Sunday, December 19, 2010

That Explains it!!

I generally tape and fast-forward through certain parts of most School Committee meetings -- this minimizes the cringing and cursing that listening to some folks talk always causes -- particularly when the meeting begins to resemble a bunch of 6th grade girls beating on the new kid who just told the teacher on them!

As a result of my itchy thumb, I missed a comment from a member of the Brain Trust which seemed to attribute the fact that she has no concept of School Committee policy or practice to the fact that I never returned my copy of the School Department's Policy Manual.

Apparently, there is only one copy of this very public document which outline the policies which have been publicly voted on by the Committee and followed by each and every one of  the almost 500 employees of the Sandwich Public Schools?

AND ... apparently the only copy of that document has been in my basement for the past 6 months !!!!

That explains it!!!   All this time I thought certain people were unprofessional, inexperienced, uneducated, illiterate, hostile, self-centered dopes when in reality they were VICTIMS!!  I feel awful that I apparently had the ONLY COPY of the instruction manual that would have made them better people.

Well, if that's all it takes to turn this mess around, I am thrilled to do my part!! The book will be arriving shortly. I sincerely hope that they will use the new copy machines (the ones they have been discussing for 6 months!) to make multiple copies of this document so future generations won't have to suffer needlessly!

(While I have made a New Year's resolution to reduce the amount of cursing and name-calling that finds its way on to this site.  It's not the New Year yet!!)


The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would ask, how could you have missed that commonantary by our newly elected board members. Perhaps Ms. Marshall will allow you to do a little revisionary history lesson at the next School Committee meeting? I am sure she would not mind you appearing out of the blue to interupt the written adgenda for the evening. At least the truth would come out in a more defined way that the responsibilty of getting a copy of the rules they are supposed to operate under remains with the Chairperson.
It also would show some self responsibilty if they had asked for this book before they were sworn in.
[Not that it would matter]

The two new members thought they had another stinger they could throw at the super, but it sort of backfired on them.
[Not that it would matter]

Now that they made the plea to get a copy, one would expect the two new members would do there homework, before they sit and exclaim [We have nothing in writting, as to how we are suppose to do our jobs, before we engage our mouths.

{ Not that it would matter]

If it realy mattered and the two had concerns for the school district and the taxpayers of Sandwich, they would have used better common sense then they have. In my opinion, all we see is a continuing contrivance on this board.

Does it matter?
Who cares?
Where is the justice for those that will be forced to pay the bills from this dismantling of our childrens future?

Bring back the book Bobby, perhaps they can learn how to read and understand the wording it holds, I have my doubts? You may need to send another note pad along with it with an eraser, so they can make the changes they do not want to comply with according to MGL.

Does it matter, you tell me?

Scott Adams said...

So....this Committee member has been serving for months, discussing among other topics, Policy Manual revisions (it's on THEIR Agendas) and yet she does not have a policy manual and never asked for a copy? Brilliant! And, she admits this: Brilliant x 2.

This is like Jim Lehane’s remarkable defense of his tenure, which boils down to: “Everyone knew the crap we were doing and nobody said it was wrong til Bob and Bob did, cause theyre mean.” Brilliant! “And, once I knew how bad it was and how much work it would take to fix it I quit.” Brilliant x2

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would state that this past school committee meeting has opened many eyes among the taxpayers of Sandwich. Every where I go some one will ask me if I watched that meeting?

I tell them the four hour show was to good to not watch it. Absurd, Unprofessional, A Joke,
Pitiful showing of how not to conduct a meeting in public. Many others used some other stronger words, but I will let that be your judgment, as to how you saw this contrivance led by the four union led school board members last week. These four have absolutly no remorse for what they have placed before the taxpayers of Sandwich.
The absolute vindictiveness of this meeting shows once again, why it is not about the children. It never was and it will never be as long as these four immature adults continue on the chosen course of action they have encountered upon. Full speed ahead, damm the consequence.