this town has clearly shown it is a terrible steward of our assets. However, when it comes to a new leather chair for the luminaries there is no expense spared. A $350,000 renovation to a bubbler including handicapped accessibility? No problem. But wait, didn't this same town buy a golf course knowing, then acknowledging it needed an elevator to its second floor? Yes it did. Does this town owned golfing course have an elevator to the second floor that it has known about for over ten years? No it does not. Don't get me wrong, I love that golfing game in April on the television called a major Masters. That is my favorite show. Round Sandwich Hollows is much like the Community School. It can never really show if it made money or lost money. That also depends on who you ask. Ask the 700 "have it to themselves" Sandwich Hollows golfing game members and it made money. Ask the remaining 21,500 Sandwich Hollows golfing game non-members and there is quite a different response. Sandwich does have a proclivity to building a building emergency. That.....they do do quite well. New buildings....sorry Charlie


Anonymous said...

It is far less then the "700" at the golf club if you look at membership.

This thread points out some distinct and on going negatives where planning and maintenance is concerned no doubt. Please look historically a couple of important facts that point to the form of government as a major problem, and highly disfunction small town political government as a major contributor, where attempted manipulation of the voter through political speak, actions, timing etc has been a prominent tool in the tool box. Another prominent tool is agenda driven actions and decisions as opposed to planning and clear accountability,

#1 the form of government from 3 full time selectmen (who divided up specific organizational responsibilities) and two part time ones was changed to this form through Town Meeting before Sandwich had a town charter. That was about 25 years ago. It was favored by developers as a way to have one person (town manager) to deal with. I'm told there was some kind of deal that brought it about in terms of behind the scenes stuff but who knows. I'm sure citizens were discontent at that time like we are now and looking for people to blame.

#2 For years the Finance Committee with long serving members contributed the most to budgetary policy and planning. The Fin Com and BOS were a strong partnership that guided the town. Fin Com was not televised during this time. The capital improvement cap was established through this leadership and because Fin Com wanted more to say about Capital issues, the CIPC was brought into place through a Fin Com recommendation. I remember being told by a Fin Com member after the override of 2005 that members of fin com and the board would get together outside meetings to discuss the situation. In truth I don't think they really knew any better because they were thinking about the players not the process.

#3 While transparency is better because of televised meetings, the legal and ill legal out of public view meetings still have great impact on planning, policy, and finances. Those meetings involve plenty of big fish in this little pond, people who want our money, and town staff who tend to go with the flow in order to get anything down or put up blocks because of their agenda's. They also can blame the volunteer government boards for everything.

#4 There is now a charter review committee in place. If citizens think the form of government should be changed, they need to tell this committee. If the committee discovers a lot of people come to them wanting to change the form of government, the committee has to recommend that a charter commission be voted in to explore a major change to the form of Sandwich Government.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would add with the present outlook by the present leadership on the BOS the town of Sandwich will be facing more problems down the road then it now presenlty has to deal with. Do the citizens of Sandwich have any other choices , not at this time and that is the sad estate of affairs in this present political climate.

Who gets the power and its dictoral venue that it provides, is an unfortuned benifit of being a chair on any committee. Unfortuned for the lowly taxpayers who get to pay the bills they create for us.

Batman and Robin, The Lone Ranger and TONTO,have all turned into the Marks Brothers and only the Shadow Knows what evil lurks in the mind of men?

Perhaps I am being a little dramatic in my comments this morning and continue to ask why good leaders eventually find another path to travel? Especially when it comes to local politics.

WE lost two good guys by the first names of Bob that were taking our School district into another higher level of learning, all because of conflicted political pressure from those that have been entrenched in our great system where change for the better is not an option.
The same could be stated for our leaders inability and will to close down and sell property no longer useable or needed here in Sandwich

Anonymous said...

Leaders can't make the decision to sell. They have to come to town meeting with that question. I think some of this is over thought on the part of town staff and some Selectman.

Plus in a town that has not built anything new for municipal services in decades, there is little excess. It would be very unfair to the tax payers to give any property away, regardless of the sound bite. You can't have it both ways. You can't complain constantly about shrinking resources and find an excuse to give taxpayer owned resources away for any reason. In a town with no money worries, maybe for good will. But in a town like Sandwich where money is tight, taxes going up and up, people struggling to make ends met, and an inefficient form of government that gets mostly negative press, forget about it.

It is not fair to just blame leadership. Especially in a town where citizens can write petitions for town meeting warrant articles. This is our town and we decide what we want. The blame game is pointless and has cost us millions in ideas that would ensure progress for our town. Citizens need to engage.

Anonymous said...

I disagree.

The purpose of leadership is to lead.

Not to sit around and wait for somebody at Town meeting to ask an insightful question. Town Meeting might have 200 people -- the Town has 22,000.

Nobody pays attention to local government because its hopeless. they elect leaders because these people claim they have the ability to work in the best interests of the Town. Few do -- if they were really qualified for anything ... they would be doing THAT rather than having pointless arguments and giving rambling speeches on local cable.

We CAN blame the officials -- but we also should blame the voters who elected the dimwits. (Seriously, did anyone REALLY think last year's School Committee was qualified for anything?)

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would state that those we elected into office cannot be a closed gate that big desicions are only theres to make. If those we elect into office, as is being done now, prevent the question from getting to town meeting, for a vote at the polls, we have no leadership in my opinion. We have heard the same old story every time about the people will not vote for this or that, Well until they actually allow the taxpayers to vote on it in some way, we will never know.

The present leader of the BOS, uses the same reasoning each and every time, because he is attempting to please what ever group has his ear and it has a good sound bite to it.

As to any citizen placing a citizens petition before town meeting goes, one needs to consider the reasoning may well be because the present leadership is failing in its duties as an elected official of our town. That is why we call our country the USA

So if you were doing the job you were elected for, it would not be needed.

Leaders Lead,and not become dictators and listen to all of the people and not attempt to dictate how or what any citizen can say under our first amendment rights.Which seems to be the mantra of the present leadership.

Anonymous said...

You can't expect to have leadership for a town this size by committee. It is a game. I see the point of your rants anon 1:45, but I think you are blaming the wrong people. You can't lead if you don't have clear authority to do so. A group of 5 people changing every year and changing their chair every year are not committed to leading. Their intentions may be good and for the good of the town but for the most part they are committed to their agendas and to working behind the scenes for the good of the people who elected them in terms of a political/economic/philosophical approach. There are political cliques and it is all about getting power, not solving problems. One clique gets some power and they get furious at anyone who has a different idea or doesn't agree with them and more time wasted in nonsensical rantings publicly and behind the scene. If these people had to work in an organization under one roof where professional collaborative behavior was a business norm, they wouldn't last a week.

The system itself, ever since the town got rid of selectman on duty regular hours actually accountable for town functions and organizations, has been doomed to fail. We elect people we think can lead and put them in a small town good old boys club mentality masquerading as a high functioning government and expect progress. Blame whoever you want but I hope you do something about it that matters.

Anonymous said...

516, As soon as somebody comnplains about "old boys network" I stop listening. You sound like a selectperson making excuses. We don't need more full time employees. We need credible leaders that can generate some interst from residents.

Anonymous said...

We need a governmental system that creates efficiencies, honest and transparent plans, accountability, and progress. Everyone makes excuses especially the professionals in town, they can always blame the so called leaders which are groups of people. There can be no leadership is there is no accountability! And there is no accountability in a system that raises up 5 amateurs to be responsible for the town. There was accountability when full time selectmen were here.

Anonymous said...

But .... making 5 amateurs into fulltime paid selectmen leaves you with ...... 5 PAID amateurs.

Anonymous said...

Frankly I think for a town this size a mayoral system would be best. The town manager would be accountable to one person. A mayor would have to take responsibility for all public service not pick and choose. But if Sandwich were to return to 3 full time selectman and 2 part time, no doubt the 3 full time would leave amateur statues quickly once they had day to day real organizational responsibility. Ever heard of on the job training?

Anonymous said...

"The Truth Maker would state that those we elected into office cannot be a closed gate that big desicions are only theres to make. If those we elect into office, as is being done now, prevent the question from getting to town meeting, for a vote at the polls, we have no leadership in my opinion. We have heard the same old story every time about the people will not vote for this or that, Well until they actually allow the taxpayers to vote on it in some way, we will never know."

May I remind every single Sandwich resident, including TM, a peoples petition did make it to town meeting. The petition was voted in the affirmative to open/man the East Sandwich Fire Station Two. Barbara Lewis initiated the petition and it was voted upon , again in the affirmative,at town meeting to fund the costs of greater fire/EMS services for the whole town of Sandwich. The people, taxpayers, the voters and residents of Sandwich TOLD this town we accept the additional service costs, understand what it translates to costs per thousand from here on out similar to opening Station 3 in 1993 and seemingly took control of themselves. Well, what do you know, the Sandwich Selectman tell residents that told them what to do that "they" can't afford the costs of this petition. The Selectman also stated that there was no "funding mechanism" beyond the first year of an "extra" $710,00 ultimately slated to be blown elsewhere. Where is that money anyway? So, you see TM, here is a recent example of a town meeting vote telling this government what to do and they went against the voters. Voters told this town to do something and five people defied you. When I am told by my superiors to do something I do it. When the Selectman in Sandwich are told to do something by the boss (taxpayers) they cry baby wa wa and state no continued funding. Don't tell me what you can't what I told you to do. Now the super geniuses are telling us that spending 30+ times Lewis's petition is a "good value"? Hey Sandwich illuminati, if you did what you were told to do 5 years ago at 1/30th of the cost there would be no blog posts about this.

History lesson said...

Just for the history books. The vote at town meeting to open East Sandwich was almost immediately brought into question by a group of citizens and the Finance Committee. Fin Com proceeded to hold a meeting about the vote and the financial impact on the town.

The vote was brought to town meeting because the Board of Selectman voted not to include the question on the Town Warrant regardless of well attended meetings where scores of citizens urged that the station be open and experts in emergency services backed up the Fire Chiefs concerns about run times.

One citizen in particular lead a crusade after the Town Meeting Vote to bring it down. That was fall of 2008 and in all fairness at the same time the economy was crashing.

I think Mr. TM that you are not quite accurate about what happened. Yes BOS reversed Town Meeting. I agree that is not a good trend. What was worse about the situation is the citizens and experts made their case before town meeting to the BOS about opening East Sandwich, but the powers that be were looking more to a new facility. BOS voted not to bring the question of opening East Sandwich to town meeting.

Let's not forget that something defeated at that same town meeting was money of a "study" about a new public safety building. Back room politics once again keeping the town from making excremental progress.

You are however correct, in my opinion TM to point out the negatives of an overzealous BOS. I remember hearing a selectman years ago say "it is the job of the BOS to correct the mistakes of Town Meeting." That makes no sense, if this is our form of government.

And for the record, the citizen who championed opening East Sandwich was harassed and persecuted by many of the "powers that be". You won't see her involvement in town matters any longer. More evidence of the bullying culture prevalent in our town at times.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would add if the leadership of the present BOS had instituted a meal tax as was justed by Selectmen Pierce and it was dedicated to Capitol Expences, we would have the money to do the projects underway that every one seems to find a hard time to fund.

In the case of the East Sandwich FS Town meeting approved it, even though we did not have any funding to fund it beyond a one year period of time. The Selectmen did the right thing at that time in not recognizing that vote, but should have placed it on the ballot as an overide to see if in fact the taxpayers would agree to support it.

The point I am attempting to make is, the vote at town meeting should have been to place this project before the whole town. as the Sandwich taxpayers would be the ones to pay for it in the end.

Any time we add to the structual deficit, it should become a vote of all its taxpayers to determine the impact and how it gets addressed.

Not only those that come before town meeting with loaded guns and have a prefixed vote should determine such an increase to our taxes.

In My opinion,
Town meeting should be where a debate is argued to place such an article on a ballot for a town wide vote, from every taxpayer.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would add, that I had made such a recommendation to the BOS at that time to infact have the article written in such a way that if approved at town meeting, it would go before all of the taxpayers for a vote.

The leadership of the BOS did not want to present this proposal at that time and here we are once again with a similar situation being contimpleted in regards to a new safety complex and the same retroric is being spouted once again.
It should be a full vote of all the Sandwich Taxpayers that determines if and how any such capital outlay is funded and the Selectmen should be the ones that work cooperativetly to see that the language is indicative of the facts and figures .Not be a closed gate as was the case back then and even still today.

When one has concerns in regards to capitol outlays it should be the BOS and Finance Committee that work out a presentation that allows all the facts to be known and then submit it to every taxpayer for an up and down vote, by a general vote of all its people and not just by a vote at town meeting.
The reasons for the capitol outlay along with the funding mechanism, being proposed, presented in a forthright manner and being transparent about all of the facts as they know them,would generate more trust in the whole process, That is what a good leader would do in my opinion, rather then simply being a gate that is never opened for full disclosure of the situation at hand.

Anonymous said...

All of the shiniest buildings, richest leather chairs, spacous meeting rooms, sally ports, painted parking space lines and 25 year architectural shingles do not change one single fact of the police and fire biz....ready?. "People and equipment get the job done." Place police and firemen in FEMA trailers with their cars, yellow stun guns, stethoscopes, ambulances and trucks around town. Their job does not change, the public safety mission statement does not change and the services provided does not change. That is a fact. That is a fact that wrinkles the noses of those wanting a new office and oak desk. No building has ever arrested anybody, no building has ever placed a citizen in protective custody, no building has ever written a speeding ticket, no building has ever taken a blood pressure, no building has ever read an EKG and no building in the history of the world ever started an I.V. You can make the argument that a police station is their equipment. As far as the cells are concerned that is true but do I bring my house that is on fire to the fire station? No, I don't. They come to me. Do I bring my malady to the fire station? Some mistakenly do but you go to the hospital....not 115Rt. 6A or the Paramedic goes to your house. A 911 call does not tell the phone caller to arrive at a building. 911 services go to you. As stated by an earlier poster, after a $3,000,000 town renovation there isn't one better or more service provided because of it. The same exact position can be taken with a new public safety complex. After two stations are built and $30 million is spent the job of police and fire job did not get better. Just more expensive. Remember this and keep repeating it, "People and equipment get the job done.".....not buildings.

Opy Taylor said...

The last post about people and buildings is true but off point.
200 years ago people here on Cape Cod lived and worked in buildings.
But, that doesn’t mean that anybody in their right mind would want to or should live and work in a 200 year old, outdated, unimproved and unsafe building. That notion is just ludicrous.
Likewise, asking Police and Fire professionals to live in and work from an antiquated, unimproved and unsafe building just because people not buildings answer rescue calls is also wrong reasoned.
I am unsure if it’s better to repair or replace, but before anybody argues that the current buildings are good enough – they have to walk through them, inspect them and then decide. Our reality is that these buildings, as is, are not reasonable and sufficient for the job they’re (the buildings) intended to do which is to shelter men and equipment and support the operation of our public safety organizations.

Anonymous said...

I suspect 6:37 knows of what he speaks.

I don't think anybody thinks the current facilities are adequate -- but the current plan seems to be a little over the top. Where the hell did the 2nd station come from?

THAT sounds like a little bait and switch -- they got some support for a new building and they decided to grab a second one?

That may just kill the deal.

Norman Rockwell Not said...

I like the comment about the BOS cleaning up the mistakes of Town Meeting. Look at the tiny group that actually shows up at Town Meeting --does anybody want that collection of crackpots who jump for the microphone deciding our future?

Getting rid of Town Meeting would be the first step in turning this mess around.

Tired Citizen said...

Right on 6:37 AM. A wise Marine officer once told me, "know your job and know your equipment" in order to find success in the military. Excellent advise and I found it to be completely true! As to the conditions of our public safety buildings, I suggest if anyone wants a walking tour of town "needs improvement" they include the DPW offices, the annex, in particular the basement, which would fail any inspection by working space environmental regulators, our schools and frankly all town offices except Town Hall. The annex basement is a health hazard. I believe proven so one by an employee who had to leave because of health issues that work spaced caused.

Police and Fire are the second and third largest ticket item to the town followed by the library. Public safety of course is "sexy" as the saying goes for political spending. Not to mention they recruit cheerleaders through their citizen academies. And, after all the police wear guns as they roam our streets. We do want to keep them happy. But I think 6:37 AM is right.

Also, I agree with the poster who says town meeting needs to go. The town seems to be standing still in terms of becoming all that it can be with the exception of pet projects.

Anonymous said...

Bait and switch is standard government strategy, especially in municipal government. It is yet another reason why citizens don't trust government. Haven't you looked in the mirror citizen and noticed how stupid you are? Most in town government think citizens are stupid.

Anonymous said...

Page7 of 29 "Apendix"

"SFD does not meet NFPA 1710 with regard to fire response both because of first due response times, and the limited staffing available within the 8-minute time frame."

not one mention of this little factoid at the March 1st Selectmans meeting Public Safety Complex presentation. Build all of the fire stations you want in every corner of Sandwich. Build Fire Stations every 500 yards from town line to town line. Build ten, 20,30 more schools in Sandwich. Heck, build the second or a third library in Sandwich. A chicken in every pot, a fire truck and ambulance in every garage. Oh, and by the way, build a new fire station to improve response times, is that the pitch? Improved response times to whom? Improved EMS response times to one part of town increases response times to where SFD used to be. $30,000,000 to cure nothing....but hey, what a value!