Charlie Sheen is NOT running for the Sandwich School Committee, and neither is Bill Gates
That pretty much leaves the field wide open for two people with some sort of managerial/financial background who want to ensure our kids have at least the same opportunities that kids from other Districts have -- without forcing the Town into bankruptcy.
Just so everyone is clear on the actual job description of School Committee members -- something you would not glean by watching recent meetings! -- here's the actual law (Chapter 71: Section 37).
"The school committee in each city and town and each regional school district shall have the power to select and to terminate the superintendent, shall review and approve budgets for public education in the district, and shall establish educational goals and policies for the schools in the district consistent with the requirements of law and statewide goals and standards established by the board of education."
I count 3 duties:
- Hire/fire the Supt (they got that one down!)
- Review/approve budget (made some noises but approved the budget the Supt gave them!)
- Establish educational goals and policies (not so much!)
The Committee muddled through the first phases of the $30 million budget process by chasing crumbs but they seemed to ignore the biggest swords hanging over their heads:
What about the unsettled SEA contract? This may include not only an increase for FY '12 -- but likely also require a retroactive payment for the current fiscal year.
What if the Town cuts the local contribution to the schools even further for FY '12? This is a definite possibility since the Town still had not closed its projected deficit AND also just saw a $480,000 reduction in state aid to cover the cost of Sandwich kids who choose to attend other public school systems.
What about the Community School? Can the Committee confirm that all District costs related to Community School operations are being properly reimbursed? Does the Committee intend to respond to the Community School audit? Will it engage the auditors to review the next year -- to show that the appropriate policies and procedures have been put in place?
What about legal fees? Linnehan seemed pretty excited about asking for copies of SPED-related legal bills (which she should have been signing each week as an SC member). I would like to see a break-out of legal costs incurred for contract negotiations, grievance negotiations, as well as the specific amounts incured on both the Minkoff and Johnson lawsuits. I would also like to see what fees Town Counsel may have incurred looking over the School Counsel's shoulder.
What about legal contingencies? Assume for the sake of discussion, the Superintendent wins her lawsuit. How does the Committee plan to fund the settlement? I don't think you need to consult Punxatawney Phil, the prognosticating Groundhog, to see we may be facing a very large unfunded liability. Has there been any contingency planning (with the WHOLE committee?).
What about the increase in out of District Charter/Choice tuitions? It seems many people are voting with their feet and sending their kids to other public school systems. I don't recall the topic being discussed at a School Committee meeting -- although I have heard the Selectmen discussing it.
What about the School roofs? Assuming that there will be another attempt at a Debt Exclusion this Spring, is the Committee prepared to publically campaign for it? The Superintendent has been negotiating with the state to allow these proposals into the project pipeline and put them in line for state funding, will the Committee do anything to help? Will the Committee attempt any sort of Capital Equipment planning that would examine the condition of its building and equipment and determine projected maintenance and/or replacement needs?
What about that "Policy & Procedures" duty? Three years ago, a previous Committee voted to engage the Mass. Assoc. of School Committees and began the process of reviewing the existing District policies and procedures (that would be the Big Blue Books that certain member claimed they never had and never read!) and re-writing them to current legal standards and practices. What's going on with that? The hell wityh copy machines ! Why aren't we hearing ANY discussion about policies?
Here's another qualification for the next two school committee members: You need to see the forest --- not just the trees!
What Sandwich Politics Needs are a Few Scott Walker Types.
This week Wisconsin’s Gov. Scott Walker proposed to cut benefits for public employees in the state and to take away most of their unions’ ability to bargain. The proposal by Mr. Walker seeks to get public workers’ compensation “into line” with everyone else’s.
Among the key provisions of Mr. Walker’s plan: limiting collective bargaining for most state and local government employees to the issue of wages (instead of an array of issues, like health coverage or vacations); requiring government workers to contribute more of their pay to their pensions and health care premiums.
In Sandwich we are still cutting services and jobs to balance budgets. This is a foolish short-term fix to our deficits. The real solution to our chronic deficits is just what “Doctor” Walker has ordered in Wisconsin. I wonder if anyone on a Sandwich Board or Committee, or anyone considering an election bid, is brave enough to write that prescription?
The Truth Maker would like to add a few words to this dscussion.
It is great that the state has such a simple regulation for a school committee member.
It removes the ethical and integrity issues from the process.
One could take the stance that those reguirments are not reguired,by state regulation, except,it is, when they take the oath of office and swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
One could call that a catch 22, that some on the present school committee have failed to observe. The failure by these members , when it comes to ethics and integrity is astounding, but is that ok with those whom voted for them?
Is this what we want, from our elected leaders?
Tell the voters one thing and do the opposite, once elected?
We as a town would not be facing all this turmoil and disruption, had we the taxpayers paid more attention to what was not being spoken by these union led school committee members.
Have you seen any of the present led union members at any forum to enlist further aid to our school district? In support of what Dr Johnson has worked very hard to make it known to the whole town.
Where has the leadership from the chair provided any balance to the many problems the district now faces , because of her actions?
These members have lost the moral compass to truthfully explain there feelings in my opinion.
Next week every one will get a chance to see where the truth lies. The Barnstable Court will be conducting a public hearing on February 24 at Two in the afternoon.
This will be one process the conflicted union led members will not be able to influence.
No matter the ending of this drama , we all will lose and that is something these four did not plan on facing>
Charlie Sheen option is looking pretty good right now!
Sheen might have been able to attract some "interesting" ESP's !
And imagine what he could have done to make Health Class more interesting!
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