Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Now Available at:
(Just in time for Christmas ?)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Hey -- Stop Reading This in the Carribbean !

St. Kitts ... even nicer than Castle Island
(or Carson Beach!!)
I'm getting traffic reports suggesting NotThePTA has developed a following on St. Kitts this week (which Wikipedia tells me is) somewhere in the Carribean.

Hey!  stop wasting your time reading this --- we're freezing our (you know whats) off up here this week.  I'm doing this because its freezing, and the roads aren't plowed -- what's YOUR excuse !! 

Yup -- Just like Snake Pond !!

Another Blast From the Past ... 2006 Auditors Report

At the last SC mud wrestling match, a certain clueless committee member stated that it was irresponsible that the School Committee made changes to the Community School before receiving the results of the audit.  I would respond that I think it was irresponsible for somebody so clueless to run for public office!

Overlooking the fact that the 2009 audit SUPPORTED the reason the prior committee made the changes, these were not new ideas -- most were previously included on the 2006 Agreed Upon Procedures report done on the Community School which had been pretty much ignored. 

She certainly should have had a copy of THAT report.   Members Crossman and Marshall definitely would have -- since they were on the Executive Council back then.  Jim Lehane certainly had one -- he gave me a  copy two years ago.

It's worth noting that all of these observations pre-date Jim Lehane, but it is also worth noting that there are some recurring themes even  four years later.  Some highlighted points:

#3-  CS Executive Council claimed Cash basis of Accounting "not operationally practical" .  Really?

#9 - Recommends that Community School follow Mass General law for disbursement processing.  CS responds that that is "under review".  Since when is following the law subject to "review"?

#10 - Points out that CS is not following appropriate bid procedures.  

This isn't personal opinion, prejudice, sour grapes, or anything else.  This is a public document that shows these same Community School issues have been under discussion for years and that many people made a conscious decision to ignore any effort to correct them.

The Community School offers some great programs.  Until everybody stops playing CYA, and admits that changes need to be made to make the programs economically viable given the current state laws, and the current economic climate, we will lose one more local service.

Letter to the Editor October 28, 2008 (A Blast from The Past !)

As Revisionist History begins to run rampant, I thought I would dredge up this Editorial which was written more that two years ago.  It's hard to believe we're still arguing the same points!

The Status Quo Doesn’t Work

While I would prefer not to debate public policy on the Editorial page, I do not want any members of the public left with the impression that I am “confused” about the Sandwich Community School – or that I acted “out of the blue”. Please note that I am submitting this letter as my personal opinion. It does not necessarily represent the view of the School Committee, or the School Department.

I think the staff of the Sandwich Community School has built up a thriving business over the past several years and performs a tremendous public service. They should all be very proud of that accomplishment. They have also followed the policies and procedures of the various School Committees who have supervised their operations over the years.

My contention is that the world has changed in 34 years and school policies need to change with them.

As a review of meeting minutes, emails, memos, and meeting tapes will show, I have consistently and frequently raised numerous concerns about Community School operations over the past two and a half years.

Public schools across the Commonwealth are facing rapidly rising costs and shrinking or stagnant revenue. Even if the current economic conditions would support an Override request, I believe it would be completely irresponsible for any school committee member to support an Override until all operating costs have been carefully reviewed and all other potential funding sources have been exhausted.

My quote regarding the relationship between cutting courses and Community School funding is very simple. The School District pays approximately $170,000 for building & grounds maintenance – BUT any rental income generated from school buildings, parking lots, or athletic fields goes to the Community School – not the School District. If the District did not have to invest that $170,000 for maintenance costs, it would put the funds into such academic endeavors as working to improve math, science & technology program – a weakness that was apparent in the most recent MCAS results. As funding tightens, having this funding could also prevent existing courses from being eliminated.

The mission of the Sandwich Public Schools, and the responsibility of every member of the Sandwich School Committee, is to provide the best education possible to students in grades K-12 to prepare them to become the leaders of tomorrow.

The Community School, which is an integral part of the School District, has had the much broader mission of providing life-long learning opportunities and maximizing the use of school facilities. The Community School offers several different programs, some of which are profitable, some which are not. It is self-funded because revenue generated from the profitable courses is used to fund the unprofitable courses.

As the minutes of the July 30 School Committee meeting will attest, The Committee met with the Community School Director to discuss changes he would like to propose in the structure of the Community School. He suggested transferring responsibility for Summer School, Drivers Education, Facilities Use, and Full Day Kindergarten from the Community School to the School District. The Committee and the Superintendent agreed to the idea and agreed to begin further discussions to work out the details. This discussion was again raised at the August 13 meeting along with other concerns related to operational efficiencies.

It’s interesting to note that the minutes of Mr. Lehane’s first meeting with the School Committee on June 21, 2006 almost two years previous, also contained many of these same concerns.

These issues were also addressed in a very detailed memo from me to Mr. Lehane and several others on January 28, 2008. Ironically, the second to last paragraph said, “Jim, I know this is an extensive laundry list. But, I am trying to raise all of my concerns in advance so we can have a significant discussion at an upcoming SC meeting – I don’t want to surprise you with anything. My goal is always to get information – or climb up on my soap box and share my own opinion --- not to play “gotcha!” on SACAT! "

It’s important to note that the Community School is part of the School District and the School Committee is the only body legally responsible for the operations and oversight of the Community School. Any money “given” to the School District by the Community School is money that is ALREADY “owned” by the School District.

Our schools will be facing numerous financial challenges in the coming years. I hope Mr. Lehane will apply the same entrepreneurial spirit he has exhibited at the Community School for the benefit of all of the students in the Sandwich Public Schools.

Robert F. Simmons, Jr.

(NOTE -- When this was written, it was not known that the Community School no longer paid for pool utilities.)

The Song Remains the Same

Great quote from last week's Emptyprize:

"After an hour or two bickering over Community School expenses, the committee’s de facto agenda segued into an hour or two of bickering over the school district’s budgetary timetable. As the meeting’s fourth hour approached (fifth if one counts the committee’s prior hour-long meeting with its superintendent search consultant), committee member Shaun P. Cahill said he had reached a point where he was unable to recall whether something had transpired 15 minutes ago or several hours ago.

“Time flies when you’re having fun,” he said with sarcasm."

Last week's mud wrestling contest did little to enlighten the public on Community School operations -- in fact it muddied the waters even further. So, apparently that objective was achieved!

It boils down to:

 An outside independent auditor has said things were being done wrong and has asked for a response from the committee as to how things will be corrected so it can be included in the audit report. If the Committee believes the report is inaccurate or incorrect, they are being given an opportunity to include their comments in the final document.   To date, they have refused to respond to the report. 

Sounds logical.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Things I might ask (By Bob Guerin)

Things I might ask myself…and the answers I’d find….…..if I cared.

Did the Community School Executive Counsel (including members Marshal and Crossman) suggest as recently as 4 years ago that the Community School was solvent, profitable,  and was prepared to mortgage and build a new building?   According to the record: Yes

Was the Community School actually solvent, profitable and likely able to repay a long-term mortgage on a new building?   According to the record: No

Did the Community School Executive Counsel (including members Marshal and Crossman) suggest as recently as 4 years ago that the operations of Community School were well managed; which I took to mean operating consistent with state procurement laws and generally accepted accounting and financial reporting standards?   According to the record: Yes

Were the operations of Community School well managed, meaning: operating consistent with state procurement and contracting law and generally accepted accounting standards?   According to the record: No

Why didn’t the Community School Executive Counsel (including members Marshal and Crossman) act on the prior Community School Reports (aka "an agreed upon procedure") from the Town's audit firm?  Why was that first report addressed only to the Community School Executive Counsel?  Did anyone ever question if and why School employees were overseeing the Community School as members of Executive Counsel?  What is a conflict of interest?  Maybe if someone had acted on the accounting firm's earlier reports to the Community School, the recent Audit wouldn’t have been as shocking?

Did the Community School Executive Counsel (including members Marshal and Crossman) suggest as recently as 4 years ago that the operation of Community School Pool was not at a significant financial loss and was not being subsidized by other Community School businesses?   According to the record: Yes

Were the operations of Community School pool causing a major financial loss and was that loss was subsidized by other Community School businesses?   According to the record: Yes

Did the Community School Executive Counsel (including members Marshal and Crossman) know at least 4 years ago that the Community School Pool did not receive or pay utility and heat bills?   According to the record: unclear

Apparently, while nobody at the Community School offices or on the Community School Executive Counsel ever saw or paid a pool-related utility or electric bill it wasn’t a red flag somewhere to someone.

Did the Community School Executive Counsel (including members Marshal and Crossman) ever receive written notice that the Community School’s purchase and contracting practices were not consistent with state law?   According to the record: Yes

Funny that that notice was addressed only to the Community School Executive Counsel?  Wonder where it went? 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

That Explains it!!

I generally tape and fast-forward through certain parts of most School Committee meetings -- this minimizes the cringing and cursing that listening to some folks talk always causes -- particularly when the meeting begins to resemble a bunch of 6th grade girls beating on the new kid who just told the teacher on them!

As a result of my itchy thumb, I missed a comment from a member of the Brain Trust which seemed to attribute the fact that she has no concept of School Committee policy or practice to the fact that I never returned my copy of the School Department's Policy Manual.

Apparently, there is only one copy of this very public document which outline the policies which have been publicly voted on by the Committee and followed by each and every one of  the almost 500 employees of the Sandwich Public Schools?

AND ... apparently the only copy of that document has been in my basement for the past 6 months !!!!

That explains it!!!   All this time I thought certain people were unprofessional, inexperienced, uneducated, illiterate, hostile, self-centered dopes when in reality they were VICTIMS!!  I feel awful that I apparently had the ONLY COPY of the instruction manual that would have made them better people.

Well, if that's all it takes to turn this mess around, I am thrilled to do my part!! The book will be arriving shortly. I sincerely hope that they will use the new copy machines (the ones they have been discussing for 6 months!) to make multiple copies of this document so future generations won't have to suffer needlessly!

(While I have made a New Year's resolution to reduce the amount of cursing and name-calling that finds its way on to this site.  It's not the New Year yet!!)

Friday, December 17, 2010

From the Witness Protection Program ...

(Occasionally an email comes  from somebody who is too professionally involved with the Town/School/Union to have their name publicly associated with their comments.  These writers are included as members of the NotThePTA Witness Protection Program.  If anonymous opinions are good enough to terminate somebody's employment, I'm OK with using them to share an opinion or professional insight.)

I have been watching meetings and having regular conversations with Committee members and former Committee members for two years  and I was shocked after watching the last School Committee meeting.  

I have also read the Community School audit report.  The audit report supports exactly what members have been saying for 2+ years.  Laws were broken.  Nobody is looking for punitive damages.  Acknowledge the problem, correct it and move forward.  

The dramatic "CYA" parade was an outrageous waste of time.  None of the comments were relevant.  The law was broken, fix it and move on.  This last meeting showed, once again, that the primary concern of the majority of the School Committee is to preserve the Community School and destroy anybody who would dare question it.

How can Mrs. Crossman, who is a paid employee of the Community School, and a former Chairman of the Community School Executive Counsel investigate the illegal actions of her own group -- now as a member of the School Committee?  How can Mrs. Marshall, a long-time School Committee and Community School Council member control the investigation of a fiasco that she helped create.

I agree with others (including both Bobs) that it is unlikely that anybody benefited personally from these shady dealings, but why is everybody so unwilling to admit that a mistake was made and move to correct it?

As much as I hate "anonymous" letters, I have to deal with some of these people on a regular basis.  I have seen what certain members (and their relatives) do to other people they disagree with and I have little interest in dealing with that.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Personal Preference - Really ?? (By Bob Guerin)

Apparently, at last night’s School Committee meeting Mrs. Linehan suggested that the answer to many questions, even legal issues, is a matter of opinion or personal preference.  That’s certainly an interesting life philosophy.

I never thought of posted speed limits and fire arm discharge ordinances or laws governing state and municipal contracting procedures as merely suggestions, but Mrs. Linehan’s is a most liberating perspective. 

In addition to sharing her ad hoc life philosophy lesson at the School Committee meeting, Mrs. Linehan and Mrs. Marshal and special guest Jim Lehane undertook to revisit the Community School saga.   In keeping with her “Its all a matter of opinion or personal preference” theme, Linehan, Marshal and Lehane rewrote a bit of the historic record and skipped over a few facts worth noting.

Fact: An Independent Audit firm, hired by the Town of Sandwich, has criticized the Community School bookkeeping and accounting procedures and said that they are not standard practice. A criticism noted by other Audit firms in previous audit reports delivered to the Town.  Allocating pool expenses to Drivers Ed and Surround Care accounts for example is wrong no matter what your opinion or personal preference.  

Fact: An Independent Audit firm, hired by the Town of Sandwich, has criticized the Community School purchasing procedures and said that they violate state law. A criticism noted by other Audit firms in previous audit reports delivered to the Town.  Not following State procurement law is wrong and is not a matter of opinion or personal preference.  

Fact: An Independent Audit firm, hired by the Town of Sandwich, has confirmed that the Community School operates at an annual deficit and that certain Community School expenses (major expenses), including pool heat and electric bills, have been and are being charged to the School Operating budget. That the School operating budget is supplementing the Community Schools’ operation (and has for years) is not a matter of opinion, it’s a fact.

Fact: For years the Community School collected tens-of-thousands of dollars in “rent” from sports leagues, dance studios, church groups and clubs for the use of school buildings’ and fields and did not ever pass the rent revenue back to the schools to offset utility cost, custodial costs or any other expense associated with building and field upkeep and usage. This too is a fact and is not a matter of opinion.  

While I don’t really know him, I am pretty sure that Mr. Lehane is a nice, intelligent, well meaning guy.  I am pretty sure that he ran the Community School as it had always been run; perhaps even better.  I haven’t heard anyone suggest that he did anything corrupt or with mal intent.  Mrs. Marshall and other long-time Community School Executive Board overseers also ran the Community School as it had always been run.  Likewise, I don’t think anybody is saying she did anything corrupt or with mal intent.  I just don’t think that is or should be anybody's point of focus.  What’s done is done.  Its time to look ahead.  On this point, I am pretty sure Mrs. Marshal, Mrs. Linehan and I are in complete agreement.

The issue is:  Knowing what we know today, knowing the facts, knowing the Town's and School's difficult financial situation, what needs to change? How will it change? When will it change?  And, who will over see it?  In other words, and parents and taxpayers have been asking this for a while, Dear School Committee: WHAT'S THE PLAN?


The comments I have been receiving regarding last night's meeting range from "gruesome", and "disgraceful" to more colorful ones involving baby seals.  I can't repeat many of them -- even NotThePTA has standards (sort of!).

Last night's meeting was outrageous, the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" must be getting concerned about the Superintendent's lawsuit because they threw everything they could at her last night.  These fools, who have no financial or managerial experience believe they should be able to micro-manage every aspect of school operations.  They have yet to grasp the concept that when they were elected, they vaulted from their previous professional status as deli clerks to members of the Board of Directors of Stop and Shop.  Do you think Stop & Shop's BOD spends a lot of time discussing how the baloney should be arranged in the deli case?  I think not.

The purpose of a BOD is to increase shareholder value by improving the business.  To do this, they need to have some sort of understanding of the industry, as well as an understanding of how the entity functions.  Then, they hire and work with professional managers to run the day to day operations of the business.  This Crazy Coven has no understanding of anything and absolutely no appreciation of those that do.

Fortunately, the current committee is viewed with such disgust and disdain that they are ignored -- essentially leaving the Town in a holding pattern until they go away.  It's unfortunate that their complete lack of professionalism, and management ability is taking the reputation of the Superintendent down the toilet with them.  It's more unfortunate that kids who are depending on an education can't wait for them to leave.

A few observations -- one of the new members appeared to be off  her meds again last night.  The bizarre expressions, head bobbing and obnoxious comments were in high gear -- and served well to highlight her complete lack of knowledge of what she was talking about.  (Hint --- the expressions and motions work may well when Oprah does them -- but she usually does her homework BEFORE going on camera.!  If you are going to use daytime TV as a study guide -- look for an old Judge Wapner rerun!  At the very least, don't use a 6th grader as a role model for public presentations!)

The Community School crowd was out in full force last night ---  to barrage some revisionist history onto SACAT.  In an interesting twist, Jim Lehane came back to rant and rave about being victimized.  Crossman expressed concern that the Community School reserve fund declined from $400K to $100K the year BEFORE the School Committee stepped in--- good point, Nance!  That was the year YOU ran the Community School!

Lenihands decided it was "irresponsible" to restructure the Community School BEFORE receiving the audit.  I would point out that there had been several management reviews in the past -- all of which had been ignored.  I would also point out that the audit SUPPORTED the reason the programs were restructured!!  I would also point out that this is just one more example of her not having the faintest idea what she is talking about.

This isn't about Lehane.  These issues all pre-date his employment.  In fact, I met him AFTER I had gone through my laundry list of complaints after reviewing my first Community School budget before he was even on the payroll.

I have said many times that The Executive Council was working within the framework established by prior School Committees.  I also said that framework was wrong and conflicted with Massachusetts General Law. The laws have changed since 1974 -- not surprisingly, Sandwich didn't.  My concern was to bring the programs into compliance and, then generate some revenue/reduce some expenses to aid the K-12 District Budget -- THAT IS WHAT THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE IS SUPPOSED TO DO!

To be clear -- if the pool incurs $X for utility costs and pays anything less than $X, the balance is paid by the School District.  If the School District is paying for that cost, it is taking money away from K-12 operations.  There is no provision in the law for  "in-kind" services -- each entity has to pay its allocation of expenses.  If the School District did not have to pay pool utility costs, it certainly could more than have paid for any of the in-kind "donation" the Community School chose to provide.

The list of people who use the pool was lovely -- but pointless.  Nobody ever said the pool doesn't get used.  The only issue is paying for the pool.  If all these people want a pool, they can pay for it.  Why should parents paying for Drivers Ed or Pre-School also be forced to pitch in on the cost of operating the pool?  Why should a taxpayer who doesn't use the pool be forced to pitch in on the cost -- are the Community School patrons going to contribute to the cost of that taxpayer's hobbies?

Last night's meeting was pathetic and anybody who voted for those four buffoons (or didn't vote at all) should be ashamed.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Reality ?

Mr. Freeeze

I'm certainly not defending the SEA but the idea that there was any great gain from Town employees taking a freeze in the past is a great myth.

Randy Hunt pointed out in the last Long Range Plan (see page 56) that for the period 2004-2008, Town salaries grew at an average of 5.9% annually, while School salaries grew at 5.5%.

Yes there were wage freezes, but those freezes were "made up for" in subsequent years.

Reality is that none of that matters.  We can't afford 5.5%, 5.9% or even 2% if that increase exceeeds the growth in our revenue.

The Town employees, and MANY of the School employees have taken freezes to help the situation -- now it's the SEA's turn.  If the current SEA leadership disagrees, I would hope that those members who DO agree speak up and get their union to respond to their concerns.

This is not about teachers, it is about economics.  Sandwich has some great teachers -- many of who are in the union, some in leadership positions.  BUT, the District is going to be forced to eliminate many of their colleagues unless some cost savings (and public support) is generated.  


Unfortunately, it's the younger teachers with less seniority and little voice in union activities who are the ones that will usually be eliminated.  

This is certainly not a foreign concept to the vast majority of private sector employees in Town who work 50+ hours per week for 50+ weeks of the year.  They have seen their own wages frozen (and with no step, lane, longevity, or Overtime increases) and many of their friends and colleagues laid off or put on short work weeks.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Email of the Week:

"I think a second library is a great idea!  That way when somebody writes a book about how we let the Police and Fire Stations fall into the marsh, we'll have someplace to put it !!"

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Just in time for Christmas !!!!!!

OK, it was just a matter of time.

Since one of the few growing local industries seems to be little gift shoppes
selling useless tchotchkes, why shouldn't the vast NotThePTA organization join
in this retail bonanza (with an evil twist!) ?

Tarred with the same brush ...

The preliminary budget guidance for the municipal budget calls for a $400,000 + increase  and a DECREASE of $200,000+ for the School Budget.  As expected, one of the reasons stated for this discrepancy is that Town employees took a wage freeze for two years -- and the teachers didn't.

Freezing wages are not the solution to the Town's budget crisis -- but I don't disagree with the logic ... or the sentiment behind this decision to adjust the budget allocation.  (Apparently the School Committee didn't disagree either -- they just sat mute during the discussion.)

It's unfortunate that the students will take yet another budget hit --- but I also think it is unfortunate that that it does not recognize the MANY SCHOOL EMPLOYEES WHO DID TAKE A FREEZE.  These are the employees that staff the maintenance, food service, and other operational areas, Most of them make far less than teachers and have far different working conditions -- yet they took a wage freeze to help the Schools and the Town -- with little or no recognition.  (I don't believe they ever received the gift certificates offered to municipal employees!)

The principals, assistant principals, and Superintendent also took freezes.  They made it clear they would never expect their staffs to do anything they wouldn't do themselves.  (For the record -- the School Committee is NOT paid -- contrary to a series of statements from one of the local sports leagues -- who DOES PAY some of their "volunteers" !)

I would hope that the School Committee will soon publicly acknowledge those employee groups who have made wage concessions 

Too Little and Too Late .... (By Bob Guerin)

I had a nice call Friday night from a friend asking me if I’d seen this week’s Enterprise?  He said: “John Paradise has finally acknowledged that the Community School finances are a mess and that the pool is a drain on school resources.”  “You and Bob [Simmons] must be pleased and feel a bit vindicated.”   

It was a pleasant conversation, and I enjoy my friends wit and observations, but the editorial doesn’t please me at all - the schools’ budget problems remain unsolved, there are hard choices  not being discussed, there’s no long-term strategy, no vision and the School Committee Chair and Vice Chair  refuse to engage in real discourse about the District and its future.  

Most recently both ladies told the Finance Committee and Board of Selectmen, at a tri-board meeting, that they simply chose not to prepare remarks, inputs or comments for that critical finance and planning session.  It’s odd and disappointing. 
Parents, taxpayers, School Committee members, Finance Committee members and the Board of Selectmen have all, for months, asked the School Committee Chair and Vice Chair the same question: “what’s the plan?” and received nothing but stony silence.   It would be nice if Mr. Paradise and his staff lent their voice and pen(s) to this questioning chorus too.

Bob Simmons and I have been called lots of things: arrogant, egotistical, and bullies to name but a few.  And, the Enterprise and its staff have participated in the name calling.    

While its nice to have Mr. Paradise add  “Correct” to that long list of labels his paper attached to Bob and I, it would be more gratifying and rewarding personally if the Enterprise (and John) continued to ask the questions and champion the change that Bob and I worked so hard to try to bring to a school system and governance process in need of dramatic improvement.  

Curious Thing #2 - The "Other" Superintendent

The local papers reported that the Superintendent filed suit against the School Committee at the beginning of November and that the School Committee was expected to file a response with the Court in 21 days.

Yet, here we are almost in the middle of December and what are we hearing?

Yup.   Just chirping crickets!

This case could obviously have huge budget impacts.  And, I don't think its going to go away ... no matter how hard school counsel wishes it would!

Litigation strategy is not public information, but I would suspect a court filing would be.  I would also suspect that the Committee would have to discuss and concur on whatever response is actually filed with the court.  Yet, some members I have talked to say they have no idea what the current case status is.

Did Counsel "forget" to file a response?  Did the Committee Chair or a "secret subcommittee" approve a response without discussing it with the entire Committee?  That doesn't sound very "transparent" or in the spirit of public disclosure that one dope babbled on about last year.

Curious Thing #1 - Superintendent Search (The Sequel)

Member of the Secret Search Committee
This week's School Committee Agenda shows another 6 PM meeting with the Consultants for the Superintendent Search.  This is at least the second off-camera meeting regarding the process the Committee intends to follow to replace the Superintendent they may have ousted last summer.

I assume it will be a public meeting -- there's nothing in OML that would exclude it from public view yet.  But, unless somebody just happens to be cruising the Town Clerk's bulletin board, or regularly checking school committee agendas -- you might miss the fact that the Committee will be gathering an hour before the cameras are scheduled to arrive to discuss the most important thing a School Committee does -- hire a new Superintendent.

While this may be a public meeting, for a group that screamed about "lack of transparency" and "back room deals" involving the last school committee it seems strange that they would go to such great lengths to keep the public from seeing what they are doing this time.

It is starting to smell just like the last Superintendent Search Committee.  Unfortunately, this time around it is unlikely that this school committee will recognize a Bag Job and throw out the "results".   (Although since the last search committee only managed to produce two out of state finalists who didn't bother to come back for a second interview, and one local candidate who had already been turned down by several other districts -- I would venture that they never actually produced ANY  results!)

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Charter Reform --- Part I

The current Town charter was approved on October 2, 2009.  Section 9.2 of the charter requires that the Selectmen appoint a Charter Review Committee of seven (7) members at least every 5 years to review the current charter and propose any potential revisions to the Selectmen for discussion and submission to Town Meeting for local approval and then on to the State legislature for final approval.        

At the risk of introducing some facts to this discussion, here's some important background information on local government structures and local charter reform (click to open):

The biggest issue is the type of local government.  There's far more of a  "romantic history" associated with the current Open Town Meeting format of government than is perceived during discussions of colder, more professional, and potentially more efficient, formats -- such as Town Council/Town Manager or City Council/Mayor.

There aren't many people who think Open Town Meeting actually represents the "will of the people".  In reality, it only represents "the will of the people --- WHO SHOW UP" !  The easy response is that it is a citizens responsibility to show up -- and if you don't vote you can't complain (Where have I heard that before?) --- But, nonetheless, if less than 300 people show up out of 15,000 voters, it is easy to stack a Town Meeting with people for or against a specific item in their own self-interest.  

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Summit Meeting

Dick can't make it .... but Hank may be available
The Board of Selectmen is meeting with the School Committee and FinCom on Thursday night to discuss the budget.  Given the BOS Chair's lack of enthusiasm for rambling rhetoric and meaningless phrases, he is probably the most capable person at the table to keep the proverbial discussion train on the track.  

Nonetheless, he may want to make inquiry down at SPD prior to the meeting to see if he could borrow some pepper spray and a taser.

Just to keep the meeting moving along (and so the meeting doesn't begin to resemble the infamously ineffective Tr-Board meetings of yore), I would propose some ground rules and stipulations: 

1)  Any use of the word "transparent" earns the speaker a jolt -- unless the speaker says specifically WHAT it is they are trying to understand -- 9 times out of 10, people say they want to see more "transparency" when what they really mean is that they have no Goddamn understanding of what they are looking at --- or what it was they wanted to see.  

Monday, December 06, 2010

Welcome to the Nut House

At least THIS Nut House has a functional
septic system and ample parking !!

I just want to be sure I have got this right.

The police and fire headquarters buildings are located in a flood plain and are slowly sinking into a marsh.  The firefighters who we depend on to save us from the most dire circumstances (including our own stupidity) are forced to sleep in a leaky, mouse-infested, building with serious ventilation issues.  The folks in East Sandwich have to wait an unimaginable amount of time for help because we have essentially created a Fire Department storage garage in their neighborhood -- shiny trucks ... but nobody to drive them or squirt the hose!

Nobody wanted to fix the leaky school roofs that drip water and mold on several hundred kids.

Nobody wanted to fix the code violations at the old bank branch which now serves as the Town Hall Annex.  Ironically -- if that building was a privately-owned commercial property (OR owned by the School Department!!) The Powers That Be probaby would have issued a citation and shut that building down by now.

But ... somebody thought it was a good idea to spend $3+ million renovating Town Hall.

Despite the fact that the renovated building has room for even fewer employees than the unrenovated building.

Despite the fact that building has no parking spaces and minimal septic system capacity.  A great place to meet -- unless you want to park your car or flush the toilet!

Despite the fact that the Town already owns 4 large schools with auditoriums, chairs, restrooms, parking, handicapped access, etc. all of which are generally available most evenings.

Despite the fact that the renovated building has far less storage than the original -- this now requires that the Town Office portfolio be expanded to include the Dewey Ave Building, part of the Wing School Basement, part of the Oakcrest Lodge, and a cabin in the woods at Oakcrest cove.  Not exactly the consolidation of space associated with cost savings efforts!!

Despite the fact that the renovated building no longer has a vault, which generally excludes a potential use by the Town Clerk's office.

If I got that right, who were the winners in this shell game?

Not the Town employees who need to wander from building to building to do their jobs.

Not the Board of Selectmen who should be embarrassed to hold their meetings in a $3 million auditorium with an audience of 5 people.

Certainly not the taxpayers.

Maybe the Recreation Department which managed to acquire at least some of the Oakcrest space for their own offices?  Yahoo!!,  more town office space!! 

Maybe the Council on Aging?  Did they acquire the old Rec Dept space?  (This may be the second expansion for the COA since the Sandwich Housing Authority donated their Community Room to the Meals on Wheels and Meal Site programs after those programs were evicted from the Human Services Building.)

Probably the only winner was the local Hysterical Preservation crowd.  They must assume they will get control of the Building once the economy begins to improve and taxpayers realize that it would be far more cost efficient to consolidate the multitude of scattered town office buildings into a single location, sell-off the excess properties, and build a real Police-Fire station -- rather than to continue (not) maintaining the current portfolio of inadequate rapidly decaying buildings.

Given our complete lack of a commercial taxbase, the fact that we will likely be losing a major taxpayer once the Power Plant goes dark, and given the fact that there is minimal liklihood of developing any sort of realistic commercial taxbase given what little suitable commercial land remains,  I find it hard to be that enthusiastic about the refinished floors and newly stenciled ceilings at Town Hall.

I can't help wondering if we'll look up at those beautiful ceilings, or down at that lovely floor, next year when we vote to eliminate the jobs of police officers, firefighters, or teachers.

Thank You!

Dear Chief Russell:

I have always been relieved to live within a stone's throw of the Forestdale Station.  Over the past decade, we have had to call for help several times and the firefighters have always showed up quickly -- usually with additional help from the Police Department and, on one very snowy night, -- with the assistance of a very fast moving DPW plow!

Last Friday was one of those days that causes every parents; heart to skip a beat -- one of the kids had a seizure, collapsed without warning, and began convulsing on the floor.  An immediate call to 911 connected us to a dispatcher, far calmer than either of us, who talked us through the situation until the police and paramedics arrived, stabilized our son (---- and his parents!), and began the long run to the hospital.

Thankfully, he's doing well now -- and enjoying a few more days home from school!

Chief, I'm embarrased I didn't get the names of the firefighters, dispatcher, or police officer that helped us last Friday morning.  But, I hope you will tell them how much we appreciate all their good work. 

Thank you again,

Bob & Wendy Simmons

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Looking for a Few Good Men ... (and women!)

Dusting off the ol' crystal ball for Christmas caused a few random "What ifs" to start bouncing around in my head.  Keep in mind, I haven't talked to any of these folks and I'm just making wild ass assumptions and guesses which may be completely off-base (not unlike the crap that appears in the local papers!)

What if Kennan and Barrette get fed up and choose not to further contemplate shellfish regulations and "Pay as you Throw", or  listen to any more complaints about the School Committee?  What if they decide to just stay home on Thursdays and watch "Dog The Bounty Hunter" and "Law and Order" re-runs.

What if Grundman decides to make the not unanticipated switch from BOS to School Committee ?

That would leave a majority of the Board of Selectmen vacant and newbies Pierce & Vitacco as the Senior Members -- at the same time the Town would be facing a potentially major deficit, major lay-offs,  and a likely Overide campaign.

What if  Susko decides to find a more enjoyable activity --- like pounding her head against the wall -- and doesn't run for reelection?

What if Cahill gets fed up and throws in the towel early to allow him more time to sit in his backyard and talk to the squirrels (not unlike a school committee executive session!)?

What if Marshall finally has an opponent -- or, just calls it quits?

That could leave 2-3 open seats on the School Committee, with Linehan and Killion as the Senior members, at the same time we would be facing a major deficit, potential overide vote, an unsettled teachers contract, a possible new superintendent, two major lawsuits, and 2 principals' contracts up for renewal.

The bottom line is that the Town needs some experienced, professional people to start thinking about stepping up and taking a turn driving the bus -- before somebody else steps up and drives the bus over the cliff.  I am sure there is a large group of former elected officials who would be very willing to help bring potential candidates up to speed on some of the issues we are currently facing and warn them about potential pitfalls on the road to local political infamy!

Ponder that with your eggnog!!

Holiday Grab Bag !!

Last night's School Committee meeting was a veritable Holiday Grab Bag of "amusing" items.  (It would, however, be far more amusing if these folks weren't in charge of my kids' educations and $30 million in tax dollars!!)

1)  Susko will definitely not be getting a fruit basket from John Paradise at the Emptyprize,  She made it clear her subscription was cancelled and she encouraged others to do the same.  She also encouraged Businesses to pull advertising.  If Paradise wakes up with a horse's head in his bed next week -- somebody will be fingerprinting Susko!

2)  Linehan responded to Susko's outrage by saying "we all need to work together".  Which certainly seems appropriate since her and her union supporters appear to have been writing the Emptyprize's editorials this year!

3)  During the long-delayed discussion of the Community School Audit -- Crossman made an attempt to claim that the Community School paid for a janitor in exchange for pool utilities.  Nice Try!  Dr. J jumped on that one saying that the janitor was in exchange for allowing the Community School to keep all the revenue from renting out taxpayer-maintained school facilities to outside groups AND because the janitor was needed to clean up after Community School users.

4)  The Supt pointed out, again, that it was illegal for public tax dollars intended to maintain a K-12 school system to be used for the benefit of any other program.  If an outside program required additional K-12 resources (ie. utilities) it must pay for them from its program revenue.  (She also pointed out that the audit confirmed what a couple of "Arrogant Bastards" had been saying that for 3 years -- despite it being a very unpopular position!)

5)   Chairman Marshall wandered into the fray with a vague discussion about past "in kind" contributions intended to pay costs.  That argument has been waived around like a dirty diaper for years --- the reality is that the true value of the "in kind" donations was nowhere near equivalent to the value of the pool utilities and other Community School costs paid by the School Department.  

6)  There was a painful discussion about the audit comment that all programs should be self-sufficient.  I lost track of the reasoning -- but it's hard to believe that anybody could justify charging the parents who pay for pre-school or drivers ed MORE money so that we could charge the folks who swim in the pool LESS money.  (The fact that many of the swimmers don't even live or pay taxes in Sandwich wasn't brought up --- but I feel obligated to do so !)

7)  The Supt suggested that the Town assess all taxpayers a $5 charge to establish a pool fund.  Overlooking the fact that I can't imagine what legal mechanism the Town could use to charge that fee -- ain't no way I'm pitching in to reduce the cost that the nice folks from Mashpee/Falmouth/Bourne/Barnstable pay to swim in the stupid pool!

8)  During Budget discussions, it was brought up that the District may need to cut 15 more positions next year unless more revenue was found.  There was a discussion about some bus fees but nothing about athletic fees, or program cuts.  the Supt made it clear she needs some guidance on this issue.  How much heat is the Committee willing to take?  How high do they want to raise fees and how big are they willing to make classes -- that's their decision.  It was also brought up that the budget assumption included the Town increasing the local contribution by 3%.  Does anybody think THAT will happen with the Town facing a deficit?  Maybe a 3% CUT?

9)  There was no discussion about the potential cost of settling the two major outstanding lawsuits against the Committee will have on next year's budget.  Could be Big Bucks.

10)  As part of the discussion on Bus fees, Kangas asked her prepared, completely irrelevent, yet obligatory, once a meeting, Big Number question -- this time about bus expense.  She apparently hasn't learned while single digit precision to two decimal points is important whilst working at the Stop & Shop deli counter -- it is acceptable to use round numbers when having a grown-up budget discussion of million dollar budget lines.

11)  A taxpayer did get up at Public Forum to talk about the Community School.  It may have been my TV screen but he appeared to leave big wet footprints as he approached the microphone.  He read some 30 year old newspaper clippings (he didn't know where from) about the Community School and said he was concerned about certain actions being referred to as "illegal".  Whatever -- the simple fact is that actions taken by the Community School have violated state laws.  They did not follow procurement regulations, they did not  obtain school committee approval for bill payments, they did not get school committee approval for leases, they did not pay all operating costs for their programs from program revenue (leaving the K-12 School District with the bill).    Unfortunately, despite his lack of research on the issue, this person is on the new Community School Advisory Committee.  

It's time to move on, Gang.  The audit has confirmed the issues that nobody was willing to admit to previously.  Let's just FIX THE PROBLEMS and move on !!

12)  Finally, the CCT published a pretty decent account of last night's meeting this morning.  But, then again, even a broken clock is correct twice a day !!