Wednesday, September 15, 2010

An Anonymous Contribution ...

Bob,  after viewing the School Committee meeting on Wednesday night I thought you might like to add this to your blog!

Actually, I was thinking more like ...



Anonymous said...

agreed... Now lets play Best line of the night was..." when you say cash do you mean like dollars" oh my gosh, that ship will never make it to the island no charts could save the mutiny that has begun

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker comments in regards to last nights meeting Bobby have me wondering how much of a loss over the years was actually acrued due to the running of the pool. No matter how you slice it, one could see that this was costing our school system a negative cash flow incrementally over the years. It does no good now, but it was to bad that this practice was not addressed earlier.

It was good to see that at least one committee member spoke in regards to where that pratice was a detrimate to the operation of the school district and announced that was one of the reasons the control was taken back by the school committee last year.

It was also noted about the illegal signing of documents by the previous community school so called board of excutives, this was in violation of MGL. One would like to see when that process was started and by whom? Then listing to one member asking a question in regards to todays policy of the Superintendant.
This very same member keeps asking question each meeting that are attempting to place the super in an negative light and shows once again , why the majority of this committee
do not have a grasp on the problems , nor care about how to resolve any.

Did I hear last night that a discussion had taken place between members of the selectman and school committeee in regards to an overide proposal for the schools? What happened to a transparent fiscal budget for the schools? They have not even begun the process to even understand the money problems, yet they are talking about an overide?
It would still appear that the majority of the school board members have lost the goal of educating our youngsters in Sandwich and are still fighting getting a ruling on how they plan to fire the super after this budget cycle is over.

I thought the supers explaination about the cost savings for the special needs children was a good point, however severel of those majority members still do not have a clue as to what she is even talking about, yet they continue to ask dumb and dumber questions. Especially the one who continues to use her union note pad.

How many times, does it take to get the same answers from the same question,by the same majority members, week after week , before they can turn on the light bulb?

Anonymous said...

dumb and dumber!!!!! ( and dumber and dumber)

Anonymous said...

I think it would be just wonderful if we could talk about locking and unlocking the front doors of the High School for just a few more hours. That’s sooooo important.
Did not discuss the $2.5 million dollar deficit. The what?
Did not discuss the Superintendent search. The what?
Nice to know too that after 20 years on the School Committee and years on the Community School Executive Board Sherry is now looking to learn more about how the Community School budget actually works. She’s terrific! I’m curios, is Marie her younger sister or were they just separated at birth?

Anonymous said...

It would be refreshing if the Superintendent answered questions in a clear, concise manner. Thank goodness for Shaun Cahill during last night's discussion about the number of students in the new Camp Burgess program. Sorry, but you can't blame SC members for being confused when the Superintendent rambles on saying the same thing over and over and also has the numbers wrong. From the outside, it really looked like she was trying to explain her way out something. The reality is that the program is covering costs, but does not have as many participants as she predicted. Why not just say that? It is the first year and I don't think she needs to make excuses, but it seemed like she spent most of her time doing just that.

Anonymous said...

So anon 10:21 how does the community school budget work.

Anonymous said...

Badly !!

Anonymous said...

Here's how the Community School budget "works."
Step 1. Price Community School programs with no regard to expenses. (Because Management is incompetent.)
Step 2. Incur massive deficits.(Because Management is incompetent.)
Step 3. Take money from the Districts k - 12 educational budget to prop up Community School.(Because School Committee is incompetent.)
Step 4. Repeat steps 1 - 3.

Anonymous said...

That figures those who critize have no back up to support their claims. Also in regards to the community school I believe from what I have seen the questioning was about the audit not how the budget works. But again i must be looking at a differant meeting right anon 10:21.

Anonymous said...

Anon 956 you are beyond help! The Audit was all about the budget and supervision of the Community School. The audit essentially confirmed that Anon's 755 post (above) is 100% factual. What more proof or fact do you need?

Anonymous said...

It occurs to me that those who are outraged by the cost of the pool, should be even more outraged by the fact that taxpayers subsidize the costs of the town golf course by a much larger amount annually. The course does not cover its debt and now we get the added bonus of voting to fund about $300,000 for ADA compliance as part of a debt exclusion instead of taking the money from the course's enterprise fund. Add to that the fact that taxpayers already ponied up for the ADA compliance years ago, but it was never done. This makes the pool seem like a bargain.

Bob Simmons said...

There will be a separate post and a copy of the draft audit report on this site very shortly. The audit finally confirms exactly what prior school committee members AND the Superintendent have been saying about the Community School for the past three years.

Yes it is a valuable program -- NO it does not support itself.

And from the reaction of the 2 former Community School Executive Council members who are now on the School Committee -- they obviously still have absolutely no understanding of Community School finances.