Saturday, September 25, 2010

Walt Disney has Mickey, We have George The Weasel

George The Weasel
Our NEW Official Mascot!
NotThePTA earned a penny so far today from ad revenue (click those damn ads -- I have a kid in College!).  To be a greater commercial success, I decided to follow Walt Disney's lead and adopt a mascot!

Disney had Mickey, Exxon had The Tiger (and The Exxon Valdez!), Sesame Street has Kermit, and Mercury has that (soon to be unemployed) brunette that has been trying to sell me a car for years.  And then it hit me -- the mascot should be an illustration of something we deal with on a regular basis.

Hence, the birth of George The Weasel!

I am not sure what George's new duties will be --- maybe he will have his own float in next year's Fourth of July Parade! (There's always room for one more weasel at that event!).

Details to follow....  (I need to go click some ads!)


Anonymous said...

After months of making hay of chump-change tablecloths and vacation pay, neither George the Weasel nor Miss Mary Mouthpiece of the Emptyprise have made any comment on the $200K Community School deficit. What, run out of fingers and toes?

Anonymous said...

I don't know, Bob, isn't "George" already the SEA's mascot? Perhaps, I'm wrong, it could be he's their "Superhero" -- able to distort the truth in a single sentence!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Excellent point you make anon 3:44, Where the heck is the fabrications and twisting truth articles on the Community School. Oh yeah there all long time friends remember. Protect the beast SEA UNION and COMMUNITY SCHOOL regardless of how monies are taken out of our childrens' education.

Anonymous said...

I like the new mascot. A nasty, smelly, little creature that eats rodents and garbage and prefers to hide in the dark seems like the perfect analogy for what this town has become.

This has gotten pathetic -- we're watching amateur small town politics at its best -- somebody kicks some people's asses because they weren't doing their jobs, and then the kickees retaliate with the aid of the local media sycophants -- because, after all, the kickees are always willing to "cooperate" with the press.

Even when an outsider is brought in to audit programs and finds a history of incompetence and poor business practices .... all that gets heard is the sound of geese flying south ....

Anonymous said...

Can the school district children file a group civil lawsuit against the Comm School Executive counsel members and former directors for the gross mismanagment of their educational dollars that went on for 25 years?

Our children suffered because of this fraud and mismanagement didn't they? People have sued for far less than that.

Bob Simmons said...

Noooo. You need to remember that everything the Community School has done has been sanctioned by past School Committees who approved their Budgets and allowed the Executive Counsel to continue to approve invoices and leases -- despite the fact they had no legal authority to do so.

These former School Committees chose to "delegate" their legal authority to manage the Community School -- unfortunately, they were still responsible for the operation -- whether they understood them or not!

It was 3 years ago when we began questioning the ongoing practices of the Community School, and it took until July of 2009 to disband the Executive Council and transfer the authority back to the School Committee -- the entity which has ALWAYS been responsible for the Community School.

The audit has been done. Now what?

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker agrees that aprox 3 years ago the School Committee at that time began the dialog to look at this process. It has been over 7 years ago that questions were asked on a regular basis by severel taxpayers in regards to this illegal practice at public forum. Both the School Committee and the Board of Selectman had this question raised and it was never responded to until three years ago by the alert school committee at that time.

The facts speak for themselves, but it was the fault of past school committee members led by the present Union chair person to keep having the schools budget pay for community school's negitive cash flow.

It is a shame that the independant study did not go back further in time to actually determine how much money over the years,were diverted from the district school budget to the community school budget. No wonder, a few years ago they had a half million dollar slush fund and were getting ready to put in place a new building.

Anonymous said...

george could run for school committee im may and become chair....a weasel would be an improvement!!!!

Anonymous said...

kick them out of the schools and close the pool. Next.........

Anonymous said...

anon 12:52 As we have been witnessing since May, rational unbias people were not voted onto the board.

The taxpayers turned on rational cut thru b.s. financial guys Bob Guerin and Bob Simmons and called them arrogant. People scream for change when they finally had a shot at it, 85% of the voters didn't turn out to keep those members on the board. Your non voting record does affect your childs education.

Guerin & Simmons & superintendant were not afraid to take on the SEA Union and make positive changes and fire uncertified teachers.
SEA Union bullet voted Bob Guerin off the board, Simmons said no more for me please!

It's difficult to find anyone who is financially astute, unbias tough people who have a personal life to run for these seats and abuse.

The SEA Union and C.S. will continue to run the whole show with Sherry Marshal protecting them all, why would she change her ways 20 years later.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would ask every one, how do you think the majority Union led school committee members will look after they can not fully explain the reasoning as to why they chose the path they imbarked upon?
How do they satisfy there own biased issues and continue to govern?

HERE COMES THE JUDGE,into the dialog and they will be forever stained with individual issues that have no relationship to the school district itself. What a relief that will be for the future of our Sandwich schools and the children's future as well.

It would be nice that when both sides get together to hear the lawyers speak that some one from the Union led School board members actually gets up and apologies for there previous actions. Oh well one can still dream.