Thursday, November 04, 2010

The Gloves Are off (Part II)

As expected, the CCT reported today that The Superintendent has filed a suit for breach of contract against the Town, the School Committee, and (as a nice touch!), Marshall, Linehan, Kangas & Crossman personally.

Despite the lawsuit, the Committee voted to approve a contract with the Mass. Association of School Committees (MASC) to serve as the headhunter to lure some silly bastard into joining their flea circus.  There was no discussion last night of what this contract will cost, or what the contingencies are (ie. do we pay if she stays?).  

But, what the hell it's only money!

After watching last night's meeting, one viewer commented that "it appears somebody took their Stupid Pills last night."

The Committee also decided to discuss the evaluation process they will use for the Supt -- yes, the Supt they have already fired!   Let's see if we can follow that thought process:

1)  Supt gets good evaluation last April and gets contract renewed for two years
2)  Supt gets fired in June
3)  Supt files a lawsuit
4)  Supt gets another evaluation (six months later)

What possible purpose is there in evaluating somebody who has been fired? 

Do they have that much free time?

Do they think their evaluation will in any way aid the job performance of somebody they have already fired?  

Do they think the Supt even cares what they think -- or that their completely uninformed, uneducated, opinion has any value to anyone? 

Are their egos so inflated that they think that people care what THEY think?

You can't make this stuff up.


Anonymous said...

just curious, does the Supt. contract state that there will be evaluations conducted every 6 months, or just state she will be evaluated upon termination?????

Anonymous said...

The 4 witches of Sandwich obviously think they can put the toothpaste back into the tube and no one will suspect their actions? The evaluation is actually their way of trying to justify their negligent action termination and personal vendettas the past 6 months. They just don't have a clue about how the real world of business works, now they are starting on the retaliation track which will cost us even more money in damages.

When is Bud Dunham, BOS and the town's legal counsel gonna take control of this legal situation to protect us and our schools from any more damages from this out of control board. Simply amazing the damage they are doing to our town and our children.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone explain what looneyhan and Marshall were talking about when they said their remarks were not included in the last eval? How could that possibly happen? Did we miss something?

Anonymous said...

Funny comments Bobby, but their actions have damaged the town, our children as well as Dr. Johnson's reputation.

Sherry has for twenty years stated many times, "but that's town money" She really doesn't care how much the gangs negligence costs us taxpayers.
I hope the judge decides this situation quickly so we all can move on and I hope the judge awards damages against all four to set an example for other elected out of control power hungry officials who act negligently

Anonymous said...

Fired 6 months ago with no just causes?
Now an obvious retaliatory negative evalution = retaliation charge and more damages in Dr. J's pockets.
Who are they planning to take this job? Why are they so dug in? What is their reasoning? Why are they so adamant and unwilling to compromise and settle this mess now. Attorney Emerson who Sandwich school attorney better dust off his liabilities policies as well.

Anonymous said...

I think Anons 12:46 and 11:49 are on to something. This evaluaiton will just become grist for the lawsuit. It will become "Exhibit Whatever". They are just making things easier for Dr. J's attorney. Pray for an intervention.

Steve Susko

Anonymous said...

does anyone remember that dr johnson fired her assistant ,now there is a lawsuit against the school b/c of dr j

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:57, Get your facts straight -- The last School Committee fired the Assistant Superintendent based on the recommendation of the Superintendent AND based on the recommendation of the School's Attorney.

This would be the same attorney who advised this School Committee that they could overlook the details of Open Meeting Law and ignore Dr. J's contract.

I smell yet another lawsuit ...

duh! said...

my gawd peopul are stupid!

Anonymous said...

Retaliation is even more costly in damages especially after someone has filed a suit!
Linehan and Marshall already had their chance to put their complaints in writing last fall, they publically refused to put it in writing the so why now a negative evaluation after a termination? Hmmmmm trying to CYA's now?
Where is our town attorney to protect us from more damages by these incompetant women.
Some advise to Shari, Jessica, Maria and Nancy call your private attorneys start working part time jobs too, because we taxpayers are not going to pay a penny towards any damage awards against you for your personal vendettas.
Shari it's not gonna be "the towns money" this time.

Anonymous said...

What exactly constitutes the superintendant's evaluation? Are there any goals or specific categories that the superintendant is evaluated on? Doesn't a performance evaluation have to be substantiated by measurable evidence, at least to some degree? That's how most employees are reviewed.

If that's the case, wouldn't another evaluation at this juncture benefit Dr. Johnson? How can it be a smear campaign? Facts are facts, and the school committee can't hide behind annonymous tipsters and personality clashes. If the school committee is charged with overseeing the state of Sandwich Public schools, shouldn't the accomplishmets of the superintendent be a big factor in evaluating her?

I say, bring it on!

Anonymous said...

Good for Dr. Johnson filing suit. I hope that four of them get what they deserve, which includes getting voted off/resigning from the SC.

Anonymous said...

anon 4:57, so what?

they alread said why -- state aid got cut and they had to cut 3 teachers or the Assistant --- seems like the right choice.

it seems clear the comittee is wrong on this one ... and now we are going to end up paying. I hope they each have to pay for their own lawyers.

Anonymous said...

Marshall, Crossman, Linehan and Kangas need to call their private attorneys ask them what abitrary and capricious means? What happens when you terminate someone for "no just cause" you just don't like her because she makes the union employees do their jobs and you want the C.S. to continue with siphoning ed. dollars from our children in order to keep the pool filled for their friends. Explain that you can't stand Dr. Johnson does such a great job and it's obvious you hate her personally too. Explain, that countless times you publically/on Video said you loved her programs but don't want her, and have been unable to tell the taxpayers why you feel that way?
Explain, that you terminated the Dr. J. 6 months ago without just cause, but now since we heard about the lawsuit filed, we started creating a file and negative evaluation in order to CYA but we don't realize that retaliation is against the law and employers are held personally responsible if retaliation is proven.......
Breach of Contract
Defamation of professional reputation

Anonymous said...

Regardless of how one may or may not feel about Dr. Johnson filing suit, the law suit will cost money we just don't have. What is not covered by our insurance will come out of the schools budget.

Clearly the hiring of a headhunter is coming out of the school budget.

If the lawsuit prevails after a super in hired and the headhunters are paid, will there be another lawsuit between the newly hired super and the School Committee or can that be in the contract that the new super isn't allowed to sue if he/she looses her job due to the first law suit being won?

It is truly amazing that we are in the situation. You can't make this stuff up.

And here's another great Sandwich story. I can see it now. The police have to remove the 1st Super. when the SC kicks her out at the end her time, with the new Super watching and our kids of course. The Cape Cod Times will love it. That will probably make the nightly news. It is quite original.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the SC following the advice of their attorney? I would expect that they wouldn't act (re. this situation) without his advice. Shouldn't we focus on the dangerous opinions our committee members are being fed by an attorney that is in this for the long run? Why are we not pushing for answers on this front?

Anonymous said...

Sherry adores the schools town attorney Joseph Emerson and when terminating his services came up several times over the years Sherry always said, OH NO WE HAVE HAD JOE AS OUR ATTORNEY FOR YEARS! Sherry can't deal with change in anything. He's laughin all the way to bank on her stupidness.

This is not just the risk to the town and Emerson's liability policies anymore. The women will have to hire private attorneys to defend their negligent employment actions against Dr. Johnson the past 6 months. For years now the laws are clear that employers(the board) are personally responsible for negligent and retaliatory actions regardless of what the attorney advise them, there is a burden they should know these basic management laws. Emerson didn't advise them to breach contract, defame her reputation and then retaliate. Emerson gave them a choice honor the original contract by prior board or vote not to renew. Heads buried deep in the sand will continue to rack up the damage awards, instead of compromising and settling this quickly for all involved. Randy said months ago, someone needs to eat some large crows, choice eat the crows or empty your bank accounts.

Anonymous said...

Sandwich needs to replace Emerson - Immediately. The SC is what it is.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Emerson needs to go. It sounds like he has been in the job too long. He is not makeing good decisions and clearly cares nothing at all about the resources of the town. There must be some way to protect the town from this guy!

Anonymous said...

before running for school committee all candidates should be required to take and pass IQ testing!!! MY GOD!!!

Mom of 2 said...

If the Crazy 4 end up having to get their own attorneys, is it at their own expense or at the town's? Bob, do you know the answer to this one?

Anonymous said...

At their own expense! Yeah! maybe this will stop the madness of this committee destroying our schools. Too bad they just don't resign before they rack up more damage awards with the retaliation they have obviously started on Dr. Johnson.

Where the h ll is the town lawyer,Board of Selectmen and Bud? Someone has to take control of this situation to thwart any more damages being done further damage to us taxpayers and our children.
Bobby, Why hasn't the board of selectmen called in the Sandwich town lawyer yet? Once a suit is filed doesn't the town attorney take over the situation?

Anonymous said...

I assume Town Counsel and the insurance company attorney will probably now get involved to determine if the town is covered for this -- and the likelihood of success before deciding whether to fight or attempt a settlement.

It should be an easy case -- "Your honor, is the contract valid? Oh. Thank you, we'll write a check ..."

I have no idea if the members have to pay their own attorneys.

Anonymous said...

Great question! Where is the town lawyer? This is the individual directly responsible in advising our SC.
Does the BOS have any say in this matter?

Anonymous said...

Labor laws indicate blatant arbitrary and capricious actions as well as the newly added retaliation charge will subject the agents of the employers liable for their actions against the employee. = $$$$$ out of personal bank accounts.

CuriousParent said...

Just as an update, the only lawsuit on file with the Barnstable Superior Court is MEJ vs. the Town of Sandwich, and service of that suit is still listed as "pending". Not sure if MEJ's lawyer decided not to go forward with the rest and we got some erroneous reporting but it is a little interesting how nothing new has been reported as to the status: who the lawyers are, what their answers are (answers to legal complaints must be answered within a certain time frame once service has been properly made). Anyone know any more?

Anonymous said...

They already had a meeting about the lawsuit a few weeks ago it was in the CCT. Sherry referred the papers to town attorney. Wish we were flys on the wall when the town lawyer tells them they have to hire their own lawyers because they behaved arbitrarily and capriciously and then sealed the deal with a public negative evaluation and hiring a search committee. There continued public trashing of Dr. J's professional reputation equals $$$$$
Linehans hands will be aflappin once damages start sucking out of her personal accounts.