Saturday, April 09, 2011

"We can't take any chances with that stuff" .

Several people raised this issue in comments at the bottom of a previous post -- but I think its worth repeating here at the top of the page!

The Emptyprize ran a story about the alleged child molester who had been working at at Camp Good News for more than 20 years.  It's no surprise they ran the story since our U.S. Senator claimed he was molested by somebody else at that same camp almost 40 years ago, and the story had already appeared all over the country this week.  Given the number of satelite broadcast trucks in Forestdale this week, you would think that there was another OJ trial going on down on Route 130.

BUT... The CCT, the Boston papers, and the Boston TV stations also all reported that the alleged perpetrator had previously been investigated for pornography and, although he wasn't prosecuted, he was  terminated from his job AT THE SANDWICH COMMUNITY SCHOOL POOL.

Because, as a former Community School Administrator said, "We can't take any chances with that stuff" .

That little piece of information wasn't newsworthy?

Are you kidding me?

There was also absolutely no mention of Wednesday's School Committee meeting held later on the same day as the Camp Good News shooting where people from area towns lined up to DEMAND that the School Committee provide them access to the pool throughout the School day.  We aren't talking about sharing a library -- we're talking about the fact that ANYBODY can wander off the street, buy a pass, and get naked with the high school kids.

Would the fact that the Community School terminated a pool employee following a police investigation and that said employee was later accused of child molestation by several people make at least an interesting facet to the discussion of whether strangers should be allowed in off the street?

Is the fact that after listening to almost an hour of angry commentary, the Committee decided to do what they seem to do best ... delay their decision, at all interesting?

How about the fact that School Committee Chair, a long-time pool supporter, only has 1 more meeting before her next election?  Is this issue being deferred until after the election to avoid agitating the chlorinated voting bloc?

As usual, the Emptyprize avoided the real story.  But, as Brother Guerin pointed out, at least they managed to cover the Big News -- the fact that Nick Cage sold his house on Long Island.  And ... there's a lovely photo of Judy Koenig getting an award from the Council on Aging!


Anonymous said...

.........except the SC did. You can put Plutonium in a tube but you can't make it react.

Anonymous said...

It's funny that today's BOSTON Globe covered the Community School connection -- including interviews with a former co-worker, and quotes from the former Director and the Superintendent ---- yet the local scribes don't think its important -- particularly in light of the current pool access debate?

Who's kidding who?

Anonymous said...

The victim count reached 13 today. The story is not going away.