Monday, December 27, 2010

The Song Remains the Same

Great quote from last week's Emptyprize:

"After an hour or two bickering over Community School expenses, the committee’s de facto agenda segued into an hour or two of bickering over the school district’s budgetary timetable. As the meeting’s fourth hour approached (fifth if one counts the committee’s prior hour-long meeting with its superintendent search consultant), committee member Shaun P. Cahill said he had reached a point where he was unable to recall whether something had transpired 15 minutes ago or several hours ago.

“Time flies when you’re having fun,” he said with sarcasm."

Last week's mud wrestling contest did little to enlighten the public on Community School operations -- in fact it muddied the waters even further. So, apparently that objective was achieved!

It boils down to:

 An outside independent auditor has said things were being done wrong and has asked for a response from the committee as to how things will be corrected so it can be included in the audit report. If the Committee believes the report is inaccurate or incorrect, they are being given an opportunity to include their comments in the final document.   To date, they have refused to respond to the report. 

Sounds logical.


1 comment:

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would also respond to one of the comments made by Jim L previous director of our Community School.

During his open meeting violation by the Chair to allow him to speak during a business part of the meeting, when he should have spoken at Public forum. The adgenda had been set and no where does it call for someone to come up from the audience to exclaim.

" Every one knew about the illegal process."

Jims point is very true and eye opening as well.
That was a very revealing comment that was not addressed by the chair.[I wonder why]

So let us disect the comment a little further.

This illegal process was started by the previous director, Mr. Reno. At the time Ms. Marshal [An active member on the School Committee] also served on the Excutive Council for the Community School. When all of this illegal activity took place. Now also sitting on the same Excutive Council and also working under the Community School was another present day member of our School Committee[It does not take to much on who that is if you follow all of the school committee meetings as of late.

One can say they both have a vested interest in still not recogonizing the results of the audit. They were part of the process that an independant auditor found illegal[ Per MGL]

In comes Dr. Johnson and Bob Guerin to rescue the use of educational dollars from the community school, so that it would show a profit.

How does one allow money made from the rental of school property to outside groups where all of the cash, checks, money orders was put into the Community Schools budget process? This was and still is illegal under MGL

Where does it state that the Community School excutive council have juridicational powers over the Superintendant of Schools. That is what MS Marshal did by allowing this process to be vio;lated under MGL

The cash flow shifted to where it should be and some accountabilty was put in place that no longer allows educational dollars from being
used to offset budget problems with in the community school. Well almost [They still do not pay the fees in all cases for electrical use and heat]

This became a sticky point for those that were part of the stated illegal process [by the auditors] as some one did get there fingers caught in the cookie jar.
Those that had enlisted this illegal process, lost the power they once held, to accept and respond to the audit, in my opinion, would only lead to other questions. Questions they do not want to answer.